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My first micro grow

Hello fellow IC maggers, this is my first post and first micro grow. i have a 5 drawer dresser that is gutted and painted flat white, 1 vanity fixture with 2 y socket adapters and 6 26 watt cfls hard mounted to the top of dresser. For ventilaton i have 1 80mm pc fan mounted high on rear of cab and 1 12x2 square hole and 4x 1/2 in pvc elbows for passive intake. temps range from 76deg F and 82.1 deg F. RH is around 37-42% lights are on 24/0 light cycle. The soil is a generic potting soil mixed with perlite and some crushed sea shells for drainage. I germinated 15 variouos bag seeds that were not stored well (over 2 years old) and only got 1 sprout after 10 days on my monitor in paper towels and a sealed ziplock. I planted that sprout in afore mentioned soil mix and after 2 weeks i have a very nice looking plant (hopefuly a girl) :muahaha: I'm trying to post the pics of the cab and plant. All input and suggestions are welcomed. As Mrs.DresserDweller says "Blessed Be"

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thanks killer, it looks good now. the fist leaves looked all kinds of mutant like but after that it seens to be happy to be out of the small bottle it was in. just wish I has a few more to increse my chances.
Update: well the baby is looking good and is starting to smell wonderful today.had aporblem with the temp in the cab spiking up to 85Deg f last night, but has since stabilized at 79deg f. maybe i need more passive intake? Or possibly obstucted air flow from the DIY light trap over the exhaust fan.Seems that one of these almost always is the answer for a noob like me.
Now that I can post some pics I'll have more for the avid readers to enjoy.

heres the dresser with the lights on no paint


back closed

first week (looking a little deformed)
Here are some pics of the intake and light trap/exhaust should i modify these or are they good enough..ps temps now are in the pic.. any suggestions



thanks for any suggestions


look like u have more intake than exhaust. which will not provide negative pressure. which will allow smells to escape. i all so see than the fan is to one side. this will cause air flow dead spots. move your temp gauge around in different spots. easiest fix for both would be to add another pc fan to other side. look in micro grows forum to find some really good carbon scrubbers "flowering" that will mate right up with those fans. i would get as much air moving as i could so u can add more cfls. which equals more bud. just some thing to help improve your already groove grow.peace

That Girl

85 is a bit warm. around that temp pot stops growing. fix the exhaust as wishbone420 stated and that may help that aspect.
thanks wisbone, wehn iget some dough i'll be geting a second fan only 6 buck new here locally. i'll do that because i cant even run all 6 cfls that i've already got now.

hey that girl, thanks for stopping by I seen you yesterday. gotta keep those temps down havent had that problem since,but i'm still gonna do the second fan to help air flow as well as at leat one other to move more air.

this plant looks more like a girl every day, short ,fat and green as the hulk.

That Girl

Have you turned on all six lights to see the change in temperature yet? You may want to wait till you get the exhaust fan to turn those extra CFL's on. Last thing you want is to cook your girlie (*fingers crossed for ya*).

That Girl
Hello all, checked my dates and this is the end of week 3 and I have made some mods to the cab as well as the light trap. I cut out the 1 in elbows that were left in the bottom to make another slot intake. that dropped temps about 2deg f. I them modified the light trap by taking out 2 of the 3 baffles i had inside and that really increased the amount of air flow being pulled into the cab. It can hold a piece of paper tight to the bottom while sitting on the carpet.
This got me another 4 deg f lower so I turned on all 6 cfl and after about 2 hours the temp is 78 deg f. about 6 deg higher than ambient temps.

I have been watering with plain water every 3-4 days but now the pot is bone dry to the second knuckle in 2-3 days. I have some plant food given to me in a generic cup and i know it is 30-5-5 I watered 1 time 24 oz water and 15 granules 2 days ago and she seems to really like it.

The baby is looking good so far a lot of new growth all over. I've even got shoots growing out of the nodes on the lower branches. Very compact so I lowered the plant down so it is about 3-3.5 inches from lights to try to space it out some.

Question.. should I start some lst or should I try to flower and sex this one first.

I have that plastic coated rack in there and was wanting to scrog it. Can I do both lst and scrog or would that be overkill. If there is only one it could possibly take up most of the space.

As always all input is welcome thanks for all the advice.

Will post new picks as soon as they upload. Damn its slow.
Hi everybody.... I've got some new pics for ya...

second slot intake added

overhead pic

closer view of new growth

is that normal for bagseed?

what do you all think. Mrs.dweller likes it very much. :jump:

That Girl

Looking good man!
Glad to see you got that temp down. Keep an eye on it.
I don't think you need to lst, yet. How tall is she?
Down the road when she gets a bit bigger I'd think about it.

Give mrs. dweller my regards,
That Girl
Hello again to all, In the last couple of days this plant has started popping up new leaves like crazy. Doubled in size and smell, several leaves as big as my hand and growing from all sides.

I decided to go for it and start flowering to find sex, Been reading that you can expect a stretch from 2-3X height during flower so to day is the day.

Been running all 6 cfls for 4 days now and temps are steady at 74-77 deg.The last 2 waterings have had some 30-10-10 unknown nutes mixed in very lightly like 12-15 granules to 1 pint of 12 hr old tapwater. I think it likes it.

I have a few questions though, and I hope the pics will help if you need better I can get better just let me know.

I'll make another post as soon as the pics upload.
Here are some new pic and a few questions.

Is it normal to have three leaves on the top of the plant with no training or topping.

Why do these leaves look all wrinkly

Should I trim these tree off

I think she (crossed fingers) looks good and just wanted a little advice to make sure i'm treating her well.

Thanks for all the help.


yea them babys can do some crazy stuff. i had one top itself. looking good. don't trim anything at that size let it grow alittle first to see what it does. mine had a 3 headed bud keep it up peace

edit: how close is plant to light. if temps allow move it the closed she can go. every bit helps. i just love the adjustable floor a+ man :joint:
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