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Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
A friend grew Dutch Passion Blueberry and it was very good with rock hard buds with a bluish tint. The smell and taste were very good. Nicely balanced high. That is the only blueberry I have tried.


ICMag Donor
The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...!

Blueberries [Black Label] (early sample)


Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
BOG was gone from forums before I got here. I just assumed with BMR he had other "blue" offerings. I still want something from BOG!!!

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Patch7 said:
HE GAVE THEM THE SEEDS dude... read what he said.

This is what I saw when I took your advice to "read what he said".
djzed said:
[Side note: the first company that I chose to work with in Europe stole over 3500 of those early produced seeds.]


Non Conformist
Hold Your Fire said:
BOG was gone from forums before I got here. I just assumed with BMR he had other "blue" offerings. I still want something from BOG!!!
This is off topic, but imo, Bog gentics were a hit and miss deal. His packs had 15 beans to them. I grew a pack and a half of bogglegum and never did find the suggested pheno that tasted like "grape gum" ( if I'm not mistaken there was blueberry in it )..... I grew 2 packs of lifesaver and found one good grapfruit flavored pheno worth keeping..... I never did find anything worth keeping in the bluemoon rocks, I only grew one pack of those..... I grew the regular Bog bubble, nothin special, it wasn't as good as THSeeds bubble gum. And that wasn't as good as real deal cut from Indiana, but closer than Bogs version..... I never did get to the LSD, but I bought it. I saved a few of those back.... I never did buy any of the sour bubble, which from what I've seen and heard was prolly his best stuff outta any of it..... So as you can see I've grown my share of Bog beans, his gentics were not stable at all. I gifted the last 5 packs ( or what was left of em ) to another member back before xmas. Had I known you had such a woody for em Hold Your Fire, santa may have sent you some. Sorry. ............ Lean Green, those are two different companies he was refering to there. There's another big Dutch seed company besides DP that did/does? offer Blueberry too, not sure if they still do. I don't wanna start any shit, so I'll let you figure it out. But DJ did give the beans to DP......... And that's the way the beans popped, today Dec 28, 2008. Reporting for IC Mag News, I'm BC, waking and baking saying have wonderful day! LOL!


ICMag Donor
I am extreemly interested in Blueberry and BubbleGum,,,,

BUT,,,,ive never had anything that tasted like Blueberrys or BubbleGum...its allways been a letdown
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Indica Jones said:
VH, my first pick of Joey's with that combination would be Blueberry X C99.........second choice would be Blueberry X Apollo 11.

Well the both of them are hanging up to dry and should be ready for a sample run in about a week. During the grow, the bb/c99 was definitely the frostier of other two but he blue apollo was putting out larger colas. They both stretched about double in flowering and very easy to grow and clone. One mother of each will likely be kept for another few runs or so.


DJ had an agreement with DP but they decided to cancel it or just stop the checks... once they had what they wanted... they no longer needed him in their greedy eyes I guess... I think their run was done with 20 odd beans but I could be wrong


with regards to BOG's BMR the Blue moon was (Micanopy Moonbeam X Vic High's blueberry)


Active member
DJ "licensed" Flo & Blueberry to DP years ago,and he essentially got ripped off by DP.
A while back,DJ sold,for Big Money,his personal Blueberry Clone to a W/C co-op,and after a disagreement,they decided to distribute it far & wide.
That's how I came by it.
It's in testing now,we'll see if it lives up to the hype.



Active member
Kopite is spot on....

Micanopy Moonbeam aka Gainesville Green was crossed to Vic High's Blueberry..... This work was done by Subcool and named Blue Moon.

Subcool gifted the beans to Bog....

Bog then crossed the Blue Moon to Bogbubble to create Blue Moon Rocks.

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Pull my finger
B.C. said:
I jus call em like I seem em, I don't give a fuck where the beans are from, if it's good, it's good, if it's not I'm gonna say so. BC

and that is how it damn well should be too. props


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
:laughing: exactly how i see it to no one here should diss dp if they havent grown there beans..
I got dp's blueberry at the moment it looks awesome it has tri lateral branches and is one of my best and vigorous growers but im yet to try the end product so ill let u know in about 2 months...


A while back,DJ sold,for Big Money,his personal Blueberry Clone to a W/C co-op,and after a disagreement,they decided to distribute it far & wide.
That's how I came by it.

What would that disagreement be? anything to do with the distributation of it I wonder?



Anyone know how big the blueberry influence is in the peak northernberry or BCSC's Bigblue?I see that most everyone that crosses a blueberry picks one of DJ shorts.Is it a thing with the northernberry where you jsut have to find the right pheno?I've got one growing now but i threw it in as an after thought and its about 3 weeks behind all the rest so it only got to veg for a couple weeks and i flipped the lights on them last night to 12-12.
One of the things that got me interested in blueberry was the recent AF blueberry varieties like bluestreak. Has anyone had experience with the high and flavor?

All your pics make my mouth water haha.


VirginHarvester said:
Didn't he create it while at Dutch Passion? Obviously if you really want Grape Kush you spend the extra money on his. But there are other Blueberries out there that are probably pretty good and half the price.


lmao, ok guy who the hell r u anyway??? lol, money aint a thang to me, if im broke im not gonna go buy the generic beans, no im gonna wait till i got the money and buy the real deal, not some f2 that some bullshit rip off company made.. ur sayin i spent too much money on my pack of grape krush?? lmao broke ass loser, i got what i paid for and much much more - u got pics of a DP blueberry that looks and taste this good?? dont think soo - my gk smells like straight up grapes, im a happy camper - now go buy ur DP rip off blueberries, lol - dont u have any morals?? didnt think soo

grape krush
