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Why are my seedlings dying?


Active member
Last year I had a good grow, I'm still smoking it...

This year, every seedling I grow looks like shit and most die. I don't have any pictures but they all look the same. They do good until the first leaves come out. They get about an inch long and then they curl under and get skinny when looked at from above. Then the tips start to die and eventually the whole leaf gets dead spots and turns brown. The other leaves that come out do the same and the plants that actually live...if that's what you call a two month old plant that's barely 4" high with no lower leaves or any branches. Most just slowly turn brown and die.

I though it was too much water so I've cut back and now I fear I'm underwatering.

I've started the seeds...95% germ rate...in everything from mushroom compost to miracle grow starting peat moss. Fed nothing but rain water.

My plants are all yellow and brown and dying! Help me!

They look great until a week or so after they pop. Then they just fall apart.
You have a serious problem but with little info it is difficult to say what it is. Try using water other than rain water for a start, perhaps your water is too acidic since it seems to be the only constant in your grow. You say you have used different growing mediums with the same shitty results so I would change to tap water (as long as you let it sit a day to let the chlorine escape). I am no expert but I have started many seeds and hundreds of clones in all sorts of soils and used well water (Ph 6.3) with good results. If possible check the Ph of your water asap. Good luck on figuring out this problem.


New member
I use the water from an older, well established fish tank. The ph is stable and just right for plants. I think the fish waste is a bonus too.

A water test kit can be purchased at any pet store that sells fish. It will test everything from ph to nitrite (or nitrate ?) levels.


Active member
Are your potting containers draining properly? Do they feel heavy?
Are you blending perlite into your soil mix for aeration and drainage?

I bet it's a combination of a heavy soil mix and bad drainage..


Active member

Yea, I've thought about that and I'm waiting on a ph test kit. I know...it's a SERIOUS problem...and I want it fixed...this sucks...I REALLY don't want to run out of weed before I get some plants well on their way... Thanks for suggesting the water...really the only common denominator. I'll dump out the big jug of it I have saved and use tap water for now on. Man, that would be confusing if it turns out to be the water...


Damn good idea there...I have no fish though...


I have 3gal pots full of mushroom compost mixed with a generous few handfulls of perlite. I also added about 1/2 teaspoon of gardening lime to most of the pots too. Some I didn't add the lime to until the plants started looking shitty so I top dressed w/lime. Those growing in the peat, never had any lime.

I first though it was drowning roots, that I was watering too much. The plants had that "claw" look and were yellow. So I cut back on the water and now they curl under, turn yellow, dead tips, dead spots, and then die.

It's GOT to be the water...the ONLY common denominator. I just couldn't imagine that rainwater would be toxic. I have a new batch starting out under CF right now curling under but otherwise looking OK. They've been in the house getting tap water. I'll give them more water but keep it tap water and see what happens. I'll let you know.

Any other ideas? I'm like REALLY scared that I've lost my green thumb and gotten a brown one. My last grow was fantastic...and I used rainwater too... What could have changed?


You could try adding more perlite, some recommend a 50/50 blend when using soil. Isn´t mushroom compost pretty strong stuff nute wise? Peat moss is always acidic but you have to be careful adding lime as that is also strong. Try blending your soil in advance and let it sit for a month so that it has time to stabilize.

I´m a nube myself so "my" advice is mostly stuff I´ve read about.


what size of pots are your seedlings in?, if it was me i'd throw out whatever compost/medium your using, and replace it with some multi purpose from the garden centre (pretty much any brand), don't add anything else to the compost (no lime etc),
use tap water (check the PH of the tap water if needed),
start seedlings off in small pots ~(3 inch at most) or dixie/beer cups,
water lightly when they're seedlings, as soon as you see the water starting to emerge from the holes at the bottom - stop,



Active member
If you don't have a ph test kit I'd recommend watering with distilled water until you can pick one up. I have well water where I'm at, and the ph is way too high to use it off the tap.

You can pick up General Hydroponics ph test kit for about seven bucks..


Snap some pictures, test the PH, and start with straight store bought soil and about 30% perlite. That would be my advice...