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wont use lucas formula but have questions your opinon please


gets some
greenhornets said:
IGT ,i have a problem , I want to add 2 gallons of feed back to the reservoir to top it off at 1/3 strength but ,i dont know how much to use becuase i used the lucas 0-5-10 and i wont to switch to the flora nova bloom . my current TDS is 740 and PH is around 6.3 / 6.4. what do i do to figure out how much of the flora nova boom to use ???

Honestly? I don't get into all that exact measurement stuff so I can't tell ya. I just eyeball some Floranova into a jug of water and dump it in. That's the beauty of Floranova. No exact addback measuring and mixing and whatnot. Real simple like since it's already formulated to approximately Lucas formula. Have you read Lucas' big thread over on CW? He explains how to calculate addbacks as well as a whole bunch more great info. Read it twice.


But if I were to take an educated guess, Id say add back around 15ml at first, wait a few hours, then take a measurement. If you overdo it, you can always empty out a couple gallons and try again. Its pretty hard to fuck up your plants using Floranova
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What I ended up doing is adding 37 ml of F N Grow to two gallons of add back nutes. It brought the tds up to 840. The ph to 6.2. Went over to cw a few weeks ago, and started reading the lucas thread, but only made it to page 8. I'm using my girlfriend's pc and she won't let me because of the security warning. Do you think from 750 to 840 is to much?

I used the F N Grow instead of the bloom because I topped them the other night and letting them recover. Plus I need to work on the ventilation for the tent. I have the tent inside the veg room with the door open and the ac on to keep everything cool for now.


gets some
Youll be fine with 840ppm but I wouldnt go much higher than that. Your plants are in flower right? If so, do a res change and switch to the Bloom around day 21ish (or 14ish if a 7 week crop). Just keep watching your ph and watch your plants. They will tell you if they are happy or not.


Active member
No equipment, just basic Lucas Formula + RO

No equipment, just basic Lucas Formula + RO

My plants LOVE the Lucas Formula (thank you pH and Lucas)

I have no pH pen or tester. No truncheon or other meters. I have only RO water, Micro and Bloom.

Using the basic add-back formula for res changeouts makes my plants look gorgeous!

I don't recommend flying blind like this but the Lucas Formula rocks for mickey mouse hydro!

(good thing because I don't think I've ever used a more shoestring budget for a grow. Definitely never doing this again...... too close to the edge stresses me out.)


I think that PH has been bouncing all around. I would probably flush with straight water for a day or two, then mix new nutes and adjust PH


Active member
0-5-10 is NOT the Lucas Formula Vegetative mix.
0-5-10 is for low intensity light growing. Flouros mainly.

0-8-16 is stated by Lucas to be around 1200ppm. I have NEVER had any plants show signs of nute burn in the 23 or so strains I've grown.

People only have problems with the LF when they don't follow the formula exactly, use additives and/or mess around with the pH.

Mixed with just RO water nearly all MJ plants love it without any adjustments whatsoever.

Try it. You'll be as pleasantly surprised as I have, for several years now.


I flushed the turbo garden, and I brought the tds from 740 to 1130, but it is still adjusting. The ph is 5.8-6.0. Today i also started flushing the dwc recirculating buckets. Tomorrow I'll dump the flush water and add fresh water from the tap that I have let set over night and add some floranova grow. At what ml do you think I should use? Today I used 7 ml and it brought my tds up to 1130 in the turbo garden. Does 7 mls sound like a good number, or should I go lower?

I stopped using the lucas and started using the floranova grow. I am still in veg and would like to start flowering. How long should I wait to flower?


Active member
greenhornets said:
I stopped using the lucas and started using the floranova grow.
Lucas recommends 8ml/gal of Flora nova grow when using RO water for the veg cycle.
He recommends 8ml/gal of bloom with RO water for bloom cycle. Flora nova bloom is essentially the lucas formula in one bottle. (pre-mixed)

greenhornets said:
I am still in veg and would like to start flowering. How long should I wait to flower?

When the plant is about 1/2 to 1/3 the final size you can fit in your space or the maximum light density areas of your grow.

Unless you have run the strain before you really don't know what the stretch will do. I recommend switching to 12/12 when it's about 1/3rd the size your space can handle.

It's much better to finish with a bit smaller yield then to fight overgrowth, higher humidity temperatures and reduced airflow; potentially ruining a good portion of your crop.

Success is looking at you. Your plants are going to love you :)
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my tds settled at 1130. do you think i need to match the lucas formula . i would need to add 20 more ml to my res, to match the 8 ml per gallon .


. i bumped up the tds to match the lucas yesterday , it raised the tds 1260 and ph to 6.1 .it's been 2 day and no signs of change

i was told it could be iron and with a fresh reservoir change and by raising the tds up ,would cure the iron def .do you think it'ts to soon before i would see change . what else could it be if it's not iron


Active member
greenhornets said:
. i bumped up the tds to match the lucas yesterday , it raised the tds 1260 and ph to 6.1 .it's been 2 day and no signs of change

i was told it could be iron and with a fresh reservoir change and by raising the tds up ,would cure the iron def .do you think it'ts to soon before i would see change . what else could it be if it's not iron

If what you have in your tank is now the lucas formula you should see a change by tomorrow.

It hasn't gotten any _worse_ yet...... Has it?? (I hope not)

If you used any pH up or down before you fixed it, it may be a bit off in pH and need one adjustment. Should settle down after that with a regular top off.


hey IGT , i guess . i'm not really sure . i was told thats what it was, iron .the clones still look the same as the pics ,and not growing ,still the same size .they are yellow with green blotching . the yellow starts at the apex and works it way outward to the leaf tips . i did a flush for 24 hours and wednesday i hit them up with nutes . i first gave them 7 ml per gallon and the next day i brought it up to 8 ml. the tds shot up to 1340 . i added back a few gallons to drop the tds 1130.

you have any ideas what's up ? thanks for stopping by ..


gets some
How old/tall are your plants? Full Lucas formula is for full flowering stage, not starting plants. You have to work up to full strength. 1340 sounds pretty high unless you're in week 6 of flower.


Plants are only 12 inches tall. They have been topped. New shoots aren't growing. They are in about 8-10 weeks of vegging.


hey IGT , do you think i should dump the res or could i just add back a shit load of tap water to the res to lower the tds .the tds was around 740 before i got crazy with the nutes. whats a good number for the tds around 8 weeks vegg.??


gets some
Yeah you can just empty out half the res and add back plain water but I suggest dumping since you may have a lockout issue due to overferting.

Seriously, you shouldnt be going over 700-800ppm in veg, and barely 1000-1100ppm in flower. It just doesnt take high ppm to grow plants if using 3part or Floranova. Btw, at 12" you should be thinking about flipping to flower (12/12). The rule of thumb is the plant will stretch 3x during flower. If you flip to 12/12 today, you'll have 3 foot plants. One of the most common mistakes for new growers is vegging too long. It's about time to switch to 12/12.


hey DEE9 , thanks for stopping by. i'm currently using flora nova grow . lucas formula calls for 0-8-16 veg-micro-bloom. it say to use it for veg and grow . . i thought it was high but i . but everything i read said they could handle it . i guess you use a 1k light. i dont know .. i have a few different strain going in dwc recirculating buckets . thing is i think they all require different strengths . . i only have 2 store bought and the others are bag seeds ..