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100x70 feet grow

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Well I went in the morning and everything was fine. THen I went in the afternoon and there was no power to the place, so I just took off. Then made exit plan to get everything out of the place within 12 hours. So at night with a cargo truck cleared everything out stashed the chronik and equipment.

A few hours after stashing it I went back to the place and all the equipment and chronic were not in the hiding spot.

I went back this morning maybe to find a clue of something with more light out, found nothing. I drove around the area and found a shopping cart with empty boxes pulled over and looked in sure enough they were my empty boxes.

Anyways 100% Loss
200% Stress
and fucking pissed!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Evgeni_Malkin said:
Yes the math is off I was reading off my written notes and I added one too many zeros. So with 25 lights I was expecting around 20,000 grams but if I were to cut that down in half to 10-12 lights I should expect around 10,000 grams right?

i expect your a fucking moron with NO CLUE to what your doing,,,

and you would be damn lucky to harvest a toothpick joint worth of ganja


Active member
You should only expect 10,000 grams from 10kw of light if you think expecting the absolutely best possible result to be what happens. It'd be far safer to assume 10kw will give you 5,000 grams, and be happy and suprised if you get more. In order to get 1 gpw you MUST have your strain AND room dialed in 100% and I can tell from my brief perusal of this thread that you still have some work/learning to do before you should reasonably expect anything like that.

ooga booga

Believe it or not, and as unfortunate as it is for Evgeni_Malkin, this thread serves as an excellent point of reference on all that can possibly go wrong when you try to leap too many steps at once while unprepared.


Hahhahah Big herb tree " a toothpick of ganja " I bet he didn't even get past cloning....peace
Good read, though I would have done many things differently. I definitely learned a few things thru your experience. Thank you for posting threw all of the negative vibes. Seems like your investors must have some faith in you to run the show (even though there's a different opinion on the forums).

Experience is a hard teacher because it gives the test before the lesson. The loss, stress and anger - all learning experiences that will make you a better grower if you choose to stay in this field. Good luck with your future (and hopefully more realistic) plans.

ooga booga

Evgeni_Malkin said:
Well I went in the morning and everything was fine. THen I went in the afternoon and there was no power to the place, so I just took off. Then made exit plan to get everything out of the place within 12 hours. So at night with a cargo truck cleared everything out stashed the chronik and equipment.

A few hours after stashing it I went back to the place and all the equipment and chronic were not in the hiding spot.

I went back this morning maybe to find a clue of something with more light out, found nothing. I drove around the area and found a shopping cart with empty boxes pulled over and looked in sure enough they were my empty boxes.

Anyways 100% Loss
200% Stress
and fucking pissed!
I just read this again.

Are you sure you got raided (if you're around on a second account)? Or was it more like robbed? :chin:


That whole story didnt add up. First he said he got raided, hydro was cut off then some inspection was coming.

Then he said he moved everything to a new location and it went missing.

Theres too many problems with that story to list.

This grow seemed doomed from the beginning. Its really no surprise it ended this way.

Plus whats the point of deleting the account? the screen name still shows, the pics and thread are still here. I bet you cant even go back and delete the pics since the account is closed. Smart thing would have been to make sure there was no trace of this on your computer

Good luck next go around


Called the conclusion to this thread a loooooooooooooooonnnng time ago.

If it looks like it and smells like it ...

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
(There's no question-mark at the end of that sentence because it shouldn't be a question. The answer should be no one.)

:jerkit: from the first post.

If anything comes of this thread, it's a valuable lesson about honesty. In addition, if you ever get arrested/raided and are under investigation for, or facing trial for, cannabis-related crimes do not log on to a cannabis website and post any information about it. If you feel obligated to remove any content on a website, log on from a public computer that you never use and find a way to contact an administrator (from a different computer preferably) via email (not the one you regularly use). Administrators for cannabis-related websites take requests for information removal very seriously and I'm sure this site is no different.

And, for what it's worth: he stopped manually editing the EXIF data in his images quite some time ago. You'll see they've been magically reverted back to 2007, y'know, when the grow in the pictures actually took place.

Good riddance.

-Q :rasta:
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I think I first challenged Malky when he was trying to pass off something as Thunk.
Didn't look like any THunk I had seen, and I was growing it at the time.
Funny thing, he had a pal here that was also growing what was claimed to be THunk, and it wasn't THunk either. Unless of course there is some sort of big fat knuckle headed kush looking pheno of Thunk that nobody has seen yet....
If I remember correctly, both of them abandoned their grow threads.
I am always a doubting thomas, and I smelled LEO right off. And I still do.
And I was called a hater a couple of times...LOL...so be it.


Quazi, I think you're really stretching. Hating is one thing, but you've really taken it to a new level. :no:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Quazi is telling like it is, IMO.
This hater stuff y'all throw around so easily....I think you young folks need to get a grip. You probably do not know real hatred. And if you keep thinking that stating opinion is hatred, then you will be very surprised when real hatred shows it's ugly head to you.

Although I do realize that in today's societies that their leaders often try to pass of disagreements with opposing parties as hatred. They need you to hate their opponents, and so they create the hate thing. And you buy it hook line and sinker.
They have you just where they want you. Helping them squash reality, and replacing it with their own reality, one that helps them continue in their positions of authority.
And they did all this by changing what hatred really is. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with differing opinions and dissent.

Hater my ass, Jr...is basically what I am trying to say.


What good would LEO get from posting a thread like this, and asking questions on how to be rid of spider mites, how to run ducting, etc?

Quazi, it's just impossible that he never bothered to correctly set the date on his camera, huh?

Like I said... hating on is one thing, but this is beyond.
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