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How to enter the Cannabis Cup?

A friend of a friend asked me if i knew how to get the herb i assume there growing entered into the cannabis cup. Anyone know how? Is it invite only? What's the deal?


You have to know the secret password, without that you will never get past the door.
harhar,.. its a serious question though. im not saying this persons grows da bomb or anything, just the process to enter would be interesting to know


Which cup would you want to enter? Normally it's a simple case of phoning or contacting the organisers and asking for an application form. There are a few requirements you will need to meet but it's not hard to enter.


Un - Retired,
the HT cannabis cup is normally just for breeders and coffee shops
there is an entrance fee and a quantity of herb is required to be given to the celebrity judges

Dr Dog

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oldpink said:
the HT cannabis cup is normally just for breeders and coffee shops
there is an entrance fee and a quantity of herb is required to be given to the celebrity judges

I did not know that, I guess that would be the easiest way to ensure a safe and secure event

Everyone involved is involved


From my understanding, you need a coffeeshop in A-Dam to carry your strain and vouch for you before you are even considered.

I got this from the HT videos where "Doc" asked Steve what he needs to do to enter his ookikabooki strain.

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