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Swiss to legalize heroin, vote against legalization of marijuana


Smokes, lets go

What is worse? This?

or this?

(Newser) – Swiss voters overwhelmingly approved a safe-injection program for heroin addicts today, BBC reports. The referendum, backed by 68% of voters, makes permanent a 14-year-old Swiss program that allows doctors to shoot up heroin users while attending to their medical and mental health needs. Switzerland will be the first nation to make such a program official policy.

Voters also rejected a plan to legalize marijuana, with only 37% supporting looser pot laws. Opponents of decriminalization feared it would lead to tensions with neighboring countries and attract too many dope-smoking tourists, the AP reports. “I think it's very important to help these people, but not to facilitate the using of drugs,” said a voter who supports safe-injection sites but opposes legalized weed.

is this real?
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The first one and that is part of the answer why they decided the way they did. If you think about it for a moment you'll understand.


The moves the Swiss made on herion etc... were good when looking at harm reduction for users. They missed the opportunity to regulate cannabis but there two different issues. There still more realistic with their attitude towards canabis than many other countries.


Sounds to me that that they have got the right attitude towards drugs, but are afraid of attracting unwanted marijuana tourism money and attention. Believe it or not, many countries will implement tarriff taxes and trade laws to hurt any country that legalizes marijuana trying to force their outdates drug laws onto the rest of the world. These diplomatic issues can seriously damage a country and it's financial situation. I have a feeling that there is more to the issue than the Swiss feeling that heroin is safer than marijuana, because this is backed by medical facts for the last decade.


...just one of Chromes chromeys ;)
ICMag Donor
I just read that most weed smoking Swiss rejected the vote, because the Swiss government wanted the consumers to have a sort of "ID" for the purchase of weed.
And they are scared the ID will be used against them... for instance, the vehicle spotcheck would be very easy and they know that you consume weed, even before they check you...
a note to the swiss...i was just a "drug tourist" in Amsterdam, and a pint drinking shopper in london, an absinth drinker in paris, a grappa drinker in venice.
i was also
a shopper
an eater
a learner of culture
a student of transportation and energy...

after all i have seen, why would I want to twit-zer-land anyway?


Get two birds stoned at once
The worst this drug tourist has done in A-dam is walk around with a smile on his face!

I read a little blurb in TIME at the dentist yesterday and the author thought it was odd that the swiss would say ok to heroin and not pot.

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