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post hart attack strains


hey, i just got out of prison febuary this year, im pretty young at 22 but some problems came about when i had a hart attack in july. spent a mounth in the hospital and since getting out ive got a new cab built recently and just sprouted some beans that are ak47 and i was gifted some auto aks from a friends that found out i was gonna do a run a ak47. now i have smoked since being out of prison but not much. i still have to report to the parole office for suppervised visit and getting random piss test. but havent smoked any since the hart attack. my officer told me the other day that he was gonna release me to unsupervised parole in febuary coming up for having a year out with all clear conduct so far. if i can make it that far ill be home free from the piss test and smoking again. but im worried about the hart problems. i know sativas are probaly out the question but what some good strains to grow out that should go easy on the hart and body. i had full organ failure so im trying to stay away from any thing that could trigger anything


Wow only 22 and a heart attack?? Glad you made it....
As to strain recomendations im afraid I not sure what would be good for you, I perhaps wouldnt totally discount the sativas or a good sat/ind mix because you could keep your doses small if you worried about it ...... good luck n be good till feb then no more pissin for the man....

how about exercising first and getting your heart strong before u puff. thn come back asking what strain. 22 and a heart attack u better get healthy bro or your gonna have another cause pot slows and speeds the heart not smart smoking anything..


Did you ask your doctor if you can smoke? Lets be real here you are not in normal shape. Normal rules dont apply. There is no "Post heart attack" strain. If you were to smoke then you better be avoiding sativa COMPLETELY!!!! You shouldnt smoke period in my opinion unless a doctor has given the OK.

Dont forget about edibles the only thing is you could easily throw yourself into a panic if you got to high. I really cant see this working out for you man what triggered your full organ failure?
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stone fool
OK, I have been through this, mainly you have to avoid hazes completely, and many crosses that have haze in their genetic background. Blue sativas, north Indian hashplant, skunk, these are gonna all be ok on the sativa side. No C99 or western winds. And go easy on edibles till you test each batch. Herb is good for your heart as long as you take it easy.


hey, thank you guys for the replies. it was my fualt all together for the heart attack i take full responsibility and if medical record laws wasnt as they are i would have gone back to prison for it. i had the heart reno failure or failure of the kidneys late in the night after a week of hard partying and taking large amounts of methadone and benzo's such as valiums and xanax. well the kidney failure placed a strain on my heart and the left ventrical closed so it was only pumping at half rate. and then at 1 am the heart attack happend while i was passed out. and no one found me till 10 am the following morning. i stayed in a coma for 7 days and then on a ventilator for another week till i got breathing on my own again and then it was followed by treatments for my kidneys which lasted about a month at 3 times a week till my labs came back good and showed my kidneys were working again. im still on 23 meds a day for different things such as blood pressure, blood thiners and anti anxiety meds. It was all totaly my fault no one else is to blame. i just felt i was in a rut and went on a binge and now im paying for it. thanks for all the help guys. And trust me im no drug addict and that sort of things is not my usual way of life. till then it had only been rec use and pot since a very young age, and then after a bad car wreck and some surgery i found out the medicinal use of the herb and it kept me from taking the methadone so much. and for the getting healthy again im already got all my motor skills back and back to work and working out and eating healthy. again thanks for all the help so far.


Bong Smoking News Hound
How much Methadone and how much of the benzo's where you on? i ask this for the safety of a friend i know who is abusing both the same.

I'm really sorry about everything you have gone through. And unfortunately its not your fault. Its your doctors fault for putting you on Methadone and Benzos, unless you where getting them off the street which i doubt according to your story.

Doctors make us pain patients addicts and wonder why we keep asking for more. Pain medication is the worst. It fucks up your brain chemistry, and your body chemistry really bad really fast. Methadone is suppose to be a drug to get you off of opiates or heroin.

Yet they prescribe it for pain. up to 40 mg. And a lot of doctors also prescribe Benzos with it. Like Klonopin. Which gives a high and creates a very bad effect, in which 1000's of people a year die from it. Causing overdose. Just be glad you didn't die. And please keep us updated. Its not your fault you got injured. Its not your fault you are an addict. It happens to the best of us bud. If you need any help pm me.

I myself had to get on a certain antidepressant to get my serotonin, and other brain chemistry working properly after years of opiates. And i still struggle with them. We can talk more in pm if you like. I don't like talking about it in open forum.

And to answer your question. I think i would like to do some research regarding how cannabis acts with blood. If it thickens or thins it out. I believe this has been a debate in recent history. If it thins. I believe that's a good thing correct? If its thickens it that would be a bad thing right? Can you over thin your blood?

I believe cannabis causes a thicken of the blood. Thus creating head rushes. But it could be exactly the opposite. I just have thick blood i guess. But i noticed during sober times (30) days or more, my blood is thinner and i bleed more for small cuts.

Just a observation nothing official. I will look through Granny Storms list, and if i cant find anything there, i will search hard for information on this. I would be very weary if you are still taking the same medications. Which i know you cant just cut cold turkey.

But you might want to think of some alternative solutions. 20 + medications is just pure slow death. I wish you so the best.


Thanks for the reply and kind words scf. I never really understood the whole methadone thing much, i had freinds that were on it to get off herion and then when i get in a car wreck and crush 3 disc in my back and have sever neck truama cuased by whip lash. I was put on it. on not on small amounts but as you said 40mgs twice daily. the so called waffers. i cant push it aside though, it did help me cope with the pain in the begining, the benzos i had been on since i was real young and devoloped an addiction to xanax by the age of 18. the valium came in when i ran out of the xanax to soon, the valium keep the withdraws at bay till the next refill, and to make things worse they continued the benzos in prison, they did wean me off the methadone. my doc put me back on it once released. And for the question of how much. the week started slow and then i got into a rut and lost my then job and was behind on old debts from going to prison with bills and no way to pay em. so i started dealing with it all wrong and was taking about 120mg of methadone a day for a week and about 12mg of xanax a day along with em. on saturday i went to my daughter house and took her to the park and felt sober from the day before, and i never abuse drugs around me daughter, but once i dropped her off i took 120mg of methadone at once and about 4mg of xanax at about nine that night and my buddy said i passed out soon after and the events unfolded through out the night. the doctors said the main thing is that the half life of methadone is so long i was upping the dose every day with out knowing it and then the benzos factored in.


Bong Smoking News Hound
half life is really long with benzos, and methadone. This is why upping your dose of methadone is a bad idea. It stays in your system for 72 hours. half life is about 24. to 12. ill get back to you on more. later.


Sounds like you have a primary heart condition that led to renal failure, being on blood thinners and all. If you have an arrythmia, anything that can speed up your heart can increase your risk of developing one, so be careful with the sativas. No cigarettes.


I spoke to my doctor about it and he, told me that he has never seen a case were cannabis has affected anyone post heart attack but he said that he couldnt condone it but just to start slow and work my way back up to what i was using. i tried to explain the differences of effects through different strains but he was clueless to all of that. I am going to give some indicas a try, ill let you guys know how it goes. a buddy has some LUI right now, he has offered me, i may try a small bowl of it next time im over there. but it still got to be careful becuase i got to piss for the state.


Registered Med User
If I was you Id talk to a doctor who specializes in medical marijuana and get a professional opinion. Thats some serious shit man. Like ya name say, stick to the indicas, and be careful.


yeah, but the part of the east coast i live on isnt to medicinal friendly to cannabis. if anyone has any info on a out of state doc that may have a email or something. it would be appreciated. on another note, i stopped by my buddies house last night to pick up some LUI (legends unltimate Indica) and i must say his grows and gear has always impressed me since i was very young probally about 13 years old, but it had been awhile since id been in his basement, and i was amazed. 6 4x8 flood and drain ebb&flo tables thats running around 30 large rockwhool cubes each with all the plants being lollipoped. and the table he was running the LUI on the buds looked soo dank and the smell was out standing at 47 days flowering. it deffinetly convinced me to get a few clones of it to make a mother out of one. yet to smoke any yet and will update as soon as i do.


SCF said:
And to answer your question. I think i would like to do some research regarding how cannabis acts with blood. If it thickens or thins it out. I believe this has been a debate in recent history. If it thins. I believe that's a good thing correct? If its thickens it that would be a bad thing right? Can you over thin your blood?

I believe cannabis causes a thicken of the blood. Thus creating head rushes. But it could be exactly the opposite. I just have thick blood i guess. But i noticed during sober times (30) days or more, my blood is thinner and i bleed more for small cuts.

Methadone is known to cause heart arrhythmias, which means the heart does not pump as it normally should. When the heart does not pump normally, people are placed on "blood thinners" to prevent clots from forming in the heart. Blood thinners don't really thicken or thin the blood. What is happening is the normal clotting process is impaired, so a person tends to bleed easier. I don't know if marijuana inhibits the clotting cascade, or helps it.

Just an afterthought, smoking marijuana may increase the number of red blood cells due to increased carbon monoxide binding, which would "thicken" the blood. I don't think it would affect the PT or PTT though, "bleeding time".

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