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is this OFFGAS?


ive been growing my plants for 2 weeks. they started showing yellowing at the tips and now have finnally got rust spots and are crunchy to the touch. i just gave them nutes like two days ago and may have given them nutes today as well by accident. i didnt know if this was because of the schultz liquid concentrate plant food or the fact i have a grow tent. i have two younger seedlings w/ no signs yet, there about 5 days behind. ive given these two just straight water. and no signs yet of yellowing. maybe a need to add some worm casting to the top of the soil to add some nitrogen?

these are the tips of the "single blade leaf". but it does look like the 3 sets may be starting to get effected

i hope its not toxic gas.
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Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
NO. It almost looks like something was dripped on the leaf or very slight burning. They look nice and green to me. I would not add nitrogen to your soil. You'll burn them.

But this raises the question: Are you still using the old Hydro Hut with the white Plastic interior? And if so.........Why, when so many people have lost whole crops. (Me included. Twice, before I knew what was up)

If you are.............I would get rid of it like yesterday before you do get it and its to late. Trade it in for a Jardin or the new Hydro Hut.(without the plastic interior)

Here is my off-gassing episode. It begins with an appearance of a nitrogen deficiency and some serious yellowing that cannot be fixed no matter what you do.

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before anyone even responded to this i already went and made a new set up in a closet like 6ft long by 3ft wide by 8 ft high. i know it has to be the gasses screwing up my plants. i read a whole bunch about it and it seems to be a pvc lineing thats the cause of this and this is exacly what i have. as these are the only beans i can get my hands on i figured theres no use crying over a 120 dollar tent! i want these ladies to finish so there moved. now i need to get a hold of one of those emergency blankets that are super reflective and put that in my closet which will be scrogged once they get big enough.

i would still like to hear what everyone else thinks of the leaves. i started to see a slight yellowing in my newest seedlings and they were starting to show signs so i decided to pull the tent.

im praying that this hasnt yet effected them too much.


I would agree with Pirate that the pics you posted aren't typical of signs of the toxic death. But then it would have been better to see a couple of the leafs still on the plants and a wide shot of the plant as in Pirates pics. If it keeps going like this then you would be better to get some input on other possibilities by the infirmary crew.

Personally myself I wold return a 50p pint of milk if it was sour when I bought it and I see my toxic tents as no diff.


well i found out that my tent is constructed with pvc lineing which is what gives off the toxic gas. my plants after about 2 weeks old were yellowing down at the bottom. then they were showing what looked like a mg deficency after onyl 2 weeks and only one dose of liquid plant food. then it started to the 3 sets of leaves, while all this was going on the cotlyens were still green. from my research this is the poison offgasses given off by the pvc lieing.

after only 2 days in my closet instead of the tent, the plants started showing green back in the effected leaves. also growth has been better and there reaction to light is alot better.

...also in pirates shots im guessing that those plants werent put in there as seeds or seedlings because theres no way theyd get that tall with the toxic gasses being giving off. also i was told its the bottom leaves that get effected first and then it moves its way up.
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Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
You are correct. They did not start in there. I moved those in about 3 weeks prior to this photo. I did start some seeds and moved them in at 3 weeks old and they died within 2 weeks. My girl told me it was the tent. I told her to be quite and not to be so stupid. How is a tent gonna kill my plants?

Yeah...........I stuck my whole foot in that time.

I did have another Hydro Hut before and that one was fine. I sold it on ebay.........6 months later bought another. That second one was the bad one. Now I have a Jardin.

The maker of your tent should replace it or refund. DEMAND IT.


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