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Well im sure lots of peeps been wondering where ive been and it hasnt been so good and id thought id share and see what kind of Help i can get!!

As the title states.

YES i was rearended by Chp on so cal freeway in california..
It was night on my way home i get on the freeway from the on ramp. I start to merge over in traffic over 2 lanes with my blinker on and had to wait to get in the next lane cuase of what i rember a black tahoe.
I waited for the tahoe to get in front of me and i switched lanes right behind him and about 30 sec later Im pinned in my seat sideways to all 4 lanes of traffic coming right at me.
I almost rearend the tahoe i was hit so hard from behind I turned the wheel to the right to avoid him and was lunged back over all 4 lanes of traffic and off the 100 ft revine backwards into the brick wall at the bottom of the revine..
I woke up to chp blaring a light in my window telling me to open the door. all i could hear was a mexican lady yelling "u got hit by chp" "u got hit by chp" I was fading in and out and was full of blood the chp made me sit in the car till about 6 or 7 fireman pulled me out of the car with a head laceration 7 in long to the left side of my head.
As im in the ambulance on the way to the hospital im stablized and a chp is in the ambluance telling me im being arrested for DUI!! I immeditatly was like WTF r u talking about do a breatalizer do whatever..His response was immediatly that i dont need to we found enough stuff in your car to believe you are stoned out of your mind I dont care if u have a medical prescription that dont matter and doesnt mean a thing!!
I laid there bleeding out of my head with 3 emt guys keeping me stablized not to pass out when the chp starts readin me my rights.. In the middle of him blabbing I ask him wtf r u arresting me for U HIT ME!!! U REARENDED ME!!!
HE immediatly was quiet and got on his radio for i dont think they realized I knew they hit me...I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and started calling friends/family whoever i could then i past back out!!
The next thing i rember Im on a hospital bed getting my head sown up hearing my parents yelling at an officer cuase he wouldnt let my family see me!! Let alone im in the medical ER bleeding out my head the CHP would not let my family see me!! Once i was stable they started doing sobriety tests on my eyes with a pencil! PASSED EM ALL!! then another officer comes in and does em too I pass em again. then 5 min later the same officer comes in and says well i think your under the influnce no matter what Ur under arrest and locked me to the gurney right there and read me my rights!. and as he was done proceeded to talk shit saying it wasnt medical marijuana and my prescritpion was fake!!
I laid in bed for 2 days till i was realeasd to another hospial for another day for full ct scans etc..I ended up with i think 32 stitches 16 staples in my head! they shaved the whole side of my head wrapped me head up and realeased me to chp
Once i was realeased, I was thrown right into a chp car and taken to jail where I had thrown up all over the chp car on the way there!!
Once we get there they wont process me cuase im full of blood and am a medical patient so i was put in another chp car taken to twin towers in la where i threw up all over that car too!
Once i was processed i was put in a medical ward for almost 3 days NO COURT!! I was told it was a DA reject cuase they needed more evidence once i was out. so finally a officer came to the door for meds and handed me a realase slip and i had to walk out of jail and follow some damb line to the end..seemed like it took 10 min..Once i hit realease the guy was tripping on me and my head! My intake pics are horrible all it is is blood! He got me out asap which was a help thank god!!
Once i was out I contacted Bruce margolin and had to pay to retain him
this was 8/06.
We get the police report a month later and its got me for 5 charges:
They are saying i was dui and was all over the road so the chp had no choice than to rearend me cuase he was in the carpool lane and i merged in front of him while he was in pursuit!
I had 4 mason jars in a back pack equalling about 2oz the report says and 25 immature plants.
Yes i had 2 fresh BUBBA KUSH oz.s just finished curing on there way home along with a bouquet of clones NOT even in cubes they were cuttings twisty tied into a bouquet.....NO ROOTS OR CUBES!! they were wrapped in a paper towel. I had no scale no baggies nothing that would insinuate all these charges..I really dont get it!! the system is FUCKED UP.
So 6 months later March first week of march on a thursday. 3 CHP officers are banging on my door at 9am with an arrest warrant..they cuff me right on my front door and take me to jail for 5 felonys..(6months later)
My wife posted bail for me as soon as i got there..100K BOND
I still sat in jail for 12 hours..I get realeased and get a court a month/half later!! WTF!!
I get home call BRUCE MARGOLIN and hes got NO idea whats going on says they havent filed the charges anywhere then a week later they get filed at for yes with the same case # as before that was rejected..
So the time has come for my first court date and Im STRESSED OUT like no other..I dont know what other evidence they have or what but its bullshit cuase Im completly legal under prop 215.. THERE THE ONES WHO HIT ME!!!!


That really sucks! At least you puked in two or three of their cars! :muahaha:


if only all mj smokers would unite as a real force. think there is more of us than them. times are changing my friend. ride around with video cam. never know whats going down. i have one my own dash cam so leos watchin us why dont we intell on the bitches. sorry man. tired of seeing good people go down for no reason. godspeed peace


dont forget what i told you about emergency vehicles ;)

Department of Transportation is who makes the rules regarding emergency vehicles. Lets say you were intoxicated, was the CHP chasing you? NO? lawsuit....

he cant hit you unless he is ending a pursuit. paramedics get fired for hitting people even if we have the sirens on and going code 3 through any sort of on coming traffic. police are not immune by the DoT for hitting civilians.
Man after reading that whole section again Im still shaking my head. Sorry you had to go through all this shit...At least its over and your out...and your SAFE. Thats what matters.. to bad you cant sue the hell out of CHP though... complete bullshit. I hope you tried to demand the video camera in the car...if they were chasing you they should have had the camera on... FUCK THEM...


Active member
SCF said:
where the hell have you been bro. We are worried about ya

:badday: Soaking up the bullshit of this whole situation!! They put me on probabtion with random drug testing and they said even MJ will violate me even with my prescription :fsu: Ive got to deal with them sueing me civily as well,, We go to court in like a week/half and supposably 2 of them are settling for 100k a piece and the other one is sueing for 250k... IM just litterly amazed at this whole situation how a cops word overides anyones even witnesses..There saying I did a unsafe lane change in front of them and they had to rearend me even though all the skid marks are in the ONE LANE!!! Even the witness said they rearended me at a high rate of speed and still 2 differnt judges see that I had MJ in the car and immediatly frown on me and believe there bullshit!! I just want this crap over with already!!
On top of that Ive lost all my genes and cant get ahold of anyone that would even have the verified genes either without driving over 3 hours and without a liscence its kinda hard to do that!! I have to wait till november till i get my drivers liscence back then hopefully ill be back in business!!


New member
i just read the whole thread and ma does that suck!! Dont they have a dash cam? did anyone do a crash scene investigation and skidmarks? Sounds like you neeed a good lawyer and a counter suit agains the chp..i know i would be ravin like a lunatic. :cuss: fuck the police! well the bad ones


Why didnt you get the camera footage from the police car - seems it would have shown the whole thing

Incredible story - very happy you survived, are out of the slam , and healthy

Really shitty all around

Fight back and

God Bless


Just read the whole thread and all I can say is WOW!! I was locked up for 4 1/2 months for DWI. I was swerving and the cop pulled me over. I am a diabetic and told him my blood sugar was low. He didn't believe me and took me to jail. I passed brethalizer but couldn't pass field tests b/c of low sugars. They even had to give me juice to keep from passing out. The judge said that the cop thinking I was impaired was sufficient cause to pull and arrest me and I guess enuff to convict me as well.
:fsu: I hope all is well with you now and remember your family and health is the most important thing there is.


why o why did you take the plea?

i'm so sorry for your losses my friend

I too have had police problems and i dont' leave my house now for fear of the same thing that happend to you

hopefully you can get compensation some day, never stop fighting...


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
cop cars have cameras in them that dont turn off. if you can get that footy subpoenaed for court that may change things... for the civil suit.


I saw a CHP officer (his uniform shirt and badge were hanging in the back seat) driving a BMW on I-80 near Sacramento on Monday morning at about 1115 driving at a high rate of speed (I was doing 65) weaving in and out of traffic. As he passed me, I flipped him the middle finger. He has no business endangering the public in his private vehicle. He was a uniformed officer and not plain clothes. The CHP is horrible and not loyal to the law or constitution. They just seem to make it up as they go along, leaving victims in their path.


Maybe the media could help you with witness' since you were out of it, and couldn't contact the lady who was yelling that the CHP had hit you. this is after the fact but I have an attorney on retainer for just that type of reason. You just cant trust law enforcement. I've had them laugh right in my face and say " we can do anything we want so you're fucked and there's nothing you can do about it". Lovely aint it? Grunt


as i was driving home a few nights ago i was simply driving down the highway at 55 mph on cruise control. as i was about to pass a minor intersection (no light) i see a minivan and a police car appearing to cross the highway as i passed by them. the minivan pulls on the highway first and the cop follows. the cop immediately passes the minivan and drives right up behind me and puts his lights on... so i put my blinker on and pull over. he follows me over to the shoulder then just turns his lights back off and pulls back on the highway and speeds off. so i get back on the highway following way behind the cop. then i notice that he is pulling the same thing with the next car in front of him too...

basically he was trying to scare drivers into making a mistake on the road when he lights them up just to give him a reason to pull them over... what a sham. cops are pathetic con-artists that will lie, cheat and attempt to scam the legal system to benefit their careers.