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Herp my friend :) i think u mean doga argentino thats pure white dog but is a mastiff from argentian they use em to hunt mountain lions or what u guys call em ....But there is no danish in it .. I would love to have one of does but my wife is scared of them so no go :( ...The great dane or grandanois have a danish name but aint from denmark...Denmark only have to breeds that we have made the coolest is broholmer :)



Dogo Argentino


Friend in deed you will get a good dog in a rottweiler but i want recomend a male to a first time dog owner because they are some very i do it my way dogs hehe but a female is no props to train and make orbey

The thing i love whit breeding dogs is that it is exact the same thing when u guys cross and make ibl´s and when u breed a special breed and u want to make it stabil because u have created a winner u make it ibl whit back croos like grandad x grandaugther hehe its all mendels law :) the old roman they only did ibl all time to make the royal blood in the famili pure breeds :) but some go crazy when they are to much inbreed and thats shit when we talk about rottweilers hehe 50 kilos and the dog worlds most powerfull jaws so get a she to start whit friend in deed hehe thats my point

maybe one 4 u here :) hehe
Ziggi Marley and he pups

Look at the big boy down bellow in picture hehe going to look like he dad i think ...so thats a keeper :)


Well fam i wont crash this thread anymore whit off topics.........................before they get a month or 2 older hehehe but i will soon post my lr harvest and oh boy the girls are whit many seeds so if u digg it then pm :)


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Kallen- I am actually a dog trainer by trade. Need any help?....lol. I am breeding my Schutzhund 1 APBT, and getting a Presa Canario. Not sure if you have seen them, but they are basically a HUGE pit. I dont crop ears or tails on my dogs either.
Tona- I swear Ima come EAT that FFA homie.....shits contender for pic o the year IMO....
Accessndx- Im about tho throw my laptop out the door....ICMag is s-l-o-w-i-n-g down bad for me too....with CABLE internet...lol

Ya'll check out this NCDG male I got going, vigorous as FUCK! See those fowers already? I have not switched him outta 24/0 yet, and already throwing balls and dust.....oh yeah....happy daddy!!

I watered AFTER I took pics....dont yell at me....lol

good vibes
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks F.A.M. glad you guys are crushin on the FFA's...im always droolin on ur guys shit too :wipes drool:

they are down now and stinkin up the whole mf house yo!!! i have them in my dry box and it cant even pretend to be able to keep the smell down even with my diy filter...i dont think it can be contained. :D
should br runnin a smoke report soon in my thread....peace -T-


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good inc!!!
look just about done huh?
atleast you could get ur pics to up yo,mine wont even do natha for me...
keep up that fire ass work F.A.M..


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Good morning all as usaul great pictures.

Krush that apollo looks awesom.

Tonatiuh, I would love to swing thru that forest of yours:wink:

kallenavndk. those pups are really beauitful, and that moma looks like she needs about a week of sleep.

whiskeytango420, Looking good.

imnotcrazy, dam nice!!!!

Well here is my little project, The below pis was taken 5 days after I put it in the bubbler.

Dec 3rd

Dec 6th

Stay safe and high.


those are some really great roots Hydro! got me beat by a solid 5 days as well. Could you do some kind of tutorial on what you did or is there already a thread on it somewhere? The rest o you guys be killin it too! INC 5 hours thats no shit. took me 2-3 to upload 10 pics the other day..
I havent been posting too much because IC is getting really really slow on my computer. This page took a full 5 minutes to load..:bashhead:


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Tanks Cellard,& wiskey I t is as simple as can be.

All I did was get an air stone, a 1 quart chinese soup contianer,
a 2" net cup and neoprene insert from and old areo cloner.

I cut a hole for the net pot insert, filled it with water and let it sit out for a day,( PPM on my tap water never goes abouve 50.)
but alot of clorine in the water so thats why I let it sit out.
after 24 hours I put 1 drop of super thrive and a drop of cal mag +

Pl;ug it in and don't bother it for at least 3 days before I check it and thats it.

When I get redy for my next run I will be going a little bigger, 6, 2"net pot to be expanded as needed.
Also I like bubblers better because I do not need to check the temps, as opposed to using the areo type cloner with the pump in the res.

Anyone pleaee any questions please just ask.

Stay safe and high.
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Ya'll know how it's done! Do those colors stay after it's been dried/cured?

If all goes according to plan, hopefully I'll be able to join the F.U.C.K.E.M. crew here in a few months..



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
idk bro this her 1st run with me...the real profound colors stayed in the leaf for the most part.heres a few shots after a few days only...

:joint: :joint: :joint:


Oh jeesum, that's a might fine lookin' bunch o herbs...mighty fine!

And who's that there with the Buckethead avatar? What's that all about? Buckethead the shredmaster?
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ive said it once and ill say it again. its a pleasure to be associated with you gentlemen. you all do a great job here. a picture is worth 1000 words.. and this thread is priceless.





heres the ORANGE BUD i tossed in wiht the rest of the SSH at the last minute, just go get a taste of something else while i blaze on the SSH. . .

from the looks of it, i may get atleast a 1/2 onion by the time its ready. if im not mistaken i think this one just needs 8wks. so it will come down early b4 everything else, smells citrusy and stinky at the same time, and would you believe you can tell the difference in fragrances of the two strains by just standing in front of the cab?!?!?

at this point, i can say that the new year is gonna have a damned nice start!!! there may even be some early christmas presents for some!! HOLLA
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Exel-F.U.C.K.I.N.G.-lent!!! You aspiring members and members always have me blown away! As for myself: I haven't been doing too much here lately cause IC has been soooooo slow. If I have to wait like 10 minutes on a cable connection to just look at a page, it's time to do something else....in my case...I've been a Xbox live junkie...LOL.
A friend gifted me a oz of some dankity East coast sour diesel....real citrusy with petroleum overtones.....not too shabby to mix things up. Keep on keepin' on brethren...
P.S.-Should have some new pictures soon of the Long Island Old School, Lavender and Big Bud.
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