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Are any of you human scales?


I wish there was some kind of weed olympiics so I could win gold at eyeballing. For many years I put bud on a scale to now I can eyeball the exact weight of bud in small increments (14 grams or less. I lose accuracy after that) I still am paranoid and use a scale but people get a kick out of watching me guess the weight of weed at parties then putting it on a digital. I am right on the exact weight 9/10 times I'd say. A lot of people think that it's some kind of magic trick and don't understand how it's possible and it is sort of weird since i have not met anyone who can eyeball as well as me.

Are any of you like this? Or am I the only one. :muahaha:

P.S don't send me pictures of weed and ask me how much I think it is. I need to feel the density and whatnot with my own hands to guess properly.


Cannabrex Formulator
I used to buy hash off a guy who could eyeball a gram to +/- 0.1 grams....just by fiddling with it in his hands.

There are card dealers in Vegas who can tell the difference between a number and a face card frim the weight.....face cards weigh more, as they have more ink on them.
I shit you not.....saw it on 20/20 I did........


livin my way the high way
im good to about a .5 accuracy but like you i have to feel it and maybe crack a nug open to see how dense.


Active member
depends of how familiar i am with the weed. each diff strain i have are usually different densities so its sometimes hard to tell, after i have weighted like a qp out i can uaually eyeball pretty well


Mother Nature's Son
I am really good at guessing a dog's (or cat's) weight when I pick them up. Usually within a pound, which is pretty good when the dog is 90 or so. Gets less impressive when you pick up a 6 pound cat and are off by a whole pound.....

Also got real good at knowing the weight of deli meats and cheeses (when I worked in a deli), would just pick it up and know how many more slices I needed. Was very good at it. Hell, some people cannot tell the difference between a whole and a half of a pound, even while they are holding it!


Active member
oohcow said:
up to 28g's i can eyeball with an accuracy of +/- .1 g

come on...lol. :pointlaug

i thought i was good and i can eyball like 1/2 z with in a g, but u get within .1 on a whole...gooooodaaaamn son_


yeah, me and my friends used to try and guess the weight of nugs, then scale them to see who was closer, i usually won.

master shake

Active member
all I need is to see and be able to feel the buds (density of bud) and I can reason the weight within +-0.1-.2 grams. kinda trips me out sometimes

Styles P

yeah im very good with up to a oz. i used to bag up so many 20$ grams and dimes of regs i could usually put a gram on the scale everytime.


vindiesel said:

come on...lol. :pointlaug

i thought i was good and i can eyball like 1/2 z with in a g, but u get within .1 on a whole...gooooodaaaamn son_

wish i could show you.

I think you would buy me a drink :). or at least roll one up for me.

obviously i need to feel and see the bud. And it HELPS if i am familiar with the strain....

In all honesty i can't do a random bag, IF someone wanted me to do a random bag, tell me how much the whole bag weighs, and i'll split it anyway you want, and the split will weigh what i say it is a.k.a (random bag of 2 ounces, i'll split into 56 grams each one +/- .1 of gram or 16 3.5s or whatever)

Mr. Tony

Active member
I'm pretty sure most people who have been around sacks for a while can guess somewhat close.

when I used to hustle I never owned a scale but no one ever questioned the sacks ( maybe because I usually always had some of the best fire)


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
JohnnyATL said:
i think grams are the easiest to weigh out. That and .5s.

from there you can go anywhere

gotta agree there. guy that gifted me my seeds had the ame ability, but it comes with the territory honestly. i mean how the hell could you NOT be able to tell the weight of weed within the .5 and above/below realm, thats IF youve been handling nugs for a while.

i had a guy try to sell me a .3 for $10 (yeah thats NY for you, highway fucking robbery going on 'round here) but that was downtown in the city. he had it in those "fancy shmancy" clear plastic boxes like he was doing me a favor. . . :jerkit:

i was gonna get into it with him, but decided hey "thats what i grow my own for, so DONT have to deal with this very same bullshit" so i just walked away. but being able to feel the weight of a nug or some trim does come with the territory, it is a learned ability after some practice but you can learn it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
over 20 yrs ago back in NY and when I was moving weed I could do 1/4s & 1/2s by feel, now that 20+ yrs later whenever I buy any @ $15gm (1/4=$100) I use a digital scale to make sure I'm not buying 'bud light' instead of straight bud.

a 'friend' dropped by one night to drop off a bag, I pay him & start to break out my scale when he says, "hey man that's bad kharma to weigh up my weed, that bags either right on or heavy!" and he rattled on some more like that, I replied to him, "hey yourself choochie! didn't I just watch you count the money I paid you?" so there he sat with a dumb assed look on his face saying nothing....... the bag looked & felt light & when I stuck it on the digiscale I found it to be 1.3gm light. there were consequences for that obvious ploy.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Years back when it was necessary to weigh small increments, I could easily plunk down an 1/8th without weighing. 9 out of 10 times it was either dead on or within a .1 of a gram. I wasn't trying to, but you get the knack of picking out the right group of nugs to weigh out a small sack. It's kind of a talent you develop after weighing for awhile.
Now-adays I don't move anything, but on occasion I have a friend that's due for a present or some other occasion: and apparently I haven't lost the technique.