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Variety.... The Spice of Life!!!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Damn dude just saw all like 60 pictures you posted. Mad props, I know how much work it is to post and label all them. They plants look healthy as hell, as I said before, cant wait to see some budssss. Stay eazy brotha :joint:


so we leave right after you showed us the lemon godzilla and we get out on the road and Godzilla by B.O.C. comes on the radio...go figure..:bashhead:
home safely in just an hour..


Active member
Well, I'm glad to hear you made it safely.

Interesting timing on the song, though!

All the best,


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Damn brother! Great update.. To be honest man, that is the EXACT reason I grew one strain. Didnt want to have to put so much effort into posting (and potentially doing a craptacular job and showing it off to everyone and their mother) Looks amazing man, the plants all look like they are taking off and enjoying their environment


Active member
Thanks, Prof! Now I need the motivation to post the update in my other forums!!!

Can't wait to see buds? That makes 3 of us!!! (I know the woman feels the same way!) Well, Soulfly, I just wanted the variety too much! The updating isn't too hard, even with all the pics. I'm confident I can get them to at least survive :D

All the best,


Active member
So a little written update. Pics in a day or 2.

They're growing amazingly quickly, I love it. I attribute the accelerated growth rate to the addition of some additional micro nutrients and especially the beneficial microbes. Can't wait to see what that equates to once I start flowering!

I've gotten rid of a few of the clones and the 2 Affie seedlings to my good friend who's OD plants I posted pics of, if any of you remember. Well, he's decided to do some ID, and I've helped him plan it out as well as give him 3 strawberry cough, and 2 super skunk cuts that I've been vegging for the last month or so.

Now that he's got plants, he's going to join here. Look out for ( I believe ) Capt. Toke in the near future.

I'm starting to think that sexing all of these is going to be very interesting. My 8 sq ft veg area is almost completely filled, as well as one 9 sq ft table in my flowering area. So I'm thinking I'm going to need to switch them to 12/12 to sex them, then select my studs and females, kill the other males, and rearrange things to hopefully have enough room in my veg closet to keep 1 of everything.

If not, I've got my friend who I got my cough cuts from who has extra veg space. He'd be here if it wasn't for the fact that he doesn't have an internet connection.

All the best,


Always good to see other members helpin out newer ones!!
for you!


Active member
Thanks, CD!!!! Always willing to help any friend who desires to do something, especially when it's growing :D You know what they say.... overgrow the gov't!!!

Yessir, Prof!!! I can hardly wait!!!

All the best,


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Sounds like things are moving along my friend! Another month then I can get my new grow going! Woot!


Active member
Counting down the days now, Soulfly? Can't say I blame you!

You gonna have a budget to work with when you get back? Can't wait to see what your plans turn into!

Yeah, they're moving right along, alright! Didn't mention, but I finally got around to setting up my irrigation system, and I gotta say... I fuckin LOVE not having to get into that jungle and water them! Best 50 bucks I ever decided to spend on growing!

Anyhow, I'm not taking pics of them all again, so the update process will be easier this time around. I'll be on that hopefully today.

All the best,


Sweet u finally got that irrigation system up.Can't wait to see your update and i know it's u huge drag taking pics sometimes.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
glad to hear you got the irrigation system up and running. I have been taking notes of what has been troublesome for me on my grow and irrigation is definitely high up there. Im not sure of what the budget will be like till I get back, Have to get settled and into work (getting my old job back, woot!) before I can really map it out. Not sure of the living conditions yet too and that is a major concern so we shall see bud.


Active member
Yeah, not knowing the living conditions you'll be in will make it hard to know when you can get started! Congrats on getting your old job back! How long have you been away from there for?

Makes me think of when I got out of jail after a year, and went to work the next day. Before I even saw my parole officer! Man did that shock the hell outta him! Never had to take a piss test even! He was just so damn happy I made him look good he didn't want me to get in any trouble, as my history clearly shows I don't give a fuck about that kind of shit. If I can't get any extra time, and I haven't done all of it, then WTF?

But thank god no more of that shit! I'm fuckin sick of court and all of that. It's been a few years, but the memory's clear as fuck.

IPiT, yeah, I finally set up the irrigation. Took a few hours, which was probably why I waited so long to do it. I really need to stop being so goddamn lazy, especially if I plan on doing more in the future!!!

All the best,


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Ive only been gone a year but the change in location was pretty fucking drastic.. i honestly think it was more drastic than if i had moved to the new england area - the outlook of people down here is just so different than the west coast. 1 year has felt like 2 for sure, haha.

Glad to hear things are going well for you man, definitely get the lazyness out and see what you can get going!


Active member
I believe NE would have felt more like home than down there!!!!!!!! Lots of people seem to hold similar values on the coasts.


Active member
OK, so time for an update!

The plants ran outta room, and began stretching, some growing into sticks I'd never be able to clone off of. So I set up my 2nd flowering table, and set up one of my HPS to veg some of them for a few more days. Didn't want to have to do that, but the branches were stretching too damn much without putting on new nodes. So I added 4 23W CFL's to add some blue to the plants under the HPS.

Now they got the room to bush out a little in the next few days till I flip em to sex em. Then the fun begins :D

So here's the pics, starting with some of the room with the 2 tables set up.

Under the MH.

Under the HPS.

Inside the closet.

A Skunk Chunk plant.

Here's one of the Skunk Chunk's leaves. Fuckin huge!!!

The sensi star x skunk #1 freak.

The Roadkill Skunk.

My poor Super Skunk mom, all shoved into the corner of the closet, because there's no room anywhere else!

A halfassed pic of part of my irrigation system. I don't have enough room up there to be able to get a good pic of it.

And a couple of pics of the bending I've done to encourage some branching, now that they've FINALLY got the room!

All the best,

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Damn dude thats a real nice setup you got there. Your plants lookin bangin an soon enough your gonna have soo much bud. That chunk leaf is big as shit damnn son. Keep up the great work Ill be around. :joint: