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rehab (not 4 weed)....what 2 expect?

og dmc

Psychologist dont think weed " weed aint shit." you ever see that Dr. Drew show, he acts like weed is crack,


I have spent years battling depression and I spent years in psych hostpitals, in therapist offices ect.

there is some very good information to be had but its hard to be discriminating when your depressed so hopefully your family can help you keep everything in context

always consider more than one opinion

i hope it works out for the best


my boy is a practicing Psychologist....PHD.

He thinks weed is shit. if you don't think you have a problem with it, then you don't have a problem with it. In almost all cases, weed is a cover or an excuse for the real issues a person does not want to deal with.



You should go to a psychiatrist. Try the meds he/she prescribes. Lexapro is good. If you're worried about weed, telling a MD you smoked weed 6 months ago won't matter. You can or can't say it, it's up to you. Might as well man up though.


all treatment does is tell people to go to meetings, inform them on the lingo and jargon and shit, so just goto some meetings and see that those people are way worse than you and if you if you want to be like those people then stay, if not leave like i did. ive been to rehab umpteen times for different reasons, usually trouble and shit, but i did stay sober off everything for years multiple times and i just see this rehab shit as a racquet. good luck and god bless. life is about getting out of self not into self, once we learn that its easy, KISS , you will learn that one, keep it simple stupid, you will meet some interesting people on the journey,i am still friends with some active members of AA in my home town, they are on drugs(prescription) and think its ok so pick your poison, govt drugs, or grow your own. i wish ya the best


Active member
damn yukon

for the attitude you usually give us

now you have problems ? getting weak on us ?

getting the yummybud disease ?

I say we shoot him in the head


New member
No smoke in 6 months.. Thats the problem!

On a serious note, In my experience the Dr will (probably) frown on the mj usage.
Which is such bologna.

cheer up buddy


Active member
whiterabbit9 said:
damn yukon

for the attitude you usually give us

now you have problems ? getting weak on us ?

getting the yummybud disease ?

I say we shoot him in the head

your post is a weak attempt at an unfunny joke....


Cannabrex Formulator
As someone who has been battling depression since the age of 6 (quite bi-polar am I), I have the following advice...

The way I see it, the most important thing in life is the last five minutes........you need to be able to go out with a smile and no regrets etc....last thing you want is to die with an "aw shit!!!!!!" on your lips.

In order to be able to die a happy death and go out with a smile, you need to know exactly what you need to get done beforehand and where you need to find yourself at the end......

I find that when you are on that path to being where you need to be die happy, you are not depressed......as soon as the path is interrupted, depression sets in automatically.

As soon as you are no longer on the path to a fulfilling and happy death, depression is inevitable.....get back on the path, and that evil depressed feeling tends to go away.

From everything I have learned about ya from yer posts, you need to be out in the bush living off the land, or on a fast track path to getting there.....anything else will result in depression, stress and dissatisfaction with your life and where it is going.
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Active member
funker said:
your post is a weak attempt at an unfunny joke....

hi funker

was my joke funny or unfunny that's your opinion

yukon can take it
he is a hardass

your post is a weak attempt at justice

quit trying to save the world hippie
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For mmj question, my answer would either be "no" or "I'd rather not answer". The "no" may be a lie. The "I'd rather not answer" is understandable as a yes, to help the doctor with the diagnosis, but it may be enough to keep it out of you medical records. Be straight with doctor - I don't want to answer that question, beause I don't want that information in my records.
Good Luck


Active member
whiterabbit9 said:
hi funker

was my joke funny or unfunny that's your opinion

yukon can take it
he is a hardass

your post is a weak attempt at justice

quit trying to save the world hippie

you're making fun of a disease that affects the quality of life of millions of people, some of whom kill themselves over it. that makes it unfunny. i'm no adjudicator, just calling a spade a spade...


Active member
bro dont be a weenie

I suffer from "depression" among lots of different things

my mind is battling too
and its horrible

yukon always acted the hard guy so it's funny now :)

maybe you should go take a ride in your pickup truck
with the dog



on a different note.

getting help is big, bravo man

you will pull trough
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Smooth B

Never tell a mental health official you smoke weed. They could commit you to rehab and get court ordered drug testing the rest of your life to "save you". :yoinks:

I know you just moved and you don't have many friends yet. Keep doing the things you like and be in public to meet people. Bars, grocery stores, and how's this...the library. More people have met and married there than any other place. Get some cool books.

I am not saying anti-depressant medications might not help you. Be careful. If you feel suicidal thoughts, contact the doctor you saw to ween you off of that asap.

Little drunk. :D Peace.


I suggest that when talking with your doctor, you be completely honest. If you're seeking help, then you realize that there is a problem and you're on the right road already. And besides, if you haven't smoked in six months, then I would wager that they won't really even think anything of it. Most of the people they see smoke all day, every day. They're going to ask if you're currently doing any drugs, and you're not (at least as far as pot goes?)...

Answering your works questions is another issue. When you say you're going to rehab, are you going to an inpatient facility, or are you going to see your doctor to get a referral for help with depression? If you're going the residence route, then you'll be gone from work for a good while, and you can make your own decision about how honest or forthcoming you wish to be with your boss. You should at least give a brief "family issue, blah blah blah, be back in xxx weeks" spiel. Obviously no need to mention weed there........

And as far as your parents go, I wouldn't mention any of the pot to them unless it was a part of your figuring out the depression and its roots. If you haven't smoked in six months, then its not an issue with you currently, and so I can't see how its pertinent. Again, your decision, but you said you've already answered their questions, so its a non-issue, right?

Good luck! And don't worry, it'll all work out for the best.


whiterabbit9 said:
damn yukon

for the attitude you usually give us

now you have problems ? getting weak on us ?

getting the yummybud disease ?

I say we shoot him in the head

Has anyone ever told you that you're a dick of guy?


Active member
i told my doctor i smoke and she actually told me that more than a few of her patients self medicate with cannabis. in my case it was important to separate ideas that i was "depressed" from the fact that my situation in life sucked and my outlook reflected that. i think in most cases "depression" is just an excuse to justify not changing your life and blaming the problems on something that's non existent. that's not to say that chemical imbalances don't exist, i just think that today when the term depression is thrown about so loosely, most people aren't actually clinically depressed.


hey mate, never did any time myself in a rehab institution. ive seen plenty of friends that way tho, plenty has gone the other way aswell.

just want to say that remember that doubt itself is what will break you. if you ever doubt yourself, and your ability to empower yourself, then that place is unhealthy to you. do not ever let them tell you there is something wrong with you. but accept help as everyone accepts help every time they interact with another human, because alone we are helpless. and dont distance yourself from the personell, if you interact with them and approach they will let you be. that is empowerment. face it head on mate, no shame no fucking shame! head up, eyes on the price and march forward.
we are all here behind you marching with you, lead on brother.

just dont go to that place where you start distrusting yourself, because where you go we follow.

you can do it mate its just a part of the journey and when we get there its the camp and the fireplace.


Active member
good advice I just went to an information group at the local rehab centre

I don't have a big problem with herb and alcohol
but these days, dark times

so I want to go see if they can give me some tools

rehab. for weed ????

nah its not the weed. it's me
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Active member
well an update for those who may be curious about what happened here.

(btw to start with "whiterabbit"...your comments didnt bother me, but u knew that im sure)

i did go to the doctor/hospital the day after i made this thread.

i spoke to a few doctors, and was refered to a psychiatrist for good measure.

spent about 2 hrs w/ the shrink, and she was actually pretty confused as to why i was even there.

i didnt mention weed use at all especially since i havent in quite a while, and my LQ consumption seemed insignificant to her....tho she said not to drink.

that was about it...i thought things were worse than they were, and she seemed to think it was just "normal emotions".

between the few docs i saw thoo i was prolly asked a dozen times if i ever felt suicidal....i think that was their biggest concern.

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