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Final Grow Designs - Any last words?



Hey all just me again,
This is my final plans for my 250w hps cylinder scrog before i start chopping into my box. Any last input is welcome. Also do i have enough space between cooltube and screen 5.5"? screen is 17"Dx22"L. Will be ordering a 6"inline extracting fan + fan speed controller. Any questions just ask. Any advice just tell . Box is 24"Hx18"Wx31"L. Oh yeah and there will be 4 seperate pots+growin screens which allows me to have a perpetual harvest system. Each screen will be about 17"Dx5.5". But my main question is still do i have enough room between the screen and the cooltube?!!!



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
5.5 inches is cutting it a bit close but, with adequate venting should be fine. by the way, I see intake holes but, where's the exhaust?

Also, know that the inlines are LOUD! I've got a 4 inch Elicent and thought I was at Cape Canaveral under the rocket at liftoff.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I got an Elicent because it's the quietest of this type of fan (though I didn't get the Techno Polymer casing which is quiter still) How Loud? Jaw dropping loud. Helen Keller would go deaf listening to these things. I built a muffler, isolated the fan in a cooler and added a speed controler and it's STILL too loud.

However, it's now quiet enough that I don't hear it inside the house. I can open the garage door without fear but, I don't dare let anyone in the garage because their first question would be, "What the @#$%* is that NOISE?"

If you can punch a hole in the ceiling and put the fan in the attic, that might work. If it's in the grow area you better lock the door or set up a LOT of noisy aquariums to mask the noise.


Hehe i get the point freezerboy. i might just go fluros for now untill i can set it up properly. I cant believe how loud your saying it is lol :(. With all that noise i may aswell go with a bigger setup which i cant do :(.

At the moment i may just leave this project dormant for awhile untill i get enough feedback to be confident its gonna work.

Which means gonna setup fluro box instead :).



the Revenant
My 6" inline duct fan isnt very loud, get a 250cfm and 5.5" from canopy should be good as long as your cooltube works properly. A perpetual harvest with just a flower chamber? I think not, you have to have a vegging chamber for a constant harvest. There are alot of great designs on icmag, nokuy has a great cab thread tutorial. Good Luck.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I freely admit to a bit of hyperbole but, the point remains this thing destroyed any sense of stealth. Previously my freezer hummed and whrred ever so slightly. You could hear it but, coming from the back of a beat up freezer, it was so appropriate a sound it became virtually silent. To the point I sat right next to it answering detectives questions about the dead body inside the house without worry.

It's not that the now very muffled sound is THAT loud, it just obviously doesn't belong to anything in the garage except this big old fan contraption hiding under a pile of blankets and padding. If it came from a steamy bathroom or from over a bubbling stovetop, that would be different. It demands an explanation. If you don't have something visible to take the "rap" lock the door.


I love the cylinder scrog idea. Was thinkin of doin it myself before I built the tub. Are you still putting the design on the backburner?


geez its been awhile since i been in here! mm yeah not gonna make this happen anytime soon. But i will be making a 250w hps setup in a cabnet. either 31"tall x 18"deep x 24"wide or a completly different cab depending on my cash situation. But i may make this project on a smaller scale using fluros. Not sure at the moment. Ive actually quit smoking at the moment but i will continue to grow as a hobby.



Active member
hey Empathy

you ve made a nice design of your cab...good thinking on cylinder type of grow, but you'll have troubles with handling the babes. What about vertical? Im having similar sized flower room with 150hps in cooltube, cooled with 5inch in line fan set on min, and the plants can touch the cool tube without any problems...so I think with good fan you can easily put 250 in there. Check my sign if you feel to it.

& have fun building it

FreezerBoy...I don't know which brand my in-line fan is, but after what you wrote, I think i got an Elicent... well the speed controller is from Elicent so maybe the fan is too. My casing is some sort of plastic....And runs totally quiet set on min, only noise is coming from air that it moves.Heres a pic

edit - sorry, at firs i didn't see that you plan to have perpetual harvest, I thought that you'll be using only 1 net for all your plants

and one shot of my vertical grow...if you dont mind

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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Propoline said:
FreezerBoy...I don't know which brand my in-line fan is, but after what you wrote, I think i got an Elicent... well the speed controller is from Elicent so maybe the fan is too. My casing is some sort of plastic....And runs totally quiet set on min, only noise is coming from air that it moves.Heres a pic
You got the TP version (techno polymer) Good choice as it knocks another 5-10 db off the noise level. It's the only inline I've seen that comes in under 40 db. Wish I'd waited to order one but, I was in desperation mode and making stupid choices trying to bull my way through a flu.

Again, I'm not saying these fans will make your ears bleed. Just that they are loud enough to be heard. A noise without explanation demands attention. My old axial fan made a tiny "whrr" that could be heard across the garage but, it was so small and appropriate a noise to come from the back of the freezer that it became "virtually" silent. There's nothing in my garage to take the rap for the inline's whoosh. The only explanation is one I don't care to give.

Good choice on the TP. :wave:



I will not understand on your drawing as the lamp and a grid settles down. Horizontally or vertically? Where a door in a box?
5.5"=14 sm..... It can be a little for 250w.