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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Verger OG

Lots of people confuse smoking weed with a political opinion. That is bad. Just because I smoke weed doesn't mean I am so liberal that anything goes. I think the lofty ideals of old with hippies 'felloing the love' for just about any scum out there are long over, just as the old days of our drug policies are over.

I never was a hippie. Reality caught up with the hippie age. We now live in an age of massive immigration causing problems.

And btw, we do not have 1 million muslims. That number is exaggerated.

I am against any more immgration..from any country. We are full. We have more people packed on one square kiliometer than any other country in the world. We are building along our highways as if there is no tomorrow, new business parks.
We hardly have significant nature anymore. Still, liberals are so moronic that they feel that there is no limit to how many people we can put in little boxes on the hillside.


@Verger OG
Immigration problems should never be confused with racism.Its correct that the Netherlands has problems with immigration, but this may never be the issue to allow racism.If you know your history about the Netherlands than you know we were always a safe country for refugees who were chased by Spanish inquisition or other followers from some kind of religion.
You're right there are about 850.000 muslims in NL of a total population of more than 16 million people.
To grow marijuana or just smoking it is just a way of life and has nothing to do with politics.Politics is a bad word.

Do you have a recipe from that delicious food.OhOHh the muchies are coming.:muahaha:

Namaste :canabis:



* ½ kg. minced pork
* 4-5 tbsp. flour
* 1 egg
* 1 onion
* 2-3 dl. milk
* Salt and pepper
* Fat for frying


* The minced meat touched with flour and eggs.
* onion demolished and stir with. The milk will be in a little at a time.
* Salt and pepper will be in. forcemeat rests a half hour.
* Fat melted on the forehead. It is important that the fat is hot.
* Meatballs shaped with a table spoon and opened at the forehead.
* The heat tempered and fried meatballs finished.

Bon apetit, eat with potatos and sauce




Thank you for the recipe.My mouth is full of saliva when i see that delicious food.Have you ever try it with hemp flour?I don't know if hempseeds or flour are sold in Denmark for food, but the nutty flavor will also do it.

Namaste :canabis:


whazzup said:
Those were the numbers on the packages of the seeds of Old Ed, the ones he brought to The Netherlands. I don't know what their origins are.
I talked to Wernard today and he's going to look if he can check his docs about those ;)


I had already contact with him through E-mail today, but thank you for your corporation.

Namaste :canabis:


Green Ambassador
Hello all,

Lot's of nice information here.

By the way talking about Wernard...
He told me (but was not quite sure) that number 10 probably was an Afghan strain.

The tribunal was a great succes.
It was nice to see a lot of "old school" friends and it was great to meet some new friends.
The "movement" can use some fresh blood!

Yesterday I went to the The Hague college to follow some workshops for the upcoming Morocco project.
Lot is happening and I liked the Matra Inspiration day very much.

Peace, G.A.













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Ah, number 10 was perhaps an Afghan strain! I've send Wernard an e-mail about the genetics and had spoken to him at the Cannabis Tribunal.It was also nice meeting you.You have done great job.My compliments to you and to the rest of the team.

I've send several e-mails today to several political parties about a document of Phytochemical and genetic analyses of ancient Cannabis from Central Asia that the cultivation of Cannabis for marijuana is not from the last 30 years but that it is an ancient tradition which we have to protect.

The argumentation of the CDA during the Tribunal is more moralistic than from scientific facts.Mrs.Joldersma is Reformic Christian and the only part of the Bible which is for her important is the New Testament.The Old Testament describes several times about Cannabis, but Jezus had said something in passage about that is not allowed to use substances like Cannabis only wine.
I have to ask a friend of mine who studied theology about which passage of the New Testament.

Namaste :canabis:


Green Ambassador
Hi Elmanito,

Coming saturday is the first No Mercy Cup in Amsterdam.
Wernard will be one of the members of the jury.
Lot of "old school" smokers, but also Giel Beelen, a wellknown DJ and "Lange Frans", a Dutch rapper will be jury members.
The jury is not only judging, but the entrees will also be tested in a laboratory. Entrees that contain pesticides will be disqualified.
The Canna Embassy made an entry with the Green Ambassador.
For more information you can have a look at next link:


It's getting cold now and the temparature is around zero at night and a couple of degrees above zero by day... brrrr
But only 3 more months and we'll start all over again!!

Peace, G.A.

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Active member
Looks like you had a great time at the cup GA,and it sure is good new that the truth prevailed.

And the cd did not have a leg to stand on.I have watched some of the vids on u tube ,but i cant understand much of them if any as its all in Dutch.Ga was all of it filmed,and if so is there any chance that the vids could be dubed or get some subtitels i would even being willing to pay for a box set of them all lol ga as to me its very interresting ,as all my family and friends know that smoke and i am not ashamed to say ,And the one thing i find is once you have told them the truth and they see it for really how it is then its not as bad as they first thought .And i just like to be able to rip anyone argument apart and and your TRIBUNAL is just kind of thing that could and would help just if i could understand it .As your country is a beacon for truth sense and understanding .Not like everywhere else which is still like my sig says on a witch hunt .Juts now they dont look for folks with black cats and a broom stick , they look for folks with green .You knowGa just Its just come to me while saying this and typing it.

It was the christians doing the Witch hunts back then and it seems a certain few cd kind in your country are still trying .Just not with ducking stool , but by trying to change things what dont even need changing .Just becouse they dontlike them no other reason.Though i wounder how many of them drink,It boils dont to most thing from the east are bad to them yet things from the west is ok.

If what has been achived there could be shown to others say here in England or spain or germany or belgum.It could help show how things could be done in our country if you understand what i am getting at .As you have been able to get all the top people in certain feilds together to put ther points across .And in the end the truth won .

Ga if you dont mind me asking i see in one of your pics a sister with a hijarb on next to two other people .Ga what was ther role there if you dont mind me asking.Was she a politician or a doctor.

PS GA hope you do well in the cup and that you all have a great time .i seem to say that alot to you lol takeit easy m8 and stay safe.Not that you lucky lot have the same fears as we do you jammy gits lol.
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Green Ambassador
Hi HR,

There was a cameraman of the Cannabis College there.
Also a Digital tape was running during the tribunal.
We have an evaluation coming friday.
I will propose to subtitle, but I know subtitling is a lot of work and not cheap, but I will ask.

The sister with the hijarb was the assitent of the judge.
She is a last year law student and a very nice lady.

Peace, G.A.



Active member
YOu just had me so so worried then GA , as i looked at the front page and saw you name on this thread .And i just thought to myself i hope i did remember to click post after that long waffle of mine lol.I am so glad that i did and thanks for the quick reply.i thought it would be somthing alongthose lines.Why that sisiter would be there.oh so that man next to her then was the Judge ic now .

I was thinking it would cost alot ga that why i said about dubbed like the old kung fu movies lol with a voice over .of the top of your head Ga i read they was going to do a dvd of it on this site here http://www.encod.org/info/THE-CANNABIS-TRIBUNAL-IN-THE-HAGUE.html but as i said if a box dvd was to be done subtiled how much do you think it would cost ga,Not so much to make it as i know that is were most of the cost is i guess .

As some of the books i have of cannabis cost over 50 pounds .Which is not chaep for a book.So if a dvd more than that ,then thats cool with me as like i said it just the kind of thing i like to watch.

If it was to be sold, like i siad that just the type of thing i would like to show to folks who dont toke and have a bad image of cannabis just so i can show them that, then watch them look dumb founderd at the end .

And i can just sit ,and say told you so.As all it takes is educating people,I find .

Anyways Ga i would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you lot over there.

who set up THE CANNABIS TRIBUNAL IN THE HAGUE and for standing your ground and fighting the good fight .Its good to see that justice and truth atleast works in one countryin the euor the world even.

I know alot of English dont want to join the eu fully like you Dutch dont ,as you dont want to see your freedoms taken from you by brussels sprouts lol.ps sorry just had to add the spouts bit lol.
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Green Ambassador
Hi HR,

Tomorrow we'll get together with the organizing parties of the tribunal for an evaluation.
I will mention the subtitling.

Peace, G.A.


Active member
Thanks alot Ga .This is what i got from a online traslation , to do with the cover of that mag .

it seems me simply the best enn noveen for mej cisca joldersma cda keep so that devil whispers its no longer all kinds of false information concerning cannabis .

I guess it could not traslate all the words into English.As i understand abit of what it says and means but not all.


Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Not much to share at the Canna Embassy Homegrowers thread.
The outdoor season is over, but in 3 months we are planting already the seeds again.
Growing the herb beacame almost more fun then smoking it.. :smile:

I am busy with the preparations to shoot hopefully coming springtime a documentary in the Rif mountains.
90.000 families living there at and under the poverty level, almost a forgotten part of Morroco, almost!!
Because a group of Human Right activists stood up and raised their voice.
I already reported at the Cannabis Tribunal thread, but I will copy the text here:

Morocco opens debate:

published Wednesday 10 December 2008 22:24, by encod . update Wednesday 10 December 2008 22:43

Finally the debate on cannabis legalisation in Morocco is becoming a reality. The second TV channel of national Moroccan Television (2M) on Wednesday 3 December 2008 broadcasted a live debate on the various possible approaches towards cannabis cultivation in Morocco, entitled « Cannabis and haschisch : Which approach to take?.

The purpose of the debate was to inform the public on the reality behind cannabis cultivation and to try to assess the governmental strategies to erradicate this cultivation and the fight against the smuggling of hashish, by putting these questions : to which degree have alternative development projects been able to support the populations in replacing their illicit "traditions" ? Is it possible to direct the cultivation of cannabis towards therapeutical and industrial uses and, in a general way, towards an alternative economy in these regions? What is the role of regional amd international co-operation in this domain?

Participants in this debate were Khalid Zerouali, executive director of migration and customs, Chakib Al Khayari, president of the Association for Human Rights in the Rif region, Pr. Mohamed Hmamouchi, director of the National Institute of Medicinal Plants, Hamid El Farouki, director of development at the Agency for Promotion and Development of the Northern Region and Abderrahman Merzouki, researcher.

Erradication of cannabis fields

In their interventions, Khalid Zerouali and Hamid El Farouki evaluated the erradication operations in cannabis producing regions in the North of Morocco. They announced that production had diminished with 55 %, a figure that Chakib Al Khayari characterised as "non-realistic". He informed about new cannabis fields that have not yet been counted, located in the north of Ketama towards Al-Jabha and the rural community of Beni Abdallah (35 km west of Al Hoceima), and this same view was supported by Abderrahman Merzouki. The latter denounced several violations of human rights against farmers whose fields were erradicated, and he requested the inmediate replacement of this security approach by a social approach.

On the other hand, Khalid Zerouali declared that erradication of cannabis had been successfull in the Larach region that was declared to be without cannabis. Operations in Taounate and Chaouen will soon obtain the same results. He also clarified that cannabis in these regions has taken over the cultivation of licit productive crops and has caused deforestation, which other participants confirmed as well. All expressed the wish not to let the same thing happen again, in order to protect the environment and enhance food security in the region.

Alternative projects

In relation to this, Chakib Al Khayari mentioned some efforts that the Moroccan state had made since 1980 in collaboration with UN agencies. The objective was to replace cannabis cultivation with other licit crops, but although some spare profits have been made, the awaited results have not been obtained. This has been reported in the assessments of these projects, which show that the experiences of alternative development projects in the Moroccan Rif Region are limited, not to say that they have failed. This failure has been caused by economic and cultural problems that are not taken into consideration in the design and implementation of these projects.

Al Khayari insisted that it is impossible to erradicate cannabis in Ketama because of the cultural dimension of this plant that remounts to centuries ago, even before the Rif was invaded by the Arabs, as even in the moussem of Tidghin the porters of the Koran pray to God to protect their sacred plant.

In the same sense Khalid Zerouali declared that the State in all its approaches and strategies should take the cultural context into consideration. This context should never be ignored. Also the lack of inftrastructure is a real problem for the success of alternative crops, so other activities that may be profitable such as mountain tourism should be developed.

On the other hand, Pr. Hmamouchi showed that there are real difficulties for developing alternative economies in the regions of Ketama, due to the total lack of basic infrastructure as a result of the historical marginalisation of the Rif region in general. He proposed to make use of the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH) in order to create projects that may help cannabis regions, both traditional and new, to find a way out of their isolation and marginalisation.

Cannabis legalisation

After having discussed several problems related to alternative development projects based on cannabis erradication, Chakib Al Khayari proposed the idea of legalising cannabis as the only practical solution for the historical cannabis regions, insisting on a legal framework that would regulate these plantations, in view of the results of scientific research into the medical, industrial and human development fields.

This idea was supported by Pr. Hmamouchi who mentioned some applications of cannabis in the medical and industrial field, and insisted on the obligation to install a legal framework for the exploitation of this plant for the interest of the country.

Finally, Khalid Zerouali appreciated this idea for the historical cannabis regions and agreed to discuss it in a more profound way with the participation of civil society, in an effort to make an end to illicit drug trafficking.

By: Souliman Sbai



Take care and stay safe folks, wherever you are, whatever you do (or not :smile:).

(purple) Peace, G.A.
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Green Ambassador
Just found some time to report on the No Mercy Cup last saturday.

Before I went to the cup I passed by my great friend and artist Marcelino...

The location where the cup was located was very nice.
A lot of art, music, vaporizers and great food!
It was nice to meet ya Karma and "tes amis"...
Karma we were the best! We just didn't win the cup.... :eek::
It was nice to get high with you guys and some Canna Embassy friends....

I mad e a small picture report....

Green greetz, G.A.


















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thx darpan, you guys was on my mind, hope to be there next year.

no wins??? why?

winter impression from copenhagen. doesnt look like white christmas. maby it will be purple, lol

just a pic i like from christiania

HTC deep chunk


hey hey G.A. :smile:

Just one pic, too show you that I am still here hehe

Chemdog DD x Alpha Diesel grown by my friend... Ultra Dank :D

All the best,

C. :joint:


Green Ambassador
Hi guys/gals,

Winterholidays are coming in.
I think I go to bed, a good bud, hot chocolate and the blankets over my ears and wait till it's over... :smile:
I wish you all happy holidays and a healthy, green (purple) and creative 2009 in peace...
Take care and stay safe folks...

This was 25 years of homegrowing guys, up to the next 25!!
15 years of Purple Peace, up to the 20th!!


(purple) Peace, G.A.


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