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Does marjiuana instill patriotism


I think it opens your mind to truly thinking and making decisions based on YOUR OWN opinions/experiences. I think that once someone smokes pot he/she realizes that the social stigma's are not true, and what your government has been telling you is horrible your high life is a bs. I think it is an eye opening experience and its contagious to other aspects of your life.


Active member
facelift said:
Drugs effect individual in different ways. The odds are an unpatriotic person is prone to unpatriotic ideas. I think the days of judging people based on patriotism are over. Just because I sometimes slam government and it's ideas doesn't mean I am not a patriot. Slamming a government that is in error itself can be seen as patriotic.

Depends on your def of patriotism... smoking weed probably won't cause people to go towards the blind love of country repuke ideal. More the opposite happened for me...


Well-known member
hoosierdaddy said:
ureap, I would love to smoke some fat ones with ya sometime and have one of these discussions, although I would have you voting republican...(wait, scratch that for conservative) before it was all said and done... :confused:

The most patriotic of our nations founders were clandestine law breakers.
They knew the laws that were being placed on them were unfair, and placed big burdens on them. Burdens they were certain the Creator never intended for truly free men to have to endure.
(ok so sue me...religion and politics in the same breath)

I feel certain that our founders would find comfort in the herb, as we do.
And maybe they did? (shrug)
I know for sure there wouldn't have been the stigma and taboos placed on weed as it has today. Hell, it was nearly 200 years after the US founding that weed was all of a sudden an evil thing.
All spun by over zealous men with an agenda, as well as a lack of understanding and insight.
And the controls that these men place on other free men, are exactly what our most patriotic hero's fought and died for. Their blood was spilled in the pursuit of true happiness. Quite admirable of them to think of us, instead of themselves. Where have they gone? Are we them? Is history waiting on us to write the pages to be talked about, as we are talking about our former patriots?

I love what you are saying here but society was much less open in the Victorian days than today. Freethinking was looked down upon. When we think of less government it does not always translate into more individual rights. People looked down upon those who did not conform to whatever society was serving that night. "I don’t like the cut of your jib,” remember that one.

Not to say we still don’t do the same today just that you are less likely to do pistols at 30 paces over me criticizing you in public. In fact we would have probably killed each other off from some of the personal attacks that are used on these boards. We have like 30 members left doing their best not to insult each other.

I’m with you though bro simpler times seem better to me. More humans equal more problems.
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