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midwest growers unite


Horse-toothed Jackass
NH: What's HG? do you mean OG, overgrow? i was never part of that site, only got into growing a year or so ago...
wow, is the wall behind that afghani purple or did the light shining through the afghani turn it purple? the plant's so purple it turns the whole room purple!

PC: Wow, a whole month off. pretty sweet. u should travel or something. but even your grow would need to be visited sometime during that month...
how much wattage are you thinking for your friend's grow? if i had a big place and room wasnt an issue, id do 2k for flower and a 600 for veg, moms and clones.
now you're copying my ideas. i have a bho tube too (the plastic one though) and bubblebags instead of a screen. im going to use my surplus harvest to make jelly hash too: a combo of bho and bubblehash. when you said it was made with bubba kush do you mean shake? that nug looks pretty dry, is it not sticky at all? hows the high compared to the buds; is it that much better? for all the work i want to put into it, it better be worth it.

DB: sorry to hear about your nlxbb's. they sounded really dank. ive been there bro, with the overnuting. :badday:
my only recommendation for revegging them is make sure they get a good amount of light (24/7 of course).
flower time is usually strain dependent but for most hybrids i would think 2 weeks is a good rule of thumb.

LI: have you ever put germed seeds into peat pucks before? i did it and it didnt work out so well, but i think the seeds were old seeds in poor health.

FL: that box sounds like a sweet piece of work. any pics of your engineering design? im thinking of going with a grow tent if i move but im interested in cabs too, especially for cloning...

PB: that widow looks dank. good to see ur still smoking the good stuff, even if you cant grow anymore...


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I'm finally harvesting...

I'm finally harvesting...

Bababooey said:
PC: a combo of bho and bubblehash. when you said it was made with bubba kush do you mean shake? that nug looks pretty dry, is it not sticky at all? hows the high compared to the buds; is it that much better? for all the work i want to put into it, it better be worth it.

:joint: my set it & forget it, no meters or res. change garden...Babs, i got him a pl lite system 1K, a lite mover, robo stick etc. already spent close to $1,000 and i haven't even gotten the buckts, hoses, pumps etc...dont care its unlimited funds. we decided to just use 1 room w/a big walk-in closet. the closet will be the veg & clone room. :joint:

I took a bubba kush bud and ground it up, mixed it w/the kiff & honey oil..this stuff is potent 1 hit and ur stoned for awhile bro...this is what i bring with me when i go on vacations..easy to conceal, no smell, a small ball will go a long way. u can make a pipe outa fruit, tin foil etc. Hope this helps.:violin:

Northern White budz getting fatter by the day(bent branch)

Schrom flowered on 10/01/08 will be chopped on 12/10/08..another schrom plant(left) in soil...same level as the canopy of my trees of green garden..soaking in the Hortilux..:asskick:

Ps, my schrom in swc/tron will be chopped tomorrow..it was flowered on 9/20/08 :joint:
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For those of you who remember me[, here is that ak47 i was talkin about running. my record prior to this was 1.5 lbs last grow on white widow. The ak here blew her away with 1.8 on 600hps. It has to be luck cause i dont think im a very good grower like ive said before, i just do what other proven growers do and it turns out good. Well here it is

nice huh...lol


Buteo Jamaicensis
sup midwest, i hope thanksgiving went good for everyone. traffic was a serious pain in the ass today though.

lost: hey man, how far down into the pucks did you put em? once i get tails about 3/4-1" i bury em to the tips of the cotyledons and leave a little bit exposeed to make it think its already broke the soil, if those ones dont come up at all try that out.

koopa: turducken,i man i miss that about thanksgiving, the games used to be way better a few years ago, i wonder what happened.

RM: :laughing: too funny

PC:if thats where you moving to i already know where youre going :wink: i know exactly were those are located, in fact, just went past them about 200 yards out earlier today. hmm, you dont think the 20-30 temps coming through thr glass will effect growth?


I tried to get 'em around 1/4-1/2" under, but they probably got smashed a little further down. This was the first time I've taken seeds with tails into pucks. I've always just taken the seeds, soaked 'em over night and drop 'em in the pucks the next day, often they have cracked by this time. However I read in the WD forum the c99 seeds had poor germination rates, so I tried doing what had worked for others. I wanted to see if they'd germ at all before hittin' the pucks. Oh well, live and learn I guess. Thanks for the tips bird, babba. I wonder if I'd have better luck with a soilless mix, these particular pucks I got from earl mays suck. The peat ones are alright, but they have coir ones with like a straight cotton wrapping that roots can't penetrate for shit. I've had a bag of jiffy-mix from wally world for like 6 years that I thought I would use as a casing for growing mushrooms many years ago, lol.

Anyhow, I got my fan and filter ordered and paid for, I'm hoping to see an invoice or shipment notification now that it's not a holiday week, mid last week was probably a poor time to finally make an order. It was weird, they didn't have the fan/filter combo I wanted on their site, like a database error or something, so I placed the order with their (htgsupply) ebay store. Of course it's on their site now that I already ordered it for $5 more on ebay (the shipping was more expensive on ebay). At least it should be on the way pretty soon, and I can get this box setup! :rasta:


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I seriously

I seriously

abirdintheair said:
PC:if thats where you moving to i already know where youre going :wink: i know exactly were those are located, in fact, just went past them about 200 yards out earlier today. hmm, you dont think the 20-30 temps coming through thr glass will effect growth?

:joint: doubt u know where im located bro...did u know that there are about 4 to 5 windfarms within 80 to 100 miles away from chicago? and more are being put up...I got 2 summer homes and both of them are about 30 mins away from the nearest windfarm. Well, enough of where im supposedly located at...here's pix of the bud for the smoke report..someone will be getting..this was grown in my tron..in 10 more days my 1K schrom will be chopped and he'll get a bud of that to for the smoke report...just remember 1 was grown under HPS the other was CFL's. will be curing it till then. :asskick: Hope this helps.

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Buteo Jamaicensis
nope, didnt know that, but still, all i said is i drove past some, didnt mean anything serious by it. some people just need to smoke and calm down, rub their ears and say woosah :rasta:


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I know....

I know....

:joint: u didnt bro..dont worry bout it. btw, i completely forgot that i pollenated this plant in the tron so i can have my own schrom cross. imho, once u pollenate a plant, it will never get to its full potency, thats just me. i could be wrong. dont care, i gots my own cross of schrom and i also have another schrom under 1K that is not pollenated....hope this helps :asskick:


Horse-toothed Jackass
DS: Congratulations on your cloning success rate! the only way i got over 90% consistently is by using peat pucks in a humidome.

SG: nice plants. growbags under flouros. nice and economical.

PC: hope your schrom harvest went smoothly. mine usually take about an hour for trim and emptying the res.
A grand sounds about right for a premium light setup with mover. so is a 1k with a light mover like having 2k without a mover?
the odor control and venting is gonna be pretty expensive, but i cant imagine u spending more than another grand all in, even if your budget's unlimited.

OR: of course we remember you, we were wondering where you've been. now we know youve been busy growing and harvesting the ak. :rasta:
that one bud next to the fire extinguisher is pretty awesome. THAT'S what im talking about when i mention colas the size of two liters.
did the phosphoload do that? how big do you think they would have gotten without the load? i bought a bottle of that recently, havent used it yet. are you worried at all about using paclobutrazol (the active ingredient of phosphoload) in your buds?

LI: sucks that you had to pay an extra $5 because they couldnt get their computers straight. you should email them and let them know that and they might credit you back that money. its a small amount though, but its worth a couple emails at least.
i dont think it was the peat pucks that killed my last seed run, i think most of those seeds werent very healthy. they usually germed but would have difficulty sprouting. only 1 of 4 that popped looks like its going to veg out.
im going back to soil to put my germed seeds into. i use soil for my moms anyway so i always have plenty of it. mg moisture control and perlite worked fine for my needs but im just now using a blend: mg organic soil, blood and bone meal, and perlite. thats gotta be at least somewhat organic, right?

PB: I tried googling for one but couldnt find one. try internet hydro shops; their products are cheaper (although with shipping you lose a lot of the price savings) but there's more anonymity online... :joint:
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Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
harvesting every 2 weeks now...

harvesting every 2 weeks now...

Bababooey said:
PC: hope your schrom harvest went smoothly. mine usually take about an hour for trim and emptying the res.
A grand sounds about right for a premium light setup with mover. so is a 1k with a light mover like having 2k without a mover?
the odor control and venting is gonna be pretty expensive, but i cant imagine u spending more than another grand all in, even if your budget's unlimited.

:spank: my guestimation, I prolly gots 3.5 to 4 oz when dry..the 1K schrom will prolly be 5.5 to 6 oz's...and no, having a lite mover is not like having 2K. we make our own carbon scrubbers just gots to get more carbon...the schrom budz should be ready for the smoke report b4 xmas so stay tuned...Hope this helps. :joint:

That guy from nat geo pot nation with the million dollar grow op. isn't the only one that has green, bugless healthy plants...check out my leaf its as green as his and as healthy as his. Keep in mind that i dont do meters and res changes.... :asskick:

Ps, i do envy the trees he has in his grow op though... :asskick:
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Active member
So I just received my seeds from Seedbay! Jorge's Diamonds, Lemon Skunk, & Super Silver Haze. Got 2 freebies with my order: Miss Mud X Sour D & M.I.S. On day 2 I took 3 shot glasses & cleaned them out with rubbing alcohol. I then took a mild B-1 solution and filled the shot glasses about 2/3 full. I bought 5 pack feminized seeds so I took 2 seeds from each pack (the best looking seeds & worst looking seeds) and I soaked them in the shot glasses overnight on a heating pad. The following afternoon I checked them and both JD's popped, both LS's popped, and 1 SSH. Day 1: Received, Day 2: Soaked, Day 3: Popped/Planted that's FAST & EFFICIENT! I finally came across a GHS Lemon Skunk thread, but I still can't find anything on Jorge's Diamonds... I'm going to try to start a thread on this grow...we'll see! Thanks for all the help!!!