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Male got into my flower room


New member
Well I fucked up. A bagseed plant showed hairs a week into flowering so I assumed female and didn't think about it again. Well it was by two girls in my flower room that are on about week 6 of flower and looking DELICIOUS.

Well in my morning rounds I saw the dreaded powder on the plant in question. Now the buds of the two plants by it look like they have balls in them....sort of like seed sacks maybe?

Best pic I could get to show it:

So....How screwed am I? I only see the balls in the buds of the two plants that were right next to it so far.


best way to tell if you got pollinated buds is the hairs go red in less than a week sometimes less than 24 hours after pollination.

Did you have white hairs and then they turned red quickly?

It sounds like you had a hermi not a male if it ever showed hairs.


Really looking closely those opening calyxes look like they have a seed growing in them, Be careful pulling the male/hermi out of there or you will pollinate more


New member
mexilandrace said:
best way to tell if you got pollinated buds is the hairs go red in less than a week sometimes less than 24 hours after pollination.

Did you have white hairs and then they turned red quickly?

It sounds like you had a hermi not a male if it ever showed hairs.
That's what I'm thinking on the hermie. Just glad that it was on one side of the room and not in the middle....because I have some that are within a week of harvest. The hairs were browning but they now look really brown.

So is it even worth keeping the seeding plants in there or should I pull them too?


of course keep them, it's just some seeds, I consider seeds a bonus most of the time, provided I didn't seed the whole friggin plant.


Get two birds stoned at once
If the plant that did the deed and pollinated the ladies was actually a female turned male you might get 100% female seed. Try that stuff, who knows it could be good to start on a rainy day.

You can still smoke the bud just pull out the seeds first. You may not get as much or as potent bud because some amount energy will go towards seed growth but all is not lost.
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Deft said:
If the plant that did the deed and pollinated the ladies was actually a female turned male you might get 100% female seed. Try that stuff, who knows it could be good to start on a rainy day.

You can still smoke the bud just pull out the seeds first. You may not get as much or as potent bud because some amount energy will go towards seed growth but all is not lost.
Good to know guys, thanks. Never happened to me so I didn't have a clue as to what to do.


If you had no males in your garden and your female near the end of he flowering cycle and she gave up waiting for the male who will never came, because you murder him she will in a attempt to flower herself before she dies all those seeds will be feminized. I grew a PPP just for that and she gave me around 30 feminized seeds not much, next grow I planted 13 seeds from her and they were all 100% females.

That's why when you find a few rare seeds in some potent smoke they will almost always be feminized so never throw those away.
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New member
the irish one said:
Keep them they will be fine you may get seeded bud but wth only a week to go i doubt it will make a huge difference.
A couple of years back i pollinated one of my herer females at 5 weeks harvested at 10/11 weeks and was well baked after smoking the buds after the seeds were removed.

Kind of sounds like you thougt the bagseed was a female going by the hairs but it then threw out some pollen sacks that opened.
How many weeks is the bagseed into flowering?
3 weeks 3 days. Can't wait to start the Dissection.

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