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The Absolute Craziest Micro Grow on ICMag


Ikea Wardrobe measuring 20" Deep, 32" Wide and 64" High
One smaller camper fan and one tower fan laid sideways at the bottom
400w GGW Digital Ballast w/ 400w HX Blue for Veg and 430w HX HPS for flower
Fresca Sol Water Cooled Light
1/10hp Chiller with a 4 gal resi 250gph pump
10 gal Aeroflo Resi with six 3" net pots and silica stone (FUCK HYDROTON)
GH Dual Diaphragm Airpump w/ two medium round and one large airstone
ALL House and Garden Nutes (Aqua Flakes, Roots Excelurator, Multi Zyme,Top Booster, Bud XL, Drip Clean, Shooting Powder) Additives include; Budswell, Floranectar, Super Thrive, SM-90 (when not using Roots)
10 day weeks, 3 flush 7 with nutes
All Hogsbreath this run!

I have not seen ANYTHING like this anywhere else so I am doing it.

I basically have about 5 1/4 sq ft with 6 plants in a DWC and 400+ watts of light at all times.

Don't get enough comments on how to improve on my micro design (have gotten some just weren't very useful for my project) so I thought I would post here. I have a dairy of the grow in Indoor Hydro but want to make a synapse here.

Week 2 Vegging, Cab just getting up and running not fully complete but running

Week 2 IN FLOWER (somehow skipped week one, no biggie :D)

Week 3 FLOWERING Cab totally sealed and ready to rock and roll!

End of week 3




Wait, what.. um.. did you say water cooled light? really?
That has got to be one of the coolest things I've seen here on tha Mag..so it's a remote ballast? where is the ballast and what kind of daytime temps is that lil cab hittin with a 400?
Ima pullin up the ol' beanbag for this one man..
heres some greendot for that cab man..


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Swell cab but, I gotta ask. Where's the micro? Where's the crazy? We got people growing out of logs and peanut butter. Gardens not much bigger than a dictionary. While a water cooled light is slightly out of the ordinary, everything else is a garden variety C13. Very nicely done but, pretty standard stuff.

One Love

craziest on the mag? :laughing: Thats a bold statement.
I do like the water cooled light, but always thought they were more for 1k setups. Looks like you were still able to burn the top of one of those girlies with that water cooled setup. Maybe that's one area that needs improvement? Just saying, there's always room for improvement.
neat cab...


FreezerBoy said:
Swell cab but, I gotta ask. Where's the micro? Where's the crazy? We got people growing out of logs and peanut butter. Gardens not much bigger than a dictionary. While a water cooled light is slightly out of the ordinary, everything else is a garden variety C13. Very nicely done but, pretty standard stuff.

this is pretty "micro" size wise.
I basically have about 5 1/4 sq ft with 6 plants in a DWC and 400+ watts of light at all times


I duno greyskull, I was thinkin it looks about the same size as my grow. And Both this grow and mine I don't consider micro grow. I think if you've got anything over 400 it counts you out for micro.

I was coming in here picturing a microwave with a fluorescent and some seedlings with .3 nugglies on top ;) hehe

That being said, good grow brotha! Looks like those ladies are just as frosty as the should be for DWC, and the 400 looks like it will give you some nice dense nugs. The water cooled light has always seemed kinda cool, I guess you just cancel out the high powered fans and use water instead to cool. Nice grow! PEACE


i do agree with the wattage being over most micros. for sure.
but that is a small ass space. Its a small closet.... maybe even a fridge specs IMO. everybody's opinons on "micro" are the same as their opinions on "dank".
is yours that small (5sq ft)?
is micro mean you have to be doin the drbud action?
edit: fb: will check the link thx
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caligreen said:
... and some seedlings with .3 nugglies on top ;) hehe

no shit huh?
thats why I thought the grow was crazy.... didn't see "nothing" growing!


This isn't a crazy micro.

It isn't original either.

There are a lot of cabinets of this size with hydro setups similar to yours.

The only thing that makes this unique is the fact that you shelled out $$$ for a water-cooled lamp.

It's a well-done job and I'm sure you'll get plenty of good herb. But, the title of your post is an insult to the many awesome micros in these forums. Micros that were created with intuition, planning, research and hard work do not belong in the same category as micros created by taking a wad of cash and throwing it in a cabinet. Well, maybe they do. But, claiming that you've got the craziest means you better have a lot to back it up because there are a lot of really cool micros here.


-Q :rasta:
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Just Call me Urkle!!
yea no offense but I kinda felt my set up was crazier just because it was done with cfl's and I pack in my plants at 16 per sq ft.. Cool grow tho just bad title


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Well :badday: now I feel like I started a cluster f***!

I think it's a fine little garden. One to be proud of. I just wish it had a better title. Quazi and I have both done tutorials on how to use search. One of my points in each was, we need to use searchable titles. Example, "Question" is not acceptable. Pardon my modesty but, what do you suppose you'll find in the thread titled "250w Freezer grow THaze x Skunk"? This thread could've performed a higher function with a title such as "Watercooled (Ikea) C13"

Still, a fine little garden.


WEll I got haters but god know out there someone likes it!

Thats all I really care about. Everyone (includling myself) HATED on the water cooled for so long, finally someone shows that in less that 5.5 sq feet a 430w bulb can be used. Although my cab is "tall" I have seen a MILLION and a half micros with just as much grow space just not vertically like I have.

Thanks for all positive and negative comments, as one person said "there is always room for impovement.....Next round, MEGA scrog on the 10 gali res JUST LIKE YOU HAVE ON YOUR FREEZER....gonna make a lil PVC frame and string her up.....def need a more even canopy next time so I can really SLAM the light.

Anyway like I said, never seen a chilled and water cooled micro grow, that is crazy and that is why I made the statement

by the way I didnt and NEVER will "shell out big bucks" for grow equip....sounds like you just dont know the right people :D

Freezer although I love seeing my thread at the top and numerous veiws....my goal is not a popularity contest....simply to prove people can grow 4,328,409,325,784,541 different ways and here is one ABSURD way of growing my favorite plant. I should change the title....I guess at least I have peoples attention now hahahahah.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
pezoholic said:
although I love seeing my thread at the top and numerous veiws....my goal is not a popularity contest....
I can dig that. I'm just talking about use factor vis-a-vis search. I wish we could change titles. I forgot CMH and ScROG in mine. If I had a goal, it would be documenting pratfalls. "Don't do this boys and girls!" Most of the cool stuff I know comes from here but, my mistakes are my own. :bashhead:
real cool setup hehe well i guess i can say i have never seen water cooled in action so yay you got one :) what temps are you running at cuz it seems i always have a problem with them and would like to see if this might be a fix :)


Cool grow. Pretty plants never seen a water cooled grow. As a matter of fact didn't know it was possible... but a misleading title. :kewlpics:
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