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i just caught a BlackWidow spider,,,now what??


catch a couple more, deprive of em food for a lil bit, then throw em in the same jar... wallah, spider battle tank


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
when i was a kid i would catch spiders and make them fight. they are very territorial. Black widows are the best fighters too. so if you can get another get the buddies over and have a lil spider fight lol.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Styles P said:
stomp it to death.

I like this & thought this choice the best but........
What do you do next after turning your shoe over to
scrape it off then realizing you don't even see a wet spot?


You probably don't need to spray your house, I find them in my house occasionally, and for the most part, they seem to leave me alone, I actually don't kill them. I iike having spiders around, they keep the other bugs away and stay out of sight for the most part.
I kept one as a pet a few years ago. Found next to me when I woke up one morning, it was just kinda chillin next to my pillow. I would feed it a circket or two every week, and gave it a smal square of sponge to drink from. She got pretty big. pretty neat little critter.
I have the brown recluses too, but they don't bother me either, I only see like 1 or 2 a year, and I don't think they'll just hunt you down to bite you. Like I said, I don't kill them. I've got a zebra spider that lives in my window that I feed moths too.
Maybe I'm just weird though.


Brown recluses suck,for sure.It rotted a quarter sized hole in my knee,exposing my kneecap for weeks.Thought it would never heal. Coincidentally this just fell into my inbox.Black widow info...

The Black Widow....

This spider, one of only a few poisonous spiders in the USA , can be found all over the states of Missouri , Arkansas , Kentucky , and Tennessee .
The spider releases a neurotoxin into the victim that, if not treated, can cause death!

The Black widow hooks-up with the male then sucks the very life out of him after mating!

She's very easy to spot...

The female has a very wide backside, is Black, and has a red hour glass shaped marking on her belly....

You can find this spider in:
Wood piles
Under beds
And soon......


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
ill definate get you a pictuer,,, this thing looks realy fuckn mean,, espicaly when shes all perched up on that nug,,, lookn like she ready to jump attack,,,

ill try go over and get it today or this weekend. most spiders ive caught previous have lived days without food,,,,so im think she will be ok un til then,,

and when i move my finger along the mason jar,,, shell run for that shit and try and munch it,,, evil little fucker. i hope it enjoys a slow,,,chronic filled starvation diet,, of bong loads and ganja,,, with no insects for the munchies,,

and no,,, not going to show my gurl any thing with alice cooper.

i love vincent price though. what a wierd ass creepy dood he is,,,, i

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
ill definate get you a pictuer,,, this thing looks realy fuckn mean,, espicaly when shes all perched up on that nug,,, lookn like she ready to jump attack,,,

ill try go over and get it today or this weekend. most spiders ive caught previous have lived days without food,,,,so im think she will be ok un til then,,

and when i move my finger along the mason jar,,, shell run for that shit and try and munch it,,, evil little fucker. i hope it enjoys a slow,,,chronic filled starvation diet,, of bong loads and ganja,,, with no insects for the munchies,,

and no,,, not going to show my gurl any thing with alice cooper.

i love vincent price though. what a wierd ass creepy dood he is,,,,

>>>shit i just went to check on her and shes already dead??? damn these are some pussyfooted spiders,,, ill get a picture of her still,, but now it wont be nearly as cool.... :badday:

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Bring it outside and let it go, spiders are great, they eat bugs!

I've got a resident black widow that lives in an old unused heater in my back room, just hangs out in there doing her thing, I go look at her once in a while - neato. I've also got brown spiders around and its not a big deal, yes a bite can be serious, however the chance of actually getting bit is extremely small.

Spraying insecticide of most types (AKA human neurotoxin/carcinogen) is far more hazardous than a few spiders around your house.
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
ill definate get you a pictuer,,, this thing looks realy fuckn mean,, espicaly when shes all perched up on that nug,,, lookn like she ready to jump attack,,,

i hope it enjoys a slow,,,chronic filled starvation diet,, of bong loads and ganja,,, with no insects for the munchies,,

>>>shit i just went to check on her and shes already dead??? damn these are some pussyfooted spiders,,, ill get a picture of her still,, but now it wont be nearly as cool.... :badday:
Documented cases of human death caused by Cannabis: zero.
Documented cases of spider death caused by Cannabis: one.
I guess that pic never came but here is one:


Cannabrex Formulator
Spiders don't do well with lotsa smoke.....fucks up their primitive lungs.

Like birds....never blow smoke in yer budgie's face....unless you want smoked budgie skewers later that night.

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