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How to sterilize a room after harvest for the next grow?

So I'm wanting to clean my room out to get it ready for my new clones, which have been veg'ing in my veg room.

The things I saw during my last grow (though controllable, and not to heavy extremes) were thrips, extremely light seeding aka pollen, and mold.

Thus I want to kill off any remaining bugs, pollen, and mold that could be present.

Just get things in tip top shape for the next run, you know?

My personal health is of utmost concern, the room where I live, so I don't want to bomb it, or do something crazy.

I need to turn the room around as quickly as possible, I'd like to have plants in there within 3 to 5 days or so.

Here's my plan:

#1. Vaccuum the room out real nice, check for light leaks, seal it up nice.
#2. Spray and scrub the room down with a water/bleach solution.
#3. Spray the room down with "spinosad"? Not sure how to tackle the bug deal? Not sure if spinosad will work if there are no actual plants in there, though I can certainly spray the plants down when I put them in there. Again the thrips problem was controlled and minimal.

#4. Anything else?

Again main concerns are:

Eliminating/sterilizing any remaining pollen (how to do this?)
Killing off any few bugs that might be left (spinosad?)
Killing off any remaining mold (bleach?)

My room is far from sterile, and it never will be, but I'd like to set myself up for success.


Sounds like a good plan. The easiest way to "kill" pollen is with water, so your bleach water will do the trick for sure. 10% bleach water will kill any mold, bacteria, virus or fungus it touches, so that will take care of your walls and floors. Some Oust will take care of any airborne contaminants. I don't know if spinosad will kill eggs, but the bleach water might. I'm not 100% sure on that, so I'll leave that for someone else.


Active member
Run an ozone generator in there on max for 8-12 hours turn ventilation off while doing this. Don't breathe it when you go back in to turn it off and turn ventilation back on. Also don't have plants in there when you do this.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
What I do between grows is clean the room out and vacuum with a shop vac. Then wipe everything down (every surface) with a strong bleach/water soluton, and if mold is present use a sulphur spray. You can either make it up yourself or purchase a pre-made bottle at Home Depot. Both methods work well, but making the spray yourself is much cheaper. Next for the bugs make sure all fans and exhaust are off and place 3 or 4 no pest strips in the room with the door closed, depending on the size of the room. In a few days take them out or leave them in. With the exaust going they won't be at such high levels and prevent insects and mites better than anything I have used in the past. That should get rid of any bug problem you might have and it kills the eggs too, and the best reason to use them is no spraying the plants.

I have done these things between every grow and have had no problems with bugs, mold or anything else. To keep your home in the best possible shape, make sure you plastic everything with B&W polly and keep your room ventilated well and humidity no higher than 60%. These levels are normal and should pose no problem with mold. If you see any black mold, that's the bad stuff. Make sure you sulphur spray that as soon as possible. Other molds are not as dangerous to health but still can't be good and can damage your home.

I probably repeated what others said already, but Hope this helps and good luck.

don't spray the room with spinosad. it works when the thrips digest it. the bacteria disrupts their nervous system and kills them. spray it on your plants. It works, is totally organic, and the bacteria dies off in a couple days. It does not taint your plants or harm them. I have used it in flower with no negative effects.


NaturalKaliMeds said:
don't spray the room with spinosad. it works when the thrips digest it. the bacteria disrupts their nervous system and kills them. spray it on your plants. It works, is totally organic, and the bacteria dies off in a couple days. It does not taint your plants or harm them. I have used it in flower with no negative effects.

good info on the spinosad NKMeds, thanks a lot man.

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