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First grow 150watt cab


well im only watering like every four days and at that point the soil is bone dry so it def wasn't overwatering, and yes i have plenty of drainage holes. i assume it was over nuting but w/e they look good now, thats what matters. heres some pics. the first pic is the one that was super wrecked. and btw what should i do with almost dead leaves. if they are brittle should they go?


exactly ten hours from flush. (i was hoping for a little bit of improvement and this made my day.) just looked at them and they look even greener. WOOt!


Much better looking. Now slowly feed them something gentle. They are babies and u gotta treat em that way. Good luck!!!!


Looking better

Looking better

They are looking better yeah. The roots like a complete wet/dry cycle. You will do less harm to the plant if it has a dry day or two than you will if you overwater, and you had what looked to be a classic overwater wilt before. No dramas, they are tough old plants once they are established! It's easy to get the hang of the water, especially when the plants get a bit bigger. I keep checking the weight of the pot and when it is light enough and the bottom fans are just starting to sag, it's about time for a drink. When they are happy, the leaves will tilt up to the light and they grow like fuck!

Enjoy the grow m8!


PS- And yeah, I have always used Perlite. The ganja likes permeable soil that drains well. It's better for the flush too if you use ferts!
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
You can add perlite, but it will mainly stay on top, as it is lighter than your wet medium.

But you will def add it to your next run


1st pic is of the three (their about as bushy as they were before i overnuted the hell out of em) i am wondering weather or not to trim the leaves under the canopy, as well as leaves that are mostly yellow. My dumbass didnt know there was a close up option so the pics are actually visual now.



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Looking at the dirt ball from here I say they need more water and less heat. Post #14

Are the roots exposed to the light? Are the plants in single containers of their own?

I'm just used to seeing the root ball in some kind of container.

The current pic they look much better. What did you do?

Was unaware there was a 2nd page....
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they are in individual 3 gallon pots, the roots are not exposed but i would like to put some more soil in their and that's why i want to trim all the bottom shit (i planted too low in the container from the beginning.) i just flushed 2 days ago and they turned around. i don't think the roots are exposed.


So I came home yesterday from a vacation weekend and all three felt really dry. Watered with nutes, like half the recommended dosage on the back of the bottle. Wake up this morning and leaves are becoming dry and cracking, turning yellow, and maroonish streaks on the leaves. (I believe this to be over nuting). Question is if it is over nuting can i flush right now even though i watered yesterday?



that doesnt look like nute burn too me looks like a deficiencey what are you feeding them? Have you checked the ph of your water?


i use advanced Nutrients 3part and i did not check the ph on my last watering, but usually its at 7. I dont have any ph adjustment solution just a ph measurer but 6.8 is optimal, right? Also, Cold water wouldn't cause something like this would it?


ne advice anyone, should i flush. Just looked at them again (aprox 4 hours from posted pics) and they looking even more yellow, the tops are still green but lower branches are extremely brittle and browning. HELP!


Active member
ehh thoese might be done for,i had the same thing happen,they looked fine,and then all of a sudden they started drying from the bottom up...and died

hopefully they'll pull through,good luck]

ya go ahead and flush,couldn't hurt
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I wish you would have actually looked in the infirmary and done some reading of the sticky thread posted there (hard to miss with a name like The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!).

Instead, it appears that you just posted your pics and hoped for the best. The only reason that 1 person suggested overfeeding in the thread you posted (without a full problem report mind you) is because you admitted to following the directions on the back of the bottle and said that you were feeding with every watering.

And just for the the record: the person who was giving you advice? They did have an excellent example of too much nitrogen in their gallery:

While it may seem, like what you were doing was overfeeding (and it was), your plants were not showing signs of nute burn. However, a few seconds of reading in the infirmary and you would have seen your answer in just a minute or two. Your pic that you showed us looks exactly like the example, in the sticky thread, in the infirmary, of NITROGEN DEFICIENCY. I mean: almost exactly. There's really no doubt about it. Here, take a look for yourself:

See the signs? Nice, green growth on top, but weak, yellowing leaves near the bottom. Let's take a look at yours:

See any similarities?

All you had to do was visit the sticky post in the infirmary and you would have seen this within seconds. You've flushed your plants 2-3 times now? And they're hardly 6 inches tall? Probably washing a good part of the delicate soil system going on down there away with it every time. However, as I stated before in this thread: I don't think it matters because I'm pretty sure your plants are choked for oxygen from the start.

You have little, to no breathing room in your soil because there was no perlite or anything like it added. This causes oxygen deprived roots which is never a good thing and usually results in unhappy plants, root rot, or just death. It's hard to diagnose cannabis problems relating to nutrients and soil if you don't have soil with acceptable drainage to begin with.

I'd like to take this opportunity to also recommend that you not move to such a large pot so quickly. You said that they are 3-gallon pots (though they look way too small to be). The plant was barely on it's 4th set of leaves and it's already in a big, 3 gallon pot? Not only that, but shortly after being moved into this giant pot, you flushed it with water.

If a plant is put in a container that is too large, then it's possible for the water to "spoil" or "sour" before it is actually used by the plant. This is caused by the water sitting in the soil without any movement or oxygen.

You said you check for dryness by the "poke the finger in the soil method" (which is not a good way) and you're only going an inch down? I have a very good feeling that there is plenty of water, further down in the pot, away from the tip of your finger you only stuck an inch into the soil. You said you water every 4 days or so. I can tell you right now: since your soil has almost no drainage, there's a lot of water in there after you water. There's just no way a plant that size could suck up the water from 3 gallons worth of drenched, soaked medium, to create dry soil in just 4 days.

I have a plant that was larger than that, in a 2.5 gallon container, with adequate drainage and it would take 5, 6, sometimes 7 days before it was dry. Just as an idea of how long it takes before the plant is actually ready to water.

Learn the "lift the pot" method for watering. It's simple, it's easy, and it's so much more accurate than just sticking your finger in the soil (and it's not even that exact so imagine how inaccurate the finger method must be).


I hope the flush fixes things for you, I really do. If it doesn't though: I hope you learn for next time, that with 60 seconds of your own research, you might just find the answer you're looking for.

Because in this case: flushing your plants (again) because they look "nute burned" was not the answer.

-Q :rasta:
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thank you quazi for your input. I understand now that research is gonna get me alot further than just asking for the immediate answer. To be honest I was just freaking out because I had just watered and my plants went south from there. I just did some reading on the "lift the pot" method and will be using that from here on out, definetly will be waiting rather than watering too soon. I know I should have used perlite in my mix now, which sux because I have a huge bag of perlite in my garage (from a recent mycology experiment :bigeye: ) Anyways, the question is if they don't die what should i buy. I've looked at a few products online but i really don't know what to get, btw I have a worms way within a reachable distance that I can go to tomorrow if need be.


New member
hey your plants looked really nice for the first part of this before the whole yellowing and such.

just had a few questions for you cause i am plannigna similar setup. I also have fox farms fertilizer and a 150 hps

your plants look very bushy and short considering its vegged on a HPS.
are they a pure indica strain?
are you doing other things to keep them short and bushy???ie did you top them or something.???

how far away do you keep the light???

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