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Odd Symptoms, advice?


Alright well my setup is

Ak-47 Nirvana

400 watt hps Air cooled hood

Temp is around 76-70, 3-40% Humidity

Feeding with PH with a drop of Superthrive

Soil is Black Gold organic, perlite is miracle grow, but not one with time released ferts, has a very small amount of food, like .014 N or something..

Everything looks good but the edges, cant be heat, i dont overwater, i water when they ask me to feed them..

Nothing is really WRONG with them, they just have crispy tips, even the 1-2 week year old sprouts?

You be the judge?




might be nutrient burn... how strong are your nutrients?

remember, for the first bit the soil has enough nutes to sustain the plants - no heavy feeding nesessary, and don't feed full-strength when your plants are still small.

build up your nutrient strenght as your plant matures. maybe just give plain water for a few waterings.

My soil ph is around 7 - personally I found this to be the best. I don't bother to ph the nutirents/water as the microbes do their thing in you r soil and acts as a buffer.

hope this helps...


I want to say insects. Leaf miners, maybe? Or aphids? But, that is just a guess on my part. Have you taken it to the infirmary? You will probably get a more accurate diagnosis than some best guess, like mine.


Dee9 said:
might be nutrient burn... how strong are your nutrients?

remember, for the first bit the soil has enough nutes to sustain the plants - no heavy feeding nesessary, and don't feed full-strength when your plants are still small.

build up your nutrient strenght as your plant matures. maybe just give plain water for a few waterings.

My soil ph is around 7 - personally I found this to be the best. I don't bother to ph the nutirents/water as the microbes do their thing in you r soil and acts as a buffer.

hope this helps...

I dont feed my plants yet, just water and superthrive


her dankness
Superthrive does have nitrogen in it that the label doesn't tell you. But I don't think that's the issue. They DO look pretty dark green, but that closeup shot of the burnt tip isn't right for plain fertiliser burn.


i do infact rotate them, they did get a cfl burn when they where youngins, but this isnt from the CFL, they are under a 400 watt hps air cooled...

I could thing it could be bugs,

or a mixture of the super thrive Nitrogen and the perlite N, the soil is organic

edit: just looked at the soil bag, its .05 with Nitrogen, so could this be my problem ?

all 3 might be too much ?
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did you suddenly switch light sources? from cfl to hps could initially burn them a little if they are not use to intense light. Its like getting sunburn the first day at the beach.

did you splash some water/superthrive on them while under the lights? HID lights can cause the water to act as a magnifying glass and burn the plant.

Nitrogen should not be a problem.

How often do you water?


Dee9 said:
did you suddenly switch light sources? from cfl to hps could initially burn them a little if they are not use to intense light. Its like getting sunburn the first day at the beach.

did you splash some water/superthrive on them while under the lights? HID lights can cause the water to act as a magnifying glass and burn the plant.

Nitrogen should not be a problem.

How often do you water?

1. Yes and No, the seedlings first started off with the HPS, very far away, then the small room of mine was getting way to hot 85f, So i decided to put 2 105w CFL's in there, but i didnt get the growth i wanted, so i got a Air cooled hood, and vented the hot air out, sticking at around 74-78 degrees.

2. Nah, i dont mist or get my plants wet.

It might be bugs, but i dont see any besides like 1 flying gnat every other day..

i checked my soil, Nothing..

This leads me to believe that perhaps there is too much nitrogen ? Im sure its not a problem now as there 3 weeks old going on 4...

New growth isn't harmed... i just would like to know the reason for it.

edit: I water when my babies ask me too :rasta:

every 3 days or so is when they look thirsty.
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be careful of over watering

when my seeds sprout - I do not water for the firts 2 weeks. There after only once maybe every 2 weeks again - keep your watering scedule at more water less frequently - that yellowing could also be the fine root-hairs slowly drowning.

I only water when I feel the pot is very light - just before wilting... maybe different for indicas - I only have experience with sativas...

PS: KILL THAT KNAT - somehow one manages to become many ....


its understandable to want to know exactly what caused it so that you can correct it...fact of the matter is lots of people fix their plants to death lol...your plant looks good man and if it persisted i would worry..but hell it could have been from earlier stress(the cfl)...but now that i look again it looks like a phosphorus deficiency coming on
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