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Worldiwide Hash-Price Reference Centre for Hungry Travellers



اسْم : بيضة أو بُيَيْضَة - means egg in arabic it seems hehe :D


mildestoner - there is too many stamps to be able to just guess. take pics and post mate :) i think seeing the hash is gonna say more than the stamp to us.


Well-known member
my camera is very shit, all the pics will tell you is that the hash is black outside, is yellowish brown inside, my camera is flat now but I will post pics when its charged


Active member
hard to say about the Hash without pics .

how much is top grade dagga going for in SA ? you ever get any that oil from Malawi down there ?


Hey milde,

I look forward to seeing some pics of your hash; sounds interesting.

Btw, some of the strongest herb I've ever smoked was Durban Poison, imported directly from S.A. to the UK - wow what a smoke!

- Have you ever made hash from it?

I imagine dry sift from good Durban Poison plants would be Killer!! :D



Well-known member
Yeah there is occasionally oil on sale down here, but like bubble people overprice it ridiculously, I'm pretty good at making my own, been doing it since I was 14 lol, so I prefer to do that.
As for durban poison hash, yeah, I've done it, but I actually prefer making hash with swazi, the cannabanoid balance of the local landrance is perfect for real couchlock, knockout hash. We call call it in afrikaans 'Swazi-klap ekstrak!!'


Hi milde,

Ok cool, thanks, I would think the D.P. hash is more of a head high, which I prefer myself, but the Swazi-klap ekstrak sounds very nice for the evening :)

My preference so far for night-time smoke has been 1st grade Nepalese, for example:



Well-known member
Okay, heres the pics, sorry about the quality, my cam is 5.0 megapixels and it has a shitty lens :bashhead:
This hash crumbles when heated, hash what I can call a stereotypical medium grade hash taste, not great at descibing taste sorry. They are all different grades, varying very slightly in quality, but mostly in the shape that the kilos' come in.

Anyone got any ideas as to origins?


Well-known member
British_Bulldog said:
Yeah man BB, I've seen that photo in one of the imported hash threads, looks so tasty and oily, very good import hash is rare and expensive down here.


Hi milde,

Yeah, looks like mid-grade to me, especially if you say it crumbles.

The camera I took that Nepalese pic with is only 6 meg, but I must admit it has a good lens.

That Nep is so strong that you'd better get your shit done before you indulge, because after a few pipes, you ain't going nowhere!



Well-known member
Its definatley mid-grade, I know, crumbles like pressed dry-sift, I'd just be rally interested to know where it comes from, suppose its a bit of a long shot considering all the different farms in all the different places throughout the world...


British_Bulldog said:
That Nep is so strong that you'd better get your shit done before you indulge, because after a few pipes, you ain't going nowhere!



awesome :D


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Pakistani moroccan a few days ago...+/-25 g...6 euros/g


Meximelt (gifted :wink:)...i hear 12 euros/g? :D :D :D



ngakpa said:
hey --- most of the backpackers I met were paying 800R - 1200R for first rub "cream" ... even the guys who were buying keys were paying as much as 500R - 700R per 10g, seriously...

are you going to learn Hindi before you move out there --- I would personally learn the language before thinking about moving there --- that's not an attempt to give advice or anything, just that I think it would be the best order to do things in, for many reasons

At the time I had dreadlocks down to my ass, and looked like a Sadhu..
Infact, the best deals I speak of, I encountered in Parvati, where I was during the very last months in India, after all that traveling and learning the ropes of India first...
At that point, I really did put on an Orange Sarrong around me, like a Baba, and would walk into the very remote villages that I could only have found with the experience of a Oriental friend I made, who has traveled Parvati for many years. And don't take that lightly, I am a good trecker and very experienced in nature(I.e. completed Annapurna Circuit ALONE in 10 days)! But these villages were just too far off the beaten path to have found alone...More than one village I speeak of, was so high up across the Parvati river, that we were looking DOWN on Malana, from Jari side!

But yeah, I want to lern as much Hindi as possible before I go back...On that same note, it wasn't just the orange robe and the dreadlocks that got me good deals...My Oriental friend also spoke Hindi...So were were geting tolas for about 250rs each at the very cheapest....And it was Junglie too.

I look differnt now and I don't think they will show me the same respect when I go back....I no longer look like Baba...Though we are all Baba at heart :rasta:

Rather, I will now have to depend on my intellect and intelligence and ability to learn as much Hindi as possible, along with trying hard to learn to comprehend the different accents and dialects.

On the contrary, up at Tosh, I became really good friends with the Head man and the local supplier...They asked about 500rs per tola from me, and would charge the Israeli's and groups of treckers about 800rs per tola....

But as Mriko one said, Tosh had the fucking best....Hands down...
Infact, they had two differnet grades!!
The best grade they gave to me for cheap, the shitter stuff they sold for even MORE cash to the touristy people.
Infact, it was so fucking good, on two occasions, once in Malana, and once in Mateula, both Chara dealers where trying to sell me thier charas, so I bust mine out to make a point...
And I am all like...
"Look at my Tosh Charas! It is much better and cheaper than yours!"

And on both occasions, both Chara dealers wanted me to GIVE them or even SELL them my Tosh Charas! It was that good!
They would both hold on to it, barely able to speak english, in hopes I would give up and let them keep it..!! :muahaha:
Even worse...The Malana Chara Dealer refused to give me back my Tola! He kept saying that he wants to keep it for hiself!
I was ready to straight up snatch that shit from his hand and tell him to ""go fuck yourself"...
But we were in Malana and if I even layed a figner on the dude there is no way i'd make it back with my dignity, or my ass....Since we can't touch them.

But after about 10 minutes of speaking to eachother what appears to be jibberish, I finnaly convinced the guy to put it on the ground, and walk away swearing! I recall snapping my fingers and pointing at him, then the ground, as you would when telling a Dog to sit!!

...Oh man I really miss Mother India...
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