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Miracle Grow Organic Soil



Most will recomend promix and Fox Farm Ocean both are good. I however do use MG. The only problem is balancing nutes. As most plants are very touchy you really have to monitor your nutes usually less then more. It really boils down to what your comfort level is I have a system for MG and it works while others use MG and then nutes at full strength and cause lockouts and burn. I use MG with Seaweed, Fish Emulsion, FF Grow, Tiger Bloom and Earth Juice Micro all adjusted at different levels thru grows, ie less for my haze varieties and more for more vigourous M-I-S.

Again I cant emphasize enough it can be a great soil but you must accurately watch your plants needs and adjust nutes accordingly or you will end up with issues.

Best of luck with your grow
try this dirt mix i used it on several plant and im curentyl growin 8 great girls on it

1 bag mg organic choice
1 bag pro mix
1 cup blood meal
1 cup bone meal
half cup dolamite lime
10-20% perlite

mix it and all you need is water till harvest its great!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I use the potting mix and garden soil. I just don;t feed my plants anything but water for the first month. After that I tend to go very light on the flowering food. Once again it's from Miracle Grow. I can't say I have ever had a nute burn issue, and I couldn't say if the weed when smoked has too many chemicals.

The guys on here know their stuff and have good advice. However, I have never seen any of the soils and stuff they mention anywhere but online.
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I would NOT use it. When they first came out with their organic line, specifically their potting soil that was organic in a cream colored bag that stuff was actually really good, expensive to but had good ingredients. About a year ago this formula changed and it was obvious because they also changed the bag. They basically got people using it with good ingredients and now they are trying to fuck those people, not it is mainly peat and will fuck your plants up at least in my experience stay away from that shady company...
I am currently using MGOC, and it has worked fine for me just need to watch carefully for nute burn later on as salts accumulate in the soil.

dj digigrow

Active member
new-n-scured said:
try this dirt mix i used it on several plant and im curentyl growin 8 great girls on it

1 bag mg organic choice
1 bag pro mix
1 cup blood meal
1 cup bone meal
half cup dolamite lime
10-20% perlite

mix it and all you need is water till harvest its great!
I second this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would NOT use it. When they first came out with their organic line, specifically their potting soil that was organic in a cream colored bag that stuff was actually really good, expensive to but had good ingredients. About a year ago this formula changed and it was obvious because they also changed the bag. They basically got people using it with good ingredients and now they are trying to fuck those people, not it is mainly peat and will fuck your plants up at least in my experience stay away from that shady company...

This is the only packaging I have seen for this product. Is this the color you are talking about? Looks kinda cream colored to me.



Go for it! I'm using it now, as well as Fafard's version, with equal success. I mix in some Bone & Blood meal, Dolo-lime, some homegrown compost including a few worms, and at least 1/3 perlite to it. I keep it simple by adding only Vigoro plant food (24-10-5) in veg, and Grandma's Molasses & Schultz (10-15-10) in flower. Heck, I even use day old tap water, and it's all good. I may not have all this "dialed in" for optimum results, but then again, I'm not a grow snob, just a noob on a limited budget looking to grow me some for fun. No problems so far; no sign of nute burn, lockout nor cal/mag deficiencies (35 days into flower and buds be swellin up nicely under CFL's).


Hermit43 said:
This is the only packaging I have seen for this product. Is this the color you are talking about? Looks kinda cream colored to me.

Nope that is the NEW bag. The other is is more yellow cream color. I tried to find a picture but can't. Many companies now days are changing labels/ingredients due to inflation I believe this is no more evident here. Was a shame too cause the older organic miracle grow was great.

EDIT: ah excellent here is the older bag...
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
That's not the stuff I use. The bag is green and yellow.

It sounds like when it was first put on the market they managed a good price on the price of organics, but after the initial boom, they had to buy cheaper stuff to continue making a profit.


So, Kinderfeld, am I to understand that the formula you said was good is still available in a different bag/formula/source?

facelift, are you seeing a different version of both of us? As far as packaging?

Please bear with me as I am some what protanopic, and have a slight difficulty identifying certain colors.
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Hermit43 said:
So, Kinderfeld, am I to understand that the formula you said was good is still available in a different bag/formula/source?

No it is not available. It was when MG first introduced their organic line that they used it but now they replaced all of them with what you have. If you find some in bags like the ones I posted I would assume they are very old but I am pretty sure MG was pretty put on taking them off the shelves. The green and yellow organic MG is for outdoor gardens and not potted plants but I am sure it will work. They were only around a while or so. I don't get it though ffof soil is very good soil and cheaper than MG organic choice why not get a prepaid credit card and get some over the internet or go to a local hydro store?
Do not use that shit that comes in the orange bag, it is terrible soil alone or with perlite

you need to improve the soil by adding a lot which will cost you just as much as buying good soil


Two things: I use this and it works great if (like a few folks said) you watch your girls for signs of what they need. I generally only need water and a very light feeding until flowering. Even in flowering If I use foxfarm bloom I need little else.(1Cpg).

Ok...three things...... :D
Two...I have found that if the soil is recycled....it gets better as the material breaks down, and all I do is add a 25% of any cheap potting soil and continue as usual.

And finally third.....
This is one for the old skool.....does anyone remember Peters Professional Mix?
......that was the best soil I have ever used and have not matched it since.


New member
This is the bag your talking about


king of the dinosaurs
new-n-scured said:
try this dirt mix i used it on several plant and im curentyl growin 8 great girls on it

1 bag mg organic choice
1 bag pro mix
1 cup blood meal
1 cup bone meal
half cup dolamite lime
10-20% perlite

mix it and all you need is water till harvest its great!
now thats a soil mix i can handle.


SomBud said:
This is the bag your talking about

yep thats the bag! nice find...that soil is kick ass shame they had to ruin it! No doubt MG organic will probably work very well with other contents, but like someone posted after buying these contents you can afford a lot better of a soil mix. In the end though it is really how well it works for each person and their routine...
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the best soil i have ever had the pleasure to mix was half miracle grow organic and half sta green with some added blood and bone meal and a little perlite. and this is when i've done pro mix, ocean forest, and the other "great soils" Sta green is great stuff alone, but with miracle grow organic with it, man what a good grow it did

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