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ooga booga!! 6 lights, sealed & moving coco cave!!

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ooga booga

After making some milestones points and stepping back and seeing it, it it's very refreshing and awarding. Then it's time to snap back to reality and realize there's much more work to be done, and a long road ahead to harvest.

I haven't been sleeping much at night, either, but not because of this room! :joint:

Planning to build another 5-8k room after this one's up and running. That is exciting!

Thanks everyone for checking out this build. Didn't get much done today (oops!) but hope to get some done tomorrow. Wait, didn't we hear this before...??? :violin:

ooga booga

Made a little more progress. Got the mom & clone area ready. Right now holding a 2x4 tray, but sized to fit a 3x3 tray in the near future. The 2x4 tray will go under the 3x3 on casters, with a Plexiglas lid to serve as a humidity dome, for rooting; it'll replace the four 10x20 nursery flats with individual domes.

This is my homegirl, Apollo Mist. She's decently bushed out to give out a decent number of cuts.

And the Casey Jones, contending for the main seat. She's starting to bush out after some amount of pruning & training. Both the AM & CJ were raped pretty hard the other night.

This is my stable of moms right now, a bit crowded but they'll be spread out pretty soon; clones for friends.

Before mounting and running the 6" fan, this area heated up roughly 7-10 degrees while the 1000w was running, making me run the twin 8" Vortex's for a few minutes a few times a day to cool it down. Now I don't need to do that, the 6" takes care of it. Hope it can keep up with the heat from the 6 ballasts as well as the air conditioner, as well. If not, I've got backup plans up up my sleeve.

Eventually the mom area will be lit up by a 400w MH, possibly with a Light Rail 3.5. (I love light movers!)

ooga booga

I'm trying something new here, putting a splitter at the intake for air-cooling the mom light, to see if it helps.



Sure enough it quickly dropped the temperatures a couple of degrees. The reason for the splitter is because the cool air intake for that room is in the ceiling right above the hood... so I'm afraid that if I don't add that extra inlet at the other side of the room (which draws more air than the ducted port), it'll suck out some extra cool air directly and less of the hot air.

As it is, it's running just enough air through the hood to cool a 1000w decently it seems. Had that not been the case, I would have simply installed a reducer at the first intake (@ the fan) to increase the airflow through the hood.

I'll get a "Home Depot Wye" which is asymmetrical, similar in shape to a lowercase "y". The "Hydro Store Wye" pictured, is a symmetrical splitter, and due to the extra bends in ducting in this setup (I want the inlet @ fan nearest to the ceiling) it is probably a little less efficient.

I considered running them in rigid 6" ducts, but that'll probably be a little too much... and it's only going about 6 feet, and there will have to be flexible ducting in order to raise/lower the lights. I think a semi-rigid version might be do-able, though.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice spot ooga,seems like i got here just in time to find a seat and wait for the fun to start yo.

ooga booga

Nice to have you here, YwI. :respect:

Starting to get moved in...

Hope DrBudGreengenes doesn't barge in to tell me what a rookie mistake I'm making... that E/F tables are supposed to be used the right side up, not upside-down, or how the drums should be set on the floor to be secure, or how reflectors are most effective when they're taken out of the box and wired up, or something else along those lines.

I actually woke up in the morning today, and been working pretty hard since. I'm exhausted and drained, and need a lengthy break to grab some food and think about how I'm going to finish out the rest of the room...
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I`ve been lurkin the whole thread Ooga and it looks like regardless of everything you`re "potentially" doin wrong in the eye`s of Dr. Dic fudge packer, I think you deserve serious respect for as far as you`ve come to date while documenting every aspect of your progress to a "T"........

What type feed system is in store for all those grow bags full of B`Cuzz ?.......I caution you on it being not as fibrous and airy as it should be ......Hope yours doesn`t hold too much water between feeds........

Got several GroBro`s at other places that`ve had probs with it being too compacted and not draining or drying out as fast as needs be between feeds causing spikes in ph and accumulated salts........

I use 50/50 coir/chunks to keep killer aeration in the rootzones but I use #5 smartpots and have only been feeding every other day trying ta dial things to increase yields with top fed driptubing DTW..........Anyways........Here`s wishin for a killer run in your new room........

Take care....DHF........ :joint: .........
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ooga booga

Hey DEDHEDFRED, much mutual respect brother!

I haven't experienced those particular problems on the last run using B'Cuzz, but then again it's not exactly like I would have known what to look for unless the problem was major. :bashhead: All I can say is that it "seemed fine" and at least at-par with Canna's coco.

However, those are some very useful notes to keep in the back of my head on what to look out for, and to quickly diagnose any problems that might arise. Thanks much for sharing that bit. :yes:

Hey Mr Celsius nice to see you checking back in.

ooga booga

Today was probably the longest, and also the most productive, day since this project began. I started the day at around 7am with a trip to Home Depot, and now at about 7pm I'm "clocking out". I think the most hours I put into a day previously was maybe 4, so it's a huge improvement. :D Hope I can keep this pace until I'm up and running. Worked on mostly clearing out the flowering room, cleaning, and moving things in, and re-arranging the "aux. room". Here's where the room stands right now.

Built two stands for the 4x4 E/F tables, on casters, raised 11.5". Last run I used a 7" raise, but this time I have different plans (involves PVC, you'll see soon).

Here's that "aux. room" cleaned up a bit. Bleached this area down and feeling pretty good.

Also got rid of that stupid shelf and put the CO2 tank on a cinder block (I didn't want to accidentally knee or otherwise bump into and break the solenoid), chained in case of an earthquake or whatever.

I'm going to be trying something different this time as well. Although I dislike the idea of a multi-tech setup in a single room for a run like this, space constraints kinda forced me come up with this solution. I'll be trying some top-drip coco in buckets set on top of a 2x12 (raised on cinder blocks). This will clear up some floor space to create aisles for me to walk, hopefully. These 3-gallon buckets will be plumbed for drainage.
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St. Elsewhere
Not trying to question your methods or anything, bro.. But I'm curious...

Is there a reason you haven't tried aero-cloning? (Assuming you haven't..)

Where I'm at those 2x4's go for like $70-$75... I spent like $80 tops on a 50-something site aerocloner and I could have gone bigger for cheaper but I got real neoprene collars. I mean, obviously you already HAVE the 2x4 and a 3x3 you're not using for your flower room... But I gotta plug the aerocloners. I was thoroughly amazed by my first one. So much so that I built a second one. Just so I never run out of clones.

And I can't even begin to describe how ridiculous it was of DrBud to come in here and talk shit about ONE power strip when you CLEARLY have a balls-out professional relay box built and are CLEARLY in the process of constructing an op from the ground up.
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ooga booga

I've aero-cloned before (both bubble and jet/mist)... in fact right now a friend is using my DIY EZ-Clone system. As far as why not for me... I guess the short story is "I'm lazy". It's way too much space, maintenance, upkeep, etc, for the numbers that I need to produce. With these domes, I can put 'em just about anywhere and forget it for the most part until roots show, and I can fit a lot of cuts in a very small amount of space, crowd 'em into just about any available free space, etc. It's just how things get done with minimal effort around the cave, for me. (There are also some other non-major reasons, but not worth going into here.)

Here's an extra manifold lying around...

Yes I had two of these 2x4's and a 3x3 lying around from my previous runs / setups / ideas, but the 2x2's can be had for ~$30-$40 new or ~$20 used. (I sold one for $20.) I think my DIY EZ unit ran me right around $50, most of it on neoprene collars which I'll never buy again if I build another one. (Just gonna cut out neoprene pads.) But even if it were $75, I'd go with it because it makes my life easier.

Right now I'm using 10x20 trays with a dome on 'em, but I'm planning to move all the insert cell trays into the 2x4 and "dome" it with a Plexiglas sheet with maybe a hinge in the middle or something (this 2x4 tray will "slide out" like a drawer). This will make things a LOT less complicated. Fits 4 10x20 nursery flats per 2x4 (it's actually something like 24" x 44", not quite 4ft.)

I thought it was hilarious how DrBudGreengenes went through the entire thread to look for faults, and the only thing he could pick on me was about a power strip that was lying on the floor during construction. I felt quite good, actually, to have a true hater thoroughly dig, search and comb through your setup... only to find nothing and making himself look like a complete moron. :jerkit:
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Looking at your auxiliary room pics, I see glo-sticks. I'm assuming they're for dark cycle peeks? (Or leftovers from a crazy night.)

How is the bathroom tileboard treating you? Assuming the one pictured is a full sheet, they look small for $30 apiece but I can understand why you'd opt for it.


ooga booga

:biglaugh: Man, you guys are sharp!

These are actually leftovers from something, and I thought might as well put it here. Honestly right now I can't really think of a single legitimate useful application in a growroom...

But they are green and I'm wondering if they'll be safe for use on flowering plants as you've mentioned??? :chin: Never even thought of that.


Whats up Ooga Booga

Glow sticks it has been almost a year since i played with some of them good times

So it looks like you are getting their should be seeing some green in no time right

Thank you for taking the time to document your grow for our enjoyment

As long as you are not putting your power strips in the rez whats the deal what am i missing

Keep it green

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