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rehab (not 4 weed)....what 2 expect?


Active member
well most u know my stories......all shit i spit is tru, but this is serious.

.......youll prolly hear plenty about this.

im gonna go 2 the doc for depression....well i think thats what it is, but could be LQ.

so my parents are gonnna take me to the dr tomorrow.

i dont know how to answer their qS....my work qs...my parents qs.

i stepped up and answered myparents questions, ( they didnt question weed(but when doctors and shit ask about MJ...what do u say? (my parents dont know about mj use or grows)

og dmc

I already know how the doc will respond. He will insist you stop mj before prescribing you any meds. Happened to me. I would say that the mj is insignificant to your treatment, and admitting to it will delay your treatment.


Active member
Damn bro... I'm sorry to hear that your having a rough time.

I would suggest that you answer the doc's questions very honestly... It might not be the most comfortable thing for you to do...but in the end, it will help the doc diagnose and treat your issues. (But get ready to have several "scripts" thrown your way.)

As far as your parents go....well...I really don't know what to tell you. I think that once you've seen a doc and they realize that your getting the help that you need, they will be happy with that.

I can tell you that if I was in your situation...I would only let the folks in on a few small details... unless you just have to get all that shit off your chest.

The truth will set you free, though.

I went thru a 2.5 year, extremely intensive drug/alcohol behavior modification program in southeast texas.... I lived with drunks and junkies 24/7 for 30 months that couldn't get their fix.
Definately some crazy shit...but that's another loooong story.

Just so you know....I prolly talked to thousands of addicts over that 2.5 year period, and when I asked them about "their addiction"...only one out of all those folks said that they had issues with herb.... Everyone else just laughed when weed was brought up....they might have used herb along with their drug of choice, but they pretty much unanimously agreed that weed didn't cause the problems.

Brutha.... I've been reading your posts/rantings on this site for a couple of years now.

I can tell you this.......you seemed MUCH MORE HAPPY AND CONTENT when you were in AK.

I'm not saying that is your issue....but I think that you might be unhappy with your surroundings and that is playing a part in all this....

Sorry for the rant....but maybe it might help.

I wish you the best of luck.

Try and take it easy...bro. :joint:


sunshine in a bag
Just be honest with the doctor, I'm not to keen on letting my family in on shit they really wouldn't want to know about (MJ use especially, even though I don't smoke anymore)

And what is LQ?


yup depression sucks!

tomorrow is yet another day...make the best of it!
take it easy...:joint:

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Heres what to expect:
Prepare to be stigmatized even more
prepare to be surrounded by depressed losers for a long while
prepare for the authorities and ur parents to blame everything on MJ
prepare for your parents and the bureaucracies to be bedfellows
prepare for parents to intervene when they feel it neccessary, for ever and ever
prepare for the fact its now going to be harder than ever to be able to grow again

I know these might sound harsh Yukon but they are realities Ive seen happen to others in similar circumstances.
But if you need the help, you need the help, Ive felt the same way before but thinking about people worse off than me seems to snap me back to reality quick smart.

Anyway Bro, Chin up, worse things happen at sea!
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
if you think that weed is part of the problem then admit to it & deal w/it, if it isn't part of the problem then keep it your business, just my .02 & opinion bro as it will become part of your medical file thereafter.


livin my way the high way
hey man i wish you the best of luck with whatever you end up doing. i try to answer all qs with the best possible answers without admiting i smoke weed. i also think that it may be your location as you seemed to love the best state america can offer. get back up there and i bet youll be fine.


stone fool
We don't know enough to advise you, but it is a path that can fuck you up, truth or lie. As much truth as you want in printed word, forever, is one way to think about it.


livin my way the high way
that my good sir is a problem. but i understand if you cant. its making me get all edgy so i started smoking again and now im better.


Active member
thanks u guys....helps so far,

glad im not growing right now.......i dont know how to x=plain all my lights tho.


Active member
I have to kinda agree with Brneydbvr, Feyd and Joe h. I too was in a rehab/behavior modification program when I was a teenager and MJ was like coffee or cigarettes for most of people in there (crack, coke, brown and meth were the main drugs of choice). It really was not the problem as typically there is/are underlying issues that cause your behavior issues.
I would however try to stay off the herb for the first few months or more if need be. Herb can just complicate already difficult life issues instead of being a healing herb for the soul.

I don't know if I would tell your family about your herb use but I might tell the doc in private as it is supposed to be patient/doctor confidentiality. Just use your discretion. If you think that the doc would be understanding of why you use MJ then divulge. If you think that being honest about your MJ use will hinder your healing and progress then just don't mention it at all.

Herb does have negative side effects for some people such as amotivational syndrome or anti social behavior which could lead to other minor paranoia's, so you really need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself if your herb habit needs to be addressed as a hindrance to your every day life.

Keep your chin up and at least be honest with yourself about your issues. I wish you the best.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
im thinking you should be as honest as possible so that you get an honest diagnosis and proper treatment...

usually when people lie, they aren't lying to anyone but themselves...

weed ain't SHIT.... especially if you haven't smoked it in 6 months...

good luck with your endeavors, and may god guide you to the "right" path

peace, LW


Active member
thanks guys and thanks for the pm,s...i feel better but am worried 4 yukn more than me

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