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Question about child with a large heart.


I dont belong to any forums anywhere else and I thought I would just ask you guys here at ICMAG, I know some of you have children and was wondering if any of you have had a child or know of a child whos heart was "to big"?

My ex took our son to the doctor today for a cold he has and they did a chest exam of some sorts and they did it from two angles and they think that his heart may be to big. I am taking him later this week for an ultrasound to see whats up (they recomended it) (I have very good medical insurance from my job)

Have any of you experinced this? If so what was the outcome? I am worried sick about this, unless you have kids you have no idea. The only thing that comes to mind is the movie John Q, and belive me I wouldnt hesitate for a sec!

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I've never heard of this, but one of my friends had to get a heart valve replaced with an orangutan valve. His was very manageable, but they more than likely will not allow him to participate in any sort of sports or activity that requires him to be extra strenuous. I know that with a kid it is hard to do this, but don't freak out until you know exactly what is going on! Best wishes!


Active member
That sucks... I've heard of that before but I can't remember who I know who had that... Should end up being alright... I had a family friend's daughter born with a hole in her heart and she's fine now... Not to mention my friend from high school that had 4 open-heart surgeries before 9th grade... Good luck though...
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Guest 26753

If it is any consolation, Ian Thorpe, who won gold medals swimming, was born with an over-size heart.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Unionman said:
probably not to many people interested but I will give an update when I see the doc in a couple weeks

I wouldn't assume people don't care just because it's some anonymous forum. In fact I care....
Unfortunately I can't diagnose your child over the internet, but I can give you some insight: enlarged hearts can be "congential" or "developmental". Congenital simply means the child is born that way. The reasons behind that are bit complex so I won't go into it here. Develomental simply means that the heart is experiencing 'hypertrophy' or growth in response to a demand....like any muscle that's working alot.
If your child's heart is not working efficiently or properly, the heart muscle can grow in response to that hence "enlarging". This is an issue because of the underlying reasons the heart is growing. Those need to be addressed so that the heart can return to normal (or as close to) function.
An adult can have an enlarged heart from a variety of different health related issues, but can also have one in response to vigorous exercise. So an athlete will have a larger and well conditioned heart. Unfortunately in children this cannot be the case because it takes a significant amount of time for the heart to be conditioned in this manner. It's more likely that there is some "congenital" problem...meaning a problem that happened from birth that is causing an issue with the way the heart ejects and takes in blood. Defective valves, "holes" in the heart, etc...can all cause blood to be inefficiently moved. This will cause the heart to beat harder and sometimes faster....resulting in enlargement. If the underlying congential problem is taken care of, more than likely your child will be able to recover and enjoy a happy and healthy life. There may be some restrictions as cited before (ie-strenous activities, etc.). Of course that will be something your pediatric cardiologist will discuss with you.

In the meantime, I wish you and your family good health and good luck. Please let us know how things work out.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Unionman said:
probably not to many people interested but I will give an update when I see the doc in a couple weeks

I just hope everything is ok.
don't mistake a lack of replies for a lack of interest or compassion bro, I'm thinking it's a subject that's a bit intimidating to some members, the fear of saying the wrong thing perhaps & leaving in silence. I'm sure that every single member that comes through here is hoping for the best for your baby & all of you.

EDIT: I'm sure you know you're in my thoughts and prayers.
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This is your kid and not fair game for any negative comments. I'm sure the vast majority wish you nothing but good luck and best wishes, i know i do.

Please do give us an update when you have one and rest assured you have immunity from shitheads in this thread. The community may be a little harsh sometimes but we do still have compassion when it counts.


ICMag Donor
Good luck with your baby and please let us know how hes doin...like S4L says, its a scary subject and ppl may not know what to say. You and your baby will be in my prayers.


Active member
i suffer from cardiomegaly since i was born, and i do practice sport five times a week. I run faster, longer and harder than most of my friends. I can lift more weight in the real life (too easy in a gym!!!) and it takes a lot more to get me fatigued. Moreover I regain my breath faster than my friends.

Good luck man, my parents were scared too when the doctor said my heart was 1.5 bigger than the one of my friends...


Non Conformist
Oh cool!!!

Oh cool!!!

Hey that's fantastic news! Glad ta hear it! That's the best Christmas present anyone could ever get! BC


All infants and children have large hearts seen on X-rays. The problems are when you hear murmurs on clinical exam, which the echo would show. Glad to hear your kid is ok.


Damn fine news.

I'm pleased for you man, that's great news and i hope your floating today!
Unionman said:
Just wanted to let everyone know that after all the tests an exams everything is OK!!!!!!!

What an excellent breath of fresh air! I should say that you can always find support for a lot of things different issues on this site, not just one! Again, I'm glad to hear that everything is OK. May Gaia watch over your family.
When my son was very young, he was diagnosed with Leukemia, and many of our friends were very 'careful' in how they addressed that issue, but all in all, they too were extremely supportive. Times like that are very hard, for the children and parents alike, but kids, especially the very young, as his oncologist said, are very resilient.

He's now 23 and doing fine and has been in remission for 20 years now.

UM, I'm very very glad the news was good for you.

Never doubt the support you'll find here amoung friends.

All the best to you and yours
