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ICMag Donor
Do you sleep with a TV or Radio on?

I have had some real bad dreams the last year. The worst are the ones where I am having conversations with people I knew that are dead. I wake up with my heart pounding and covered in sweat. I even had one a year ago where a dead person was telling me to get my things in order. and I only had a few days to live, lol. That one had me thinking for a while.....


Active member
i dont take melatonin all that much....a cpl times a week and really small amt.

i dont sleep w/ tv or radio on

i remember my dreams vividly even when i smoke lots of weed

i dont watch horror movies...tho ive seen a few....i dont watch any movies really

like i said the messed up dreams dont usually bother me, but some of them ive had lately are pretty disturbing

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
im heavy believer in reincarnation, and have had vivid dreams recalling previous lives lived and so a while back i watched a thing about hypnosis and memory recollection from previous lifes. and one person was a world war two pilot. and he was saying that he was afraid who to shoot because he couldnt tell who was his allies and which were the enemies and was shot down which is how he died. another was a brother and sister who did not get along. and through hypnosis the brother recalled watching his sister get raped and murdered in and couldnt stop it. sometimes alot of the things we have fear of or have trouble dealing with,, are implanted in our sub concious and it is so deep,, and it affects us without us truly realizing it. maybe your an indian war chief that watched his whole tribe get slaughtered,,, who knows?? nightmares can be wicked,,,however mine are usually filled with people i hate and me killing them,,,and running from and killing police so i cant say that i dont ENTIRELY not like them...but its nice to wake up,,, and not find blood on your hands &&& helicopters overhead
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Registered Cannabis User
hey man! I got some messed up dreams too. but I'm like you, the only reason I like them though is the relief I feel when I wake up and know that it wasnt real. though I had a dream the other day that I got shot in the head. that scared the shit out of me. but then I woke up and was like whew. I'm not dead. nothing out of the ordinary, just random thoughts you cant control rollin through your head while sleepin. dont stress bro.

and dont ever eat ambien. that stuffs bad


yeah, I had a couple a bad dreams lately..way way too close and too vivid right now though..

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
ToKEN said:
hey man! I got some messed up dreams too. but I'm like you, the only reason I like them though is the relief I feel when I wake up and know that it wasnt real. though I had a dream the other day that I got shot in the head. that scared the shit out of me. but then I woke up and was like whew. I'm not dead. nothing out of the ordinary, just random thoughts you cant control rollin through your head while sleepin. dont stress bro.

and dont ever eat ambien. that stuffs bad

no doubt brotha,,, one time me and the boys was out drinking heavy,,, and i passed out,,, and alcohol always gets my dreams real vivid for some reason, and i had dream that at the bar we was it we got in fight and someone start firing,,, and we all take off runnging,, and i went home and passed out... then i woke up and was tripping,,, liek did my homie just get shot?? i was calling his phone all morning and it kept going straight to message,,, i was flipping out calling his mom and shit ,, drove to his house and he wasnt there... ended up he was just at some gurls house he met that night... but mann ,,, dreams can be fuckkd up huh???


Registered Cannabis User
yeah man, real fucked up. I had some dreams a couple of days in the row about cheating on my girlfriend which I'd never ever do. I love her too much, I just didnt understand why I dreamt it. the one lead to me getting shot in the head by this one girls boyfriend who caught us. crazy stuff dude


Active member
NOKUY said:
then i had some recently that disturbed me pretty bad.

You REMEMBER your dreams?

Don't know why but I had nightmares my whole life growing up. Real soaking the sheets with sweat and twist the blankets up nightmares. Come awake screaming type stuff.

By the time I was a teenager I couldn't remember but bits and pieces of my dreams anymore. To this day I only remember pieces here and there.

If I was to hazard a guess I'd say I pretty much built up blocks against remembering them.

My best nights now are when I don't wake up at 2am because my back hurts. :) The pieces I remember these days are good so I'm happy.

Good smoke is therapy for me in sooooo many ways.


The Bling

OK so here we go
since I was 5 years old I have had dreams of a "end of the world scenario" every single night every one now sometimes there are coinciding themes but every morning I wake up in pain from having lost friends and loved ones all night like edge of tears pain every fucking morning so I stopped sleeping for great lengths of time forced my self into insomnia I would force myself to read for days on end so I didn't have to dream. As a result of not sleeping I lost my appetite lost alot of weight and became really tripped out I was "seeing shit" I knew it was coming out of my head though. All crazy making well now I have insomnia so I take melatonin with B6 to sleep needless to say I still have retarded dreams. But getting where I was going. the melatonin I get is vegan so the primary ingredient is acacia. The acacia tree was known to the Egyptians as the Tree of Life the tree from which the "gods" Osiris and Isis emerged a common misconception is that Osiris is the god of the land of the dead this is a mistranslation Osiris is the (god of the)<--this could be omitted, unconscious mind. and Isis the feminine and subconscious mind. Well the acacia tree can contain alkaloids including but not limited to DMT, mescaline and nicotine. Its all very interesting. this is what freemasonry is all about you know the Egyptian mystery schools its all very interesting many ancient cultures had very deep insight of the self. as far as I can determine what persistent negative dreams mean to most cultures is that you are a trickster spirit who has a special way of being that causes the profound growth of those around you. Maybe lay off the melatonin or get down on it I eat them all the time.


I hardly ever have nightmares or messed up dreams, but I do get reoccurring dreams. For instance, I've had this dream since the age of 10 where my mother and I are both on the front steps of a cabin in the forest, but in front of us, next to some bushes, is a black panther staring directly at us. I spoke with a local Indian from Sedona a week back about this and he referred to the Black Panther as my totem, like as representation of a powerful energy that guides me. That same night I was taken to their Medicine Wheel and that ceremony was very fascinating and surreal. I feel tempted to make my own Medicine Wheel in my backyard now. Anyway, 4 days later the Black Panther showed up but this time in a different setting. The strange thing is, I never feel that I'm in danger when the Panther is around. It's like the Panther never has any intention of coming closer. We are separated to the point where we both feel safe, yet I always feel great emotion when staring into the eyes of the Panther, almost like the Panther has a grip on me. I don't know. Dreams are sometimes difficult to put into words but that's the dream that reoccurs the most.

Also, I once dreamt that I was a tree, firmly rooted in the ground, unable to interact with anything. I could only observe and let happen. That was one of my most memorable dreams.


You will not be forgotten
Yukon i completely hear you on this subject... normally i wouldnt throw in my .2 on most subjects in the den but this one i couldnt help myself..

i used to not sleep much due to fucked up dreams, all too real and vivid usually involving situations surrounding real life..

i know what you mean about waking up and thinking some shit went down.. iv had dreams about the night before thinking something happened... hell just the other night i woke up and totally thought this chick that i was laying next to told me she was pregnant.. and that morning i was discussing with her how dreams about people in your life can actually fuck with you in reference to how you feel and perceive them in real life.

iv had some dreams such as you are mentioning that are just disturbing and i would never think or come up with while conscious , its just shit thats lurking in the subconscious and sometimes i still hate to think i could even dream some of that shit!

and as far as the melatonin i dont think thats much of a contributing factor at all... iv taken that off and on over the years and havnt noticed a difference one way or the other.

anyways dreams and the unconscious mind are an interesting subject but ill quit my ramblings for now and hear some other opinions, anyways hope you have a great holiday and take care :wave: :joint: