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How can I find software to record music??



Does anybody know where I could find some good recording software to record and mix music? I need something that is professional but also free. I heard there is some places I can get a great copy of software free. But I never got the website.

Can someone please help me in this time of need. :badday:



no wuckin furries!
i used pro tools years ago...wasnt bad....but was taking up to much room on my pc and have never upgraded pc to try it again...one day!. HH. =]-~


How can I fInd this Pro-Tools? I heard it was good but I have no idea on where to look. I need a good reliable source. The Pirate place doesnt have a good file for protools.... :badday:


New member
Pro Tools is supplied with a lot of dedicated soundcards that are meant for recording like the M audio range
who supply it with there cards but its normally the LE version which is good enough for home recording
buying it as a stand alone software is expensive so buying a new soundcard may be the best way to get it

also protools requires a dedicated sound card with onboard DSP to work correctly
it doesn't work well if at all with SoundBlaster type sound cards
try digidesigns hompage here for more info

You may also want to look at Cakewalk Sonar software or Steinberg Cubase both are
good and will work with standard soundcards but not as good as a dedicated one
as you will most likely have latency issues, that is as you play or record the soundcard has to encode or decode
and you get a delay in hearing what you played or recorded making multi tracking very difficult