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daily water needs?


Active member
how much water does an outdoor plant(on average)in a 7 gallon container use in 1 day,again on average.Im doing research on drippers.


Smoke weed and prosper
it depends! on what? on many factors: how big the plant is, how hot is it outside, how much sun does it get? ... there's more...i'm sure...but i can't remember more at this time.
you could build a self watering guerilla container. click it on my sig.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Hey Gantz! I was just wondering if you were lurking this winter, hadn't seen ya lately.

True on the many factors involved in figuring water needs of Plants(in or out of a pot).
If the planter itself is struck by sunshine alot, moisture needs will climb, because not only is the plant sucking water from the soil, but the sun is also beating it out directly. Extreme temps(over 90) will also increase the need for water, and the frequency you will need to give it. Also the composition of your soil mix will also affect the rate water is depleted from the soil.

Generally when I grow in medium sized pots(4-7 gal), I can get away with 1-2 gallons of water 2 days a week when temps are under 80.
At 80 or over, 2 gallons, 3 times a week.
And at 90 or more, 1-2 gallons nearly daily, especially if the plant is getting large for its planter.

Growing in the ground insted of in a planter could cut your watering needs to half or a third of what they would be in the planter, because the roots will be protected from the heat of sunshine by the earth, preventing the soil baking that planters often suffer in high heat.
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Mourning the loss of my dog......
Are you thinking of using the drippers in a guerrilla setting or a backyard/back 40 style grow?


Active member
i wantb to grow 60-70 plants in 10 gallon grow bags(filled with 7 gallons of soil)all with drippers on them.I have already ordered 500' of 12/4 poly tube,75 1/4" drip emitters and 75 tees.All i need is about 4 50 gallon drums and a water timer.Can you continuously fert your plants if the mix is real weak?say like 10-15 percent of the normal feeding?I dont know how to feed using drippers.


Smoke weed and prosper
yeah BC...i'm lurking...lately it's all i do. i have no grow or bud to show for...so i continue with the fallacy of the perfect outdoor ninja master level grow that needs me to go there once or twice a year...
i got scared when you went missing...

in any case...this thread seams to be discussing one of the most important guerilla subject there is: irrigation. so i'm pulling up a chair.


Active member
i just realized after more research that im going to need more stuff,thats ok.Any suggestions on set up?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I'm not sure about feeding in the drip system, my main worry there would be fertiliser residue building up in the system and plugging stuff up, but it seems like fastpine did it.

I'd break the system down into 2 or 4 smaller systems, this way if one goes down the plants on other systems hopefully continue to work at least.
Another idea would be to put a timer on each resivour, and have each feeding the same system, but scheduled to go off at different times. For example, say you are providing 4 gallons to each plant per week, Barrel "A" goes off sunday, Barrel "B" goes off tuesday, Barrel "C" goes off Thursday, and Barrel "D" goes off Saturday. This way if a timer fails on you(doesn't open, or stays open and leaks all the water), there are still 3 more still working until you arrive to find and fix the problem.

Whenever you are relying on machines working automaticly, its good to have redundancy for back up. I'd even advise if you were serious enough to have two or more entirely independant systems feeding your plants water, so if you have a problem in any part of one system, the other should still work.

Loosing 70 plants to thirst because one $30 timer didn't work right would be devestating.


Hey cb, BC and Gantz

With the variables suggested by BC and Gantz considered, 1 gallon per day avg, but a 10 footers moisture needs are different than a 4 footer..

After several weeks in the Research and Development dept. (my growshed), with aching back in one hand and some simple ideas in the other, ive managed to develop a contraption that for 2$ per plant, will reduce the amount of water needed per plant by 2/3's, increase fertilization effectiveness and response dramatically and allow for cannabis growing in soil that would nomrally disallow growing. Ill post it up very shortly for others to consider and modify for their own use. Just finishing up the final touches.
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Mourning the loss of my dog......
silverback said:
With the variables suggested by BC and Gantz considered, 1 gallon per day avg, but a 10 footers moisture needs are different than a 4 footer..
Do you grow 10 footers in 7 gallons of soil?


Active member
no,i want about 5-8 ounces a plant,i figure i can do it with 7 gallons,i open the bottom of the grow bag and let the roots keep going as well,after i dig a bit and add lime of course.what do you think,remember im growing the purple skunk/ditch treat,i am also going to grow about 12-15 himalayan golds in 20 gallons of soil each,i figure i could get a pound per plant with that.Give me your advise if you disagree.the kc brains looks like a killer yielder as well!

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