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curling and burned tips

Hello everyone i am posting some plants that seem to not be doing well. im not sure what it is but they all look like this. they are in miracle grow seed starting soil. started 12/12 last week and are under 250 watt hps. they are getting a tea mix which is molassis, high P bat guano, EWC, 5-1-1 ish emulsion, a touch o superthrive, and some calmag+. as you can see they are in party cups. they get watered every couple days with the tea.

im thinking that they need to be Flushed. maybe too much N?


over watered and maybe root bound, those plants are too big to be put into flower in those cups.

you put holes in those cups?


her dankness
WAY too much water and nitrogen.
Transplant into better drained pots with lighter soil (add perlite) and lay off the heavy feeding.
What is your definition of a 'touch o superthrive'?
I am working in a limited space and am trying to get as much room in as possible. what size containers would you suggest? i can transplant them tonight i have the perlite and the soil. i will cut back on the nutes and give them straight water. each cup has 10 holes in it and a touch is a quarter eye dropper per gallon.
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her dankness
Given an average 2mL eyedropper, you are applying ST at about 20x the recommended dosage. Read the instructions on the bottle. ONE DROP per gallon.
Water to runoff with no ferts, let dry pretty well, then re-pot in quart size containers and go back to a normal feeding schedule with correct supplement levels if you still want to run supplements.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
very rootbound. I know that for sure usually dont answer here but I had those cups and smaller plants and they were stunted from rootbound heh.
ok thanks guys i will let the plants dry out and re pot them and give them straight water till they look okay again and start sched again. i will either cut back a lot on the ST or drop it totally.


her dankness
I can promise you that the rootbound condition in these particular individuals is secondary to the severe N overdose they are suffering. I certainly expect those cups to be FULL of roots by now, but without that giant ST/fish glop application the plants would still be looking pretty reasonable.
ok then i will also drop the emulsion as well. so the tea would be EWC high P guano molassis and the calmag+. does that sound better? they wont get this until they start looking better though.


her dankness
Mindless, I'd do a heavy watering with plain tap water to runoff, then re-pot immediately into quart pots of fresh mix (don't water it yet) that has plenty of perlite- up to 30%, even!- to let them dry back out in an airier root environment and get some of that excess fert out of the soil.

I have a question. Well, a couple. Is this your first grow? Have you had a successful crop with chem ferts yet? I ask because it is very easy to over-do organics and teas, thinking that they are far gentler than chemmy ferts. This may very well be true, but they can also contain much too much available nitrogen- fish goo, chicken dook, and blood meal are notoriously 'available' N sources and you can do just as much damage with them as with a chemical fertilizer. So take this advice for whatever it is worth, and try to start as simple as you possibly can. If you are running the teas because you love the idea of organic weed, and who doesn't, you can try some other styles of organic growing too- specifically, a complete liquid organic nute like Canna Bio, PBP Pro, etc. that is already correctly mixed for your favorite plant and MUCH easier to dose out than a home-made tea. Just food fer thought!
thanks stinky i will do what you suggested tonight. this is my first grow using tea i have gotten harvests but using pretty basic chem ferts so i wanted to try something a little more fun but better safe than sorry. i have a bottle of earth juice bloom i will start giving them.


I wouldn't abandon the teas, just remember that less is more, start slow and build up.

You just threw the kitchen sink at them, never a good idea.
good advice, maybe instead ill cut back the amount in half and cut things down. ill have to read a lot more before i mix my teas again.


her dankness
Yeah- also, a more-established plant can handle a lot more in terms of unusual fertilizer mixes. Whatever you decide on, go nice and light and work up like Mexi said. The Earth Juice Bloom is a good call for now because of the presence of micronutes and very low levels of nitrogen- just the ticket for getting those babies back on track!