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Well-known member
hash of this quality it is called many names, king hassan, tibizla. caramello, royal moroc etc. it stands on its own as super high quality. a rose by any other name is still a rose.


Well-known member
caramello and caramello's are 2 different words, mine is more descriptive of color, taste and flav, yours is of a certain shape. as far as the hippies go, i am one. i saw loads of hash in the 60's and never any eggs or the name caramello's. just plates and fingers of the finest afghan, indian, nepal and lebanese
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true :D

its possible to see that hash, its good as hell - but id wish they would just state the region or valley - in the end a conoseur would propably pay more for that. or not?

what has come to all smuglers.. gone are the days of howards marks :(

peace all


Originally Posted by British_Bulldog
That's what I thought Mr H: my thinking is that if you're getting quality like that, of true 1st grade standard, then why would the sellers 'mislabel' the hash as Caramello to sell better - it doesn't make sense.

Clearly, you're basing your choice purely on quality, so the name is irrelevant, so why call something Caramello when it's not?


mr.haze420 said:
you do not get it, you are confusing the issue. i say that that caramello is a certain type of hash and you are saying it is all about the shape it comes in. wrong!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing:

Mr H, what I said earlier in the thread was that I thought Caramello was the name because of the caramel texture, and not because of the candy shape (as caramello in Latin languages means "candy"/"sweets").

So I was saying the same as you, and not that it was based on shape.

I'm not sure your comments should have been directed at me, but rather at Bone, and you quoted me instead?



i gotto check a few things with my missus - one sec
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Well-known member
British_Bulldog said:
Mr H, what I said earlier in the thread was that I thought Caramello was the name because of the caramel texture, and not because of the candy shape (as caramello in Latin languages means "candy"/"sweets").

I'm not sure your comments should have been directed at me, but rather at Bone, and you quoted me instead?

oops, CARAMELLO candy bar consists of creamy caramel surrounded by milk chocolate that will satisfy any sweet tooth. has nothing to do with the shape of things, simply a description of a style of candy or hash :jump:


mr.haze420 said:
oops, CARAMELLO candy bar consists of creamy caramel surrounded by milk chocolate that will satisfy any sweet tooth. has nothing to do with the shape of things, simply a description of a style of candy or hash :jump:

Yes 'Caramello' bars are like that, and caramello means "caramel" in Latin languages like Spanish and Italians, which is what I associate the meaning with (like you do).

However, Latin people also call all types of wrapped sweets as "caramellos" (in Spain, and 'caramelli' in Italy), so that's where Bone is getting it from.

So there is two sides to this coin man ;)

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in spanish the correct spelling is;

caramelo - one "L"

"caremello" is not really a word more than a label on hash eggs. in spain no one would write it with the 2 l's used in holland or here on ic.

peace :D

edit . this thread is fun :D :rasta:
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Ok thanks Bone, my Spanish isn't very good, but I live in Italy and speak Italian, and here in Italy it's 2 L's, so that's why I thought it had 2 L's in Spanish too! Live and learn don't we! - thanks again.



you are correct :D italians have that habbit to use spanish words with a few extra letters :D hehe :D

peace mate


Well-known member
simply a difference in spelling and a small language descrepency in translation. lol either way it is the bomb. some eggs i got last x-mas, caramello's :laughing:

:jump: :muahaha:


bonecarver_OG said:
you are correct :D italians have that habbit to use spanish words with a few extra letters :D hehe :D

peace mate

lol, yeah that's right man, and I'd like to learn Spanish as well. I've found that now I can understand Italian, I can also understand Spanish, but speaking Spanish is another matter!!

Peace to you too m8

Mr H with the Real McCoy again :yummy:



mr haze :D by now you know you got the good info from us :D if you suply come name dropping again you can slap him back out to the alley :D

hehe just kidding - ;)

with that quality id just say "what ever" and grab the slab - even if he says its called grandmas pudding.

its true in the end for most of us its the quality and not the name.

but maybe we can make a small change putting things back in order. hehe

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Active member
mr.haze420 said:
just a grower, i guess you definition of caramello's and my definition of caramello are quite different. your descritpion of caramello's is more shape related and mine is quality related. saying it never comes in plates is just foolish.

mr.haze420 said:
simply a difference in spelling and a small language descrepency in translation. lol either way it is the bomb. some eggs i got last x-mas, caramello's :laughing:

:jump: :muahaha:

foolish is a bit harsh MrH ! ask for Caramello in Morocco , and see what they will do to those lovely freshly pressed plates :)

was the Carramellos you show above Caramelo ? some say tomatoe , i say primero :D


its true the term is not used in morocco. and itd be fun to know what it is called. i didnt pay attencion to what they were saying when they took out the ready wrapped.

tomatoes :D i say ketchup :D


i bet the moroccan pushers were saying something rude in combination with waving the eggs in ones face.

just wouldnt surprise me :D



Well-known member
if i was in morocco i woud ask for the best they had as caramello is just a western civiization term. you might as well call all gold/blond hash that comes in 100,125,150 or 200 gr plates the same. the proof is in the pudding, not the shape


Well-known member
Hey all, just checking in, glad my thread is still alive!
Now, a question for all you hash experts, has anyone ever seen any of these stamps/stencils, I don't have pics atm but I will get asap, they are gold and one is a peace symbol, the other an awai and the third a b52 bomber?? Anyone recognise 'em? Trying to establish where the hash I'm getting actually comes from, I'm in southern africa and there are 100 different stories regarding its origin..