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Deep Chunk x Highland Nepalese F1


Active member
Esbe, very nice. Love the colors !

Raco, jejee damn got me hungry...hace falta el Timbo con sus comidas tan deliciosas tambien. (whats wierd too me though is that the DC Parineeta(left) looks more sativa then the blue dancer...much more spitel and smaler caliz and the blue dancer looks dank, more furry and thicker leaves and caliz too)



Chunkbeki kush 56days
another clone..)




hope u enjoy.


Active member
techattack, your plants look wild, what a nice mix. But I'm curious, if those are the buds it seems like if you trim the leaves away you would have very little yield, as they have very little calyx and pistil build up. Why is that?


Active member
remember a friend telling me a little about the deepchunk, prety sure in the conversation he stated it was realy an outdoor plant, and that indoors he'd like to work on a feno with not such a larg leaf so not to take up so much space and bee light hoggs. Not sure exactly how it went though jeje damn stoner that I am. Then I remember him say'n something to Bone about crossing to a nice sativa and then kinda 3tripple asured it when he said just like the "guote" Bone has on the bottom of his posts....and I kinda agree man these huge monster leafs in a small cab wouldn play friendly with others jejeje and also shades herself in many ways, out doors the sun can penterate that, indoors you'd have too be putting out a lot of lummens tp do so, not too mention normal light enviroments the light is not moving over it from one side to the other like here in my yard it goes over me east to west...so both sides and top of plant are bathed in sun..not so in a light room.

So i'm gona be realy interested in what Satva x DC and Sativas x PTKs are out there, then maybe even back crossed to the mother Sat to have 75% sat 25%indica for my humid climates...others might want too cross back to the DC male for more indica plants indoors and cross thier fingers for the smaller leafs ? Bone mentioned a cross thats 75% sat the other day...but man, got all these conversations mixed up in my head as I spoke to a few friends taht day about breeding ideas jejeje dang it....well i'm not gona stop smoke'n so...need to start recording things on this little mp3 player I have to remind my self of shit literaly.


I do know the more leafs the more energy the plant can produce for its self and store away for flowering when most he fans have fallen. So leaves are important...how much energy goes into make'n them in vice versa for home much it will produce later I don't. I've seen sativas that are a trimming night mare that you'd think would have monster spears of long buds...not. And i've had hyirds with minimal leafes put out a good harvest too... I've had the leafy sativas put out monster loads too, as i've also had hybirs with not many leafs just barely give me a few good pipes and bongs worth too...out door growers i Know barely ever mess with there plants, maybe tie them or pinch a top here and there, but mostly its the indoor guys yank'n leafs as to not shade another, or them selfs. And all sorts of persona thoerys of how thier styles give more yields...jeje well it's all about the experimenting...

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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Only have my one Neeple to go by, but the vegging bio-mass was enormous, while the yield was low. Seems synonymous with all indoor DC's I've seen, and dominant in most crosses as well. Backcrossing to the sativa side seems the way to go on such crosses. Unfortunately, my Nepjam X Neeple attempt only produced a couple of seeds that seem viable. :bashhead: :violin:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I can´t type jejejej this Grassman´s Chunkbeki is killin me!!!! uffffffff :muahaha:



hehe chaman :D yeah hehe :D i was saying something like that ;)
because im sure there is hybrids that would have a nice stretch during first part of flowering - but allthoghether it should have not too long floweringtime :D hehe its a interesting project indeed :D

im gonna see how the experiment with ssh/ptk x ssh/lp goes - :D charlie garcia had a few interesting points :D

but i suspect all those hybrids would work better with atleast a few weeks under atleast a few W's of lowbudget fluoros. just to get em to like 5-6 nodes and then you can put them out. :D it would with luck give fast nice productive bushes with a bit of controll in the heigth department :D

im right now growing out a sativa cross - of a californian sativa heavy hybrid called DivaG crossed to the lovepotion. its not growing fast but it certainly is flowering slow hehe it almost stopped stretched at once after few weeks - and then its jsut producing nugs. i think if i remmeber the recipy rigth this particular cross has some g13 indica in it - but it doesnt show.

something similar should work well in costa :D i bet the strong sun would make the growth eplosive as long as it gets maybe a few weeks of veg.

wiht a little fluorecent armario u be sorted for clones and a lot man :D hehe imagine putting out 50 smaller clones of something quick? that pays bills friend.,.,

peace mate :D

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Hi all!! Pebble, amazing the litle XVIII x DC x PTK.
Raco, nice stuff bro! :rasta:

Update :jump: Lebanese "Bekaa Valley 2004" 10 of 10. Growing now under 48 W Led panel.

The group. With the reveg. Leb. mum I selected.

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Active member
Wonderfull display ! jeje

I like how when plants grow close to another they streach striaght up, but when given room they put out nice branches, i've got 14 Destroyer X Panamas in one 5 gal pot. They are all just striaght colas. But then i've got I think 4 in another 5gal bucket, and these have started to grow branches and grew a little taller, even took them longer to sex...so this confirms for me when plants compete they grow less and finish faster, when given some room they take their time and fill out more as they flower, they sexed almost a week and half later with ten sisters lesss jejejee Well kinda went off with the inspriration of these nice plants above.



identical to the male i used :D the more narrow leaf and open structure :D

looking good!


one of the outcome - CheeseTrainwreck x PTK - had some stress

an other PTK cross by Cloneman - SSH x PTK

and the alibi from marijuanaut



Active member
hi bronecarver jejeje...
i cross that male with destroyer :jump: ..
my Alibi #1 by Bacchus...



buenos humos colega



that alibi looks nice too - maybe not as resinous but productive! gonna be itnersting to see how it turns out later :D

the destroyer x PTK sounds fun :D show us how it turns out :D with a bit of luck it will ke killer smoke! :D the Cheese/Trainwreck i used had very chunky buds and together it seemed to have given good results.

but the only down fall has been the big pheno got a few bananas i picked off.. but its been very controlled this far and im not worried. im even planning to reveg her maybe. i still got a bunch of seeds left to try out.

i planted also now some SSH/PTK x PTK i made using my favorite mom from Cloneman and the PTK male i got from the T hill seeds raco gave me. its going to be very interesting to see how they turn out too. :D

its fun making beans :D


charlie garcia

so nice friends

bones hope you manage to find hardest nugs around indeed, lovely pics and lots of trics :) snowing outside too Bones? crazy!

rasjano if Ptk male does well I am sure such destroyer/ptk gonna rock with your nice mom. Hope you get best harvest in garden, comes so nice indeed for now... vaya mano tienes! ;)

Enjoy all
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