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The worst side effect of weed


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
DocLeaf said:
not being able to find the car keys.. :no:

I got one of those Lighter Leashes that attaches to your belt loops, because I'd always forget where the lighter was when stoned :biglaugh:
I know a dude who lost so many lighters, he found about 30 when he cleaned his room and car. He put em all in a fish bowl and it filled it all the way up. :bashhead:


i found a lighter in my freezer the next day once, those were the days. and as for dreams, never really stopped having them when i was stoned, of course if you want really good dreams a little gummy opium resin to top off your bowl will do nicely


I lost a full mason jar of bud. I had it hid so well in the house, it took searching every night for 3 weeks non-stop to find it. he-he!

I found my TV remote in the freezer the next day!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I had a doozy last night involving gun play, a nightmare as I was actually shot for the first time ever.......

many yrs ago back in NY I ran w/a crazy crowd & often carried a legal handgun just in case. I NEVER pulled it on anyone, never showed it to anyone in an intimidating manner etc, it was just there. ever since my sobriety from coke over 20 yrs ago I've had a running series of nightmares featuring gun battles, invariably neither party is injured and the dreams have a way of ending that leaves me guessing as to what happened.

last night in the dream I looked down at my chest to see that I'd been shot, the color red spreading through my shirt, yeah that woke my old ass up quick.......

One Love

The worst side affects have already been stated by others here, but most are laughable if you're not the considering the legal end of the deal (which is by far the worst side affect).
The list of things like, Munchies, High Cost of quality herb, and Losing TONS of lighters are all activities that make life what it is (the thrill is in the chase!). From a medical standpoint I really don't think there are bad side affects, at least as I see it.
The solitude that comes from growing also allows one to develop "perspective", which would not happen without the ability to meditate and think in solitude (the herb will help to reveal your inner thoughts). Your other option could be to spend your life avoiding solitude, by chasing popular things in hopes of forming social networks. Identifying yourself as one of the crowd instead of existing as an individual who has a unique and thoughtful outlook to the world.
I say give me my garden, my buds and my irie meditation and keep me out of the social club.

Everytime I smoke babylon'a fall :rasta:


New member
You know what... I never thought about it... but now that I am clean, I get 5 or more dreams a night that I remember. When I was smoking I would be lucky to get even one a week... crazy... :fsu:


^ Just because you don't remember them doesn't mean you aren't having them.

I cannot sleep anymore without being high..its not good.


It's nice knowing I'm not the only one who doesn't remember/have dreams (whichever is actually taking place). I noticed it was directly related to my useage. I've been smoking for quite a few years but of course had those occasional breaks and the only part I do like of having no herb is the dreeaams. It's strange because my little brother swears his dreams are more off the wall when he's been smoking?? We've got an APT together since we're going to the same school so we smoke the same amount, usually in the evenings. But he swears up and down he has really crazy dreams when smoking and he seems to recall them so? I think it's likely that it changes from person to person...

Someone mentioned school work... when baked I tend to have to stumble through my calculus stuff, like erasing all kinds of stupid mistakes I really shouldn't make in the first place. But man oh man, I can write some mean ass papers when I'm stoned..and I enjoy doing it. The words just flow freely from my brain right through the fingertips and I can knock em out in no time. I've written papers for friends while we were smoking and gotten them As! I actually get compliments from the Professors for my writing style, too bad they don't know it's called STONED OUT OF YOUR GOURD. haha

Herb makes you think, deep... writing is thinking.... writing + herb = perfection!


its true about not dreaming if you are a heavy smoker. i dont remember anything from my dreams, my memory is returning tho, i started training it.

id say the worst is the lack of physical aspirations when im stone. if i smoke up bigtime before i go out, its like this giant hand just grabbs me and forces me back into my seat. but i dont go all paralyzed anymore, just comfortably lazy i guess.

like now for example. i am waiting for a friend to come pick me up, because we have made plans to go smoke some salmon someone gave us for christmas. its a looong tradition, and its really a big cozy part of the christmas. where we stay outside all nite in the winternight and smoke meat and fish in this traditional smoke oven.

but right now, tell you what dont wanna move an inch to be honest, even tho ive been exited about this for atleast a week now. also i need to take a leak, but i cant be arset atm. ill hold alittle more. list goes on...

One Love

Don't blame Mary for being lazy. Get off your asses and take a jog every now and again! Do something active while your high and it just makes it that much more exciting. I smoke heavy indicas and still enjoy exciting activities while being baked. True, its nice to sit around and be lazy while smoking, but its just as fun to say "i'm going to do something besides sit here all evening". Once you get moving its always a lot easier.
I think lazy people are lazy whether they smoke or not. They are the ones that diet without exercise and think they should be losing more weight. If you do nothing to boost your energy levels or metabolism then you can't blame cannabis for your lack of energy/motivation. I think that a lot people use cannabis as an easy out so they don't have to look further into themselves and see that the problem is not some outside source.

Laziness is a choice... :rasta:
I got a story, I had a bad case of a serious drug induced
psycosis period in my life not ones but twice. I was heavily
into meth and cocaine plus a heavy drinker at the time.
I was also a heavy smoker, but after the medical treatment
and the counter reacting drugs, ever time I smoked a joint it
triggered my brain into having psycosis. It was pretty trippy
but not good for my well being so I had to quit puffen. I'm a
trooper though and cannabis is in my blood it just took a couple
of years to go back to normal. I used to know if I was smoking
good weed if it triggered my psycosis, Meth and coke at extremly
high doses can mess you up permently, but cannabis is really
the only safe drug out if it dont trigger psycosis, but I blame
the other stuff for that not cannabis.

Peace Chadallac
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Active member
a very interesting thread .

as for remembering dreams ... if anything, i remember my dreams more often and more vividly when enjoying cannabis.

the biggest downside for me is the de-motivating effect. it's easily dealt with by just smoking later in the day ... but sometimes, i don't wanna wait . :joint:

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