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My First adventure into "Micro" Growing..


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Greetings Fellow Growers..

This will be My First attempt at growing indoors...
Keeping My Budget under 50.00, with a thesis in mind, that "Dialing-in" will be My "first grow",Adjusting Lighting and such, ferts, size of containers etc., then a attempt at growing 2 oz's to a QP in a small space..

I have to give full Discloser here...
I'm a old dis-abled guy, with health that isn't to good, thus; I'm a Medicinal User.
I'm also really poor.. (I'm on SSA, and after bills can't afford Squat)..

I also have as part of My Full Discloser, I made several appeals for beans in the past few months..
Thankfully, 2 people donated to My cause at trying to grow My own during winter, inside my Abode, here in the "Ghetto"...One other, I've known for awhile and We traded out some PC parts that He needed and Made a great trade with Me..
They all Three sent Me Lowryder seeds to get Me started..

Credits on the Beans go to..
Chubby Nugs

This will be a Long winded post, so please bear with me..
I had a "Ghetto Plant" growing on My back deck for Quite some time, budding nicely, until some punk-azz relative(s), decided to rip Me off..
Stripping My poor Girl that was doing great...
(I just got word that fucker is now in jail for CC theft)...

That was Her... A couple Weeks after that Pic was taken, She was "fattening up", getting crystally, and smelling really good.. Surprise; one Morning I go out to water Her and find Her "de-nuded"....
:nono: :fsu: :badday:

Now, Back to the Topic at hand...
The "Cab" has INSIDE dimensions of 12" X 12" (1' X 1')...
It is 36" tall, (3foot)....
So we have
12 inches are chopped off with a shelf so the TOTAL grow area is..
2 Cubic feet right? (correct my math if I'm wrong..) :bashhead:
So We are going to attemp 2 oz's or better with 2 cubic feet...
Pic of the Cab, Mind you, this is a WORK in Progress so light leaks are not a problem..
I've also got Computer fans and Power Cords for them ready to Rig up.
Here's a Pic..

At this point I'm going with CFL's..
I've got the 23 watt ones ATM, as I'm unable to find the 42's, wait, except for Office Depot, and they want 15.00 for one..
Everything, I've got invested thus far is 6.00, in CFL lighting..
Cords/Sockets/Potting Soil, Yes; the CAB also were free..
Opening up the "CAB" we get a look at whats currently inside...

These are Mexci Brick seeds that were thrown out into the garden last month... I took a few, to try to get a "feel" at what CFL lighting can do, plus checking temps, and other enviromental factors that are part of My computer room...
These were transplanted 2 days ago///

So if someone could do the quick Math and check what Whatts/Lumins/etc are for 3 23 CFL's and a 2 X 2 cubic foot grow area would be nice, (I never was good @ Math).. :bashhead:

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Active member
Going Onwards..

Going Onwards..

These are some of those Mexi~bricks growing outside...

They are getting purple colors in them because of the recent Chill, I can Only thing of what My Deck Plant would'of looked like By now...
I STILL get PIZZED! :rant:

These are about anywhere from 3 to 6 inches tall...

Lovin that Fall Sun...


Active member
Now for seed talk..

Now for seed talk..

Yes I've said I got Lowryder genes, ready to germ...
I tried to germ 5 so far...
3 from bottletoke
2 from Mdanzig....
out of the 3 I tried to Germ from bottletoke, (I didn't try them all yet guy), 1 came up, turned out to Be a Male.....
I kinda like it and will get pollen for future use from Him....

the other two from Mdanzig..
They were the Lowryder X Diesel Ryders, one came up, I had it in a pot, and it doesn't like it, so I transplanted it with the Mexci's and it is "snapping out of it", growing great now... Sex unknown at this point..

All these plants are "test Subjects" at this point in time, as I wish to add another Light or 2, and get things "Dialed in"...



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Soil stuff
This is the Soil and Ferts that'll I'll be using...



Any Ideas comments are Welcome...



This thread is awesome man.

Welcome to the micro hobby. Sorry to hear about your adventures with your deck grow. That plant looked amazing. Hard to trust people these days I guess.

From the looks of your previous and outdoor attempts, it seems like you know what you're doing. You should get yourself a cheap little digital thermometer to make sure it's not too hot in that little box. Especially if you want to go with the 42W CFLs.

Good luck in your travels mate!

-Q :rasta:


Active member
Seed Talk

Seed Talk

Thanks for the Kind words...
As I said, I'm a old guy..
I've grown or tried to outside/inside, however...
This is a First attempt @ a Microgrow...

After I get "dialed~in" on these test subjects... It may take till X~mas with these, I'm hoping for the Harvest Date... So thats 2 months...
This is going to be the strains started..After these..(Maybe sooner)..

DiesalRyder X MasterLow

MasterLow IX-1

MasterLow #1

Another Assorted AF beans..


I got "45W CFL reading bulbs" by Lights of America that are actually 42W from Walmart for $0.97. I've been back several times since buying them and they are still on the shelves. Hopefully the store in your area has them for that price as well. They have 26W 5100k's for $0.92 also.


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Things are coming along...

Things are coming along...

My "Test Subjects" are doin very well today, after all, I forgot too mention the "Rabid" trasplanting they went through... I also need to discuss the "orgins" of these plants where-abouts.... "Who the F*** knows"???
However, Here they are this evening...

Perking up right nicely, in fact the one one the Lower right has decided to "take-off" and start growing really quick.. You can tell by the height compared to the others. Looks like future LST is in order Shortly..

My oldest Daughter, gave Me a gift today, coming close to the X-mas season She asked about lighting the house/Apartment...(I'm kinda into X-mas Lighting), I let Her know I needed 2 Light timers, just Joking around with Her...

Low and Behold, She comes over today, bringing Me 2 Light timers.. :jump: (I only needed one for X-mas lights)....

But, the thing is, I didn't have a CAB Timer,I've been getting up turning the lights on/off, 7 AM till 7 PM...Manually...
12/12 Folks.....
Now, I gots Me a TIMER!!!! :jump:
Here's what She bought... A Dern good'n too! (Intermatic Heavy Duty rated 1000 watts/ 15 AMPS), She got it Discounted from Where She works, (20 % off)... Cost's 7.99 each...

A work in Progress...
I've went out for awhile today, coming back home, I noticed the slight smell, ever so slight, of Plants growing.....
Anyways those plants that I got from outside are from about a Dozen that came up...
They were from 2 Different Bags of BRICK Mexci weed..
One bag was just absolutly gaggin/Chokin, bad, brown compressed stuff with black crushed seeds...(But it got ya high as Hell, good for the Munchies), These are the majority of the plants I got to come up were from this sack...
These are 2 from that Bag of weed....

This is the Shorter of the 2.....


#2 This is Long Tall Sally, from that Sack of Gaggin Maggot smoke......
#3 is unremarkable at this time so is not up for Discussion yet...(from the same sack though)....

Up next... This Lil guy/Girl? Origins are from a 1/4th I got a few months ago...
I paid 40.00 for the Quarter.. :spank:
Yes, it is from some Compressed Mexci Brick weed also... BUT>>>>>>>>>>>
This Quarter had plenty of those Immature white seeds, and very few good ones..
The Color of the Smoke itself, was a darkish green,Brown Hairs, with a strong hint of Pepper.... A VERY Strong dense smoke, couchlock stuff, great for aches and pain... Yet it was STILL Mexci brick weed.. I was pleasently surprised...
You could even see a tricomb or 2,<sp> glistening in the light...
Out of about 5 seeds this is the only one that came up.....
Strain,,,, UNKNOWN, except it's from South of The Border...

Here ya go presenting......

A fat leaved, I hope,Little girl...
Notice the Difference from the other 3...

keeping a eye of temps inside My CAB, it stays right around 75 degrees.....
I'll post more in a day or 2, time to get Fans/Filters set up....
Thanks for stoppin in, joining Me on My First Adventure...
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Hey man! Nice update!

Things are looking pretty good so far.

It looks like that soil mix you're using could use a little bit of perlite to lighten it up a bit. Also, I could be wrong but the girls in the last two pics are looking a bit hungry to me.

Anyway, temps sound good. Great gift by the way!

Can't wait to see what happens!

-Q :rasta:


Active member
Update 11/14

Update 11/14

I have 2 "confirmed" Ladies in My "Micro-Box"....
They would Be the ones on the Right in this Picture....
Now for those of you just coming in, these plants are/have been under 12/12 from SEED..
It takes Approximately 3 WEEKS for Mexci-Sativas to show sex... No way around it, as my OUTSIDE Subjects now have sexed also...
Heres a Pic of our Box today....

As you can see they are doing NICELY....

I've got, well a "slight" Problem I really need to Solve by Monday...
The Subjects outside Have sexed as I commented...
most are FEMALES....
The tallest is around 8 inches or so, they are really diggin that fall sun..
Most are around 4 inches...
Here are the Pics....

Now here is a very unusual subject...
a TRIfolate? It is just growing like a Mutant is all I can say...

Here is the LowRyder.....

Now My Problem is this...
There are +/- something like 10 plants that are female..... Confirmed..
Weather right now is our Indian Summer is coming to a ABRUPT end on Monday... Steady rain over the past 3 days...
Temps are forcasted to be in the Low-Mid 20's for several nights, days in the Mid-50's

I DO NOT want to loose these girls!
I do not have room inside... I mean, I do and don't...
I've in the mid-process of building another Larger box that will have a 70 watt Sodium, I'll have the Light next week... (Saw'em at Lowes for 35.00, what a deal!)...
Do I dig'em up, put them in the plastic cups or what? (I think I know the answer, but want to know, what the hell would YOU do?)
Plus they are getting NOTICABLE.. :bashhead:
Update soon next week...


Active member
bring em inside in solo cups, prune em and stick em in the other box for the time being... thats what i would do. nice looking grow so far. like that other guy said you need to feed em something or they will start showing deficiencies.


Active member
Were going to have a good update, coming this weekend...
Poll for the Crowd....
Do I go get the HPS 70 watt? move grow into a slightly bigger box? I can pick up one from Lowes for 35.00.. A HPS that is...
This is due to the Additional females taken from the Garden before the freeze..
Almost the Same size Box will be used, just more Square Space,(side to side by a few inches), to fit these additional females inside..
Would I still be cheating? On My original Thesis?

OR,, Do I save a few dollars, and accompany the 23 watt CFL's with 2 MORE 42 Watt CFL's? Instead of getting the 70 HPS?
Hmmm choices, choices....

Stihgnobevoli : bring em inside in solo cups, prune em and stick em in the other box for the time being... thats what i would do.
It's been done they are in 12 Oz Party Cups...
They are doing "OK" after the "rabid" transplanting...

Holla back people!
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Active member
depends on the heat situation. hps while not significantly hotter than a couple of cfls is more intense so the heat tends to be more than just around the bulbs like with cfl. if you have good airflow you can go the hps route. if you dont you can go the cfl route. you just need to keep the plants closer to the light than with an hps. but regardless you still need to keep the plants pretty close with low wattage hps. at greater then 1foot you lose like 50% of the light for every additional 6 inches or so distance. i dont have the lumens chart here ill try and find it for you. but you need to have your cooling in order. i let my plants get within like 3 inches of my 70w any closer and the plants burn regardless of how much cool air is blowing. the light is just too intense.


Active member


Were Having Issues with My Little box, well not really..
I didn't get the 70 watt HPS though I did manage to get 3 more CFL bulbs..
This time I got the 42 watters.. 2 more 2700 Lumins
And one 28 Watt "blue" Light one.. I guess I'll fill the color spectrum out some..

My lil Mexi girls are "clinging" to life, the ones I've got saved thus far..
Pictures of the girls are coming soon..

OK, so I've said I got "Issues" with My little box..
Well yes, I do..
I need to get bigger! :joint:
Honestly Folks, I've grown with HPS/MH, lighting, though not CFL's..
I'm really TRYING to get the hang of these Lights...
So I've got a Old type Stereo Cabnet...
I've been busy..
Here's the back of the Cab, I've screwed on Ply-Board...

Cut Me a hole, and installed a piece of venting stuff, I picked up as trash on a Housing construction site... On the "inside" that fits through into the cab,; I've got these "tubes" that can be filled with Activated Carbon for Oder Control that fit directly onto the inside piece... I'll post these in a Later Post...

Here, as you can see, I've installed a PC Fan inside the housing..
I used a very HOT Knife, cutting the edges of the PC fan, fitting it inside the "tube"; then used Clear Silicone caulk around it sealing it, and has a Filter screen on the outside...

Cover Installed...

Here We'll flip the Cab, where We can see the inside, where the Fan will suck out Odors and HEAT..... It's has a space above this for My timers, etc..
This all will be covered up with Shiny stuff, (AL Foil).

Pic's soon to follow as We get along here...
The CAB has the dimensions of...
17 1/2" X 17 1/2 X 2 foot 3 inches tall...
Well Have after it's Wired..
3 X 23 Watt CFL'S
3 X 42 Watt CFL's

AND...Somewhat better than 2 cubic feet...
So Remember those 4 plants? 2 turned Male on Me and got the chop...
So we are left with 2 Female's that are now 4 weeks Old...
Here's one...
I got'em outside in the SunShine today...

Another Shot..

Here's the Other Girl, the One that I called "Long Tall Sally"...
As you can see, I've got Her tied to the Side, with a paper clip...

Really DO NOT let these Pics fool you these Plants are a little Large!...

I think they been alittle close to the CFL's...
More VEG Type growth than budding on a 12/12 time...
This is whats throwing Me off!
I'll get more updates soon..


Looks like fun brother. You should have enough light now for sure. Good work on your exhaust, looks clean - and... props for scrounging that piece, I do that anytime I can. It's amazing what you can get for free. Well, stay up and stay safe. Good luck.



Active member
Oh My, Oh My.....
Pic's too come SOON!
Someone messed with My Digi Camera settings, Now, it wants too only take a Panorama views..... GRRRRRR.....
Will be fixed shortly to post up pics..
Lots of interesting things have happened since I've Last Posted...

Today, I've purchased a 70 watt HPS! Goona kick up the Powwwwaaa...
Got some Odds and Ends to Finish the *NEW* grow-box, Moving from the 2' X 2' "cube"..
These Lil, One of these Mexi's are Streeeeeeching... It's tough to keep them down below, the "ZONE" of reaching the CFL's and getting "SunBurn"....
Long Tall Sally in Particular...
I'm NOW Noticing Heat Issues with adding the 3 42 watt CFL's in such a small box even with plenty of ventilation.... Mid-80' ish....
I'm "almost" getting a "bud on a stick" from 2 others, I hope to pull this off...
Pics coming SOON....
Peace & Light....


Active member
Long awaited update

Long awaited update

Coming up trough the Holidays, I've found myself busy doing "other" things.

I'm almost finished My bigger box...
the 2' X 2" is getting crowded to say the least..

Here's pictures of the girls outside the box today, as I'm finishing the Wiring for them too be moved today..

First up is the Lil Lowryder X sour Diesel girl...
very STINKY!.. Frosty also!
Pollenated, it has 3 or 4 seeds ripening up... It's almost done..

A Lil Mexci Satvia Girl, it's coming along good also, starting to frost up..

Heres one of the Plants that were started outside, brought inside.
This one and the One above came from the very Decent Smoke I talked about Earlier in this thread...It's about 12 inches tall..

Heres Long Tall Sally...
This Girl cannot seem to get it's act together, being under 12/12 it's STILL on the veg mode, Flowering, I hope to change this with the Additional HPS I'm adding and a hour cut in Light hours, 11/13....

Heres 2 Ladies from that dirt-tastin-brown choke crap herb, as you can see these plants are LANKY, and generally look like crap, though they are smelling alot like Lemon-Pepper, very thin leaves... Maybe something good will come from them...

OK last Pic....
All the Girls lined up, as you can see, all these "STUFFED" into a 2' X 2' box, it IS crowded!

I'll post another update soon!
Peace & light!

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