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Grape Romulan {woo woo} New to me... NorCal Clone



Nursed a NorCal clone into a nice Mom...

It certainly does taste like classic Romulan, for sure. Undefinable floral, somehow fruity, but one is hard pressed to say which fruit. More like some incredibly perfum-ee (sp..?) sweet - very fresh fragrance, like the first Spring day, or a flower I have never smelled.

Very Narcotic sleep-inducing. Makes typing a challenge.. lol

I expected a bit more of whatever the "Grape" in the name comes from. I suspected it was "Grape Ape," which is a Purple Erkle relative so prevalent around here. The Mom I am growing definitely has a bit of ther look of the Erkle family.

The below sample was grown by a compatriot who gave me the baby. There was a good 3-5 day power failure which affected all the grows, generator or not, so the nugs shown, while spectacular in every way, somehow, might be fluffier with normal conditions. Heard it was a good yielder.

Romulan usually is round buds, and since I really smell the Rommers in these nugs, maybe it is true to the Rom pheno more. I will find out.

After a cure of only 10 days and a quick dry, it tastes fantastic already...

Just now kicking in its' buzz power, as I flail on the keyboard in near darkness.

Thanx for reading.....

Do it Jah..>!



Yes, that does sound sweet! I'll be keeping an ear open for that one, there's some tasty romulan hybrids floating around right now.


Active member
romulan is a superb product,unfortunatly its a small yielder.def a classic bc bud,very stony.still a bit of a mystery as to the gens that make up romulan,but ive heard columbian,afghani,thai and kush mentioned.
i believe grape romulan is a grapefruit cross romulan from next generation.they enturd it in the HT cup last year.def danko :bashhead:
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I've tasted a couple different kinds, but it was grown from clones. Out-of-town clones, no less! But it just didn't have the legs to it that I'm used to, it was all about the flavor!


Active member
romulan is one of the pine flavoured pots.federation popularized it in the late 90's,through emery.


My little pony.. my little pony
Reeferman's version is very grape tasting. Heavy grape smell too.


I got my Grape Romulan cut from a friend who used to operate a hydro shop in Ukiah.

Great smell. Great trich coverage. Great yeild. Great plant.
Very offensive "rotting fruit" smell while growing. VERY VERY VERY STICKY.
Has a very unique flavor when smoked - like a fermenting welch's grape.



The revolution will not be televised.....
I believe the Bandit is running this also. Looks potent and grapey for sure.
Yup that's the grape Rom, danketty danky-dank-dank... Very nice lookin' buds peeps.....
all time favorite.... a favorite of all time in my home.....


Active member
Greyskull said:
I got my Grape Romulan cut from a friend who used to operate a hydro shop in Ukiah.

Great smell. Great trich coverage. Great yeild. Great plant.
Very offensive "rotting fruit" smell while growing. VERY VERY VERY STICKY.
Has a very unique flavor when smoked - like a fermenting welch's grape.

mm mmm, that looks great and sounds even better.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
how did I miss this?.........nice nugget's............I can almost taste em'......
What's up Money???.... Yeah this strain is farkin' sick... Soooo tasty man with a heavy FUNK aroma During late flower, just straight FUNK.
Glad to see ya here man, this is one of my favorite girls, i always wondered why I didn't see her 'round here.

SHIVA DAS--- I don't think it's a Federation hybrid, I'm pretty sure it's a cross between A strain Called GRAPE and of course ROMULAN... That's what I was told in the Mendocino Area by a few different sources.... After finding this strain in Fort Bragg Cali, I took the cut's home a grew them out while keeping one of them just incase i liked them enough to keep them, that same day I also brought home a few Romulan's too and flowered them together, It was a room full of heavenly flowers weeks later.
well at about week three or four I already had noticed this strain was bomb, it already had a heavy layer of trichomes along with a strong aroma..
So after flowering her out i then had to ask around because I always want to know as much as I possibly can about a strain , especially a strain like this one....

I hope more people can chime in and maybe share their experiences with this magnificent strain...

peace all,



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
^^ur right......I'm sorry....shoulda stopped bye earlier....ah a fav of ur's eh?...................sound's intreguing......and u know MOneY LOVES chunky Budz,looking very solid my man.........
Yeah man Grape Rom is sure to please the crowd of top notch smokers, and it's not only dank and tasty it also has some good power, IMO... I had to put the Joint down about 1/2 ways, of course it was just me puffin' but hey that shit was funk....
Lit it later that day and it was still tasty as heaven...


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
nice...........can't ever save doob's....thou...........too daymn tasty.....what up bandit?.........MOneY


Gene Mangler
Damn, first time I've posted "I want that strain!" lol

My buddy just got a "grape" cut, godbud & a few others I'm going to check out, a grape has been on my list forever & that looks like the fkin bomb! ;)
Hoping this grape cut is similar.

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shiva das

give thanks Bandit.....It is a sick looking plant. Ft. bragg, huh. Do you know if I could get it in clear lake?


Active member
This cut is all over now i just picked it up at PNC in san d last week.thanks for the killer pics grayskull now I'm excited even mmore.nuggler