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How long has this problem been going on? since cloned from mother plants, occurs in flower also

Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents) using hydrohut that was sent back to vendor to be cleaned, had it cleaned before put in use as a precaution. Also using "Jetstream" hydro set up by Botanicare.

What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) canna coco, coco pots, drip system with store bought RO water, run to waste

What STRAIN are you growing? granddaddy purple, bubba kush, big bud........ all from clones

What was the establishing technique? clones

What is the age of your plants? 2 weeks in flower, 5 weeks in veg (started in veg)

How tall are the plants? 11-15"

What PHASE are the plants in? Flowering and veg

What Technique are you using? drip

What substrate/medium are you using? canna brand coco

What is the Water temperature????? room temperature resevoir

What color are your roots? white

What Nutrient's are you using? canna's coco line ( A&B, rhizo, cannazym, and PK when in flower)

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? ~6ml/gal A&B in pictures, what it says on bottle for rhizo and cannazyme ( 10ml/gal, 9ml/gal)

How often are you feeding? almost everyday, when top on the coco is dry ..... check about 1.25" deep, if dry then water

How often are you giving nutrients? every watering

If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? day 1

What order are you mixing your nutrients? A then B then rhizo then cannazyme

What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? using a chemical pH tester kit

What is the pH of the "Tank"? ~6.0

Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? none'

When was your last watering? yesterday

What is your water temps? (room temp) room temp? mid/high 70's

When was your last feeding change? havent

How often do you clean your system: run to waste, fresh all of the time

What size bulb are you using? 4' 8 bulb T5 in veg, (2) 1000w HPS lights in flower

What is the distance to the canopy? it ranges from 3-5" in veg, 22" in flower

What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? ~50% after ultrasonic fogger humidifier made

What is the canopy temperature? ~79

What is the Day/Night Temp? 65-82?

What is the current Air Flow? leaves moving constantly, clip fans attached sparatically and oscillating fans near floor. also 4" inline fan intake into hut and 6" exhaust carbon filter

Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? all fans on 24-7, intake and exhaust controlled by cap controller XGC

Is the fan blowing directly at plants? yes, it oscillates from left to right

Is your water HARD or SOFT? R/O water about 45 ppm (purchased from outside of grocery store dispenser)

What water are you using?? See above

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched? cloned off of them a little- try to keep very bottom of plants groomed

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? NO

Are plant's infected with pests? NO









Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Looks like classic tent burn to me. Tried pulling them out of the tent and placing them in another room for a few days?


sorry I hate to see hard work not work out

sorry I hate to see hard work not work out

its just my opion but I think you may have a zinc(zn)- (mobile ) toxicty that make be cause by fertizer or a ph swing that would cause other elemtents of iron( FE) to be come immoble by lock out. this maybe were your yellowing from and deathly look of your plants. when in doubt flush it out with a mild solution or clearing agents, check ph run of and ppm before and after.
good luck my grow brother I hope that this helps. coco can be trick as hell if you have poor quaily coir. what has worked in the past ? , me I stick my soil half promix BX all organic and half hydro cchem ferts I am all covered Love my meds and you will to just try not to trow a lot os stuff at it flush ,flush, flush and then reexamine alll the best
bio :fsu:
canna reccomends 8-10ml/gal in flower and last feed was only ~6ml/gal so i dont think it could be overfert.
i think it is mostly the hut, eventhough it was sent out to be cleaned before use. i have gone through about 3 or 4 harvests in the tent with only the first 1 staying mostly green and still it was a very low yield.


ICMag Donor
These plants look OVER-FED,,, (caffed) burnt tips and all ... :no:

,,, but IMO its those pH acidic looking pots that are the problem here!!!!!Usually peat-based planters like that are far too ACIDIC for ganja plants.

Re-pot into reusable plastic pots. This would be a starting point.

Edit: they are coco based. in which case did you wash the pots first? and the coco fibre in it? several brands of coco need washing first to remove residual salts,,, since they were processed in salt water!

Either way we'd loose the coco pots (they suck if all clones in n out of room gain same results,, change pots (not medium) already :bashhead:

we tend not to grow over coco alone,,, because F-d up things like this happen. You run drippers so maybe add a few handfuls of dirt into the coco next round,, and feed less,, those girls are over heavy on Nitrogen feed,, its not corn,, it's a weed,,, afterall. :D

Hope this helps,,, if only in some twisted sense :canabis:
Peace peace peace
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I have no experience of and very little information about off-gasing or on-gasing, so can't comment on that. If that is what's causing your problem, I hope it's an easy fix for you.

Otherwise, those plants look K deficient and fairly severely too, but I'm not sure what's causing it. One thing that does spring to mind reading through your information sheet is the lighting. 2 x 1000w HPS 22 inches from the canopy? That's a lot of light to be giving those plants and the first thing I would do is back them off to at least 3 foot preferably more until you get your problem under control, I may even be tempted to switch one off.

Why? Light is the only real 'food' plants recieve and when combined with water, co2 and oxygen (in proportionate quantities) fuels photosynthesis and chlorohpyll production, using nutrients as 'building blocks' for cell tissue construction. When the plant receives these in optimised proportionate quantities, good fast healthy growth is the result.

If the plant receives these in disproportionate quantities, as seems the case with your plants, things can and will go wrong, and when they do, they can go wrong rapidly, because the plant is still trying to grow at the same rate, but simply not receiving all of the necessary elements in the right proportions.

K also regulates transpiration and stomata opening which can have an impact on co2 intake which is probably also deficient in your grow area because of it.

So, the first thing I'd do is back those lights off, the second is check your coco run off for TDS (you need an EC meter) and make sure there's no salt buildup, if there is you need to flush them. Then you need to find the correct feeding level for your plants bearing in mind the high lighting you're giving them.

Good luck with solving this, let's hope it's the tent!