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Fallout 3



Any other fallout players here, i know there's one other than me but i'm curious if anyone else is furiously battling through a desolate Washington DC.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Oh yea, i was about to post on the COD5 topic again and go off on FO3, but i felt kinda bad hijacking that one, after all, COD ain't bad either. Good call DogBoi :smile:

Seriously, this is a great game. If i had a job, i'd prolly take time off just to play this game :smile:



Havn't got to play FO3 much yet but i loved fallout2! ^When i started playing fallout2 i didn't do anything but sit on my couch and smoke weed for a whole week till i beat that game(yes i know im sick lol)


Your missing out if you haven't played yet. The game is cracking. I often find myself forgetting the game and just standing on high ground to survey they land ahead. Ambience is superb to the point where it's easy to get spooked. Weapons are hilarious if used properly. A few annoying bugs let it down but nothing that serious. I've played about 50 hours in total and it only crashed on me once.

I'd wholey recommend it to anyone who loves RPG. It's got some elements of FPS in to keep the action going but there's nothing more satisfying than a huge firefight with 2 opposing factions being played out while you snipe at both sides from a distance with the rifle. The damage is realistic too which is great. Use a shotgun at point blank range and you can expect some mess, use a 10mm pistol at over 50ft and it'll be lucky to hit a barn door! I really like that.


Damn I need this game baaaaaaaaaaaaaad....also Dead Space, Gears of War, Fable and Left 4 dead....going to be broke this christmas....lol


If you want to see how good a game is look in the second hand bins at your local store. New games that appear there just after release are usually a good indication that they are crap. I have not seen this in any second hand bins in the two weeks it's been out. That says to me that people are keeping their copies as they like it a lot.

That alone is enough to tell me it's a great game. All the others except Dead space have all appeared in the 2nd hand bins already which tells me they are not as good as people had hoped.

I see the next 200 hours of my gameplaying life going on this game alone!
I completed Fallout 3 a few days ago it took me around 60 hours doing most but not all of the side quests, it is a brilliant game, my favourite VATS moment is taking a raiders head off with a combat shotty and watching the head roll along a shelf, gruesome but funny.
I'll be playing COD 5 tonight which I am looking forward to and I have just ordered Rock Band:World Tour with all of the instruments, it looks like it's got a good song list but could do with a bit of The Quo!


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hmm..i am a BIG fan of Fallout 1 and 2..

No fallout 3 yet..but it sure looks like they raped it! Fucking interplay..traitors!
But i wont make my mind up yet. I hope it still has the rawness and humor only Fallout has to offer.

I got to say some of the weapons and the look of the game is seriously lacking in some parts...what ive seen from the trailers. And how is the music ? FO1 and 2 had pretty sweet soundtracks..
The music is crazy, it's some old 40's and 50's stuff and it really gets into your head, I can remember some of the stuff being on youtube If you type in fallout 3 soundtrack you'll get some examples.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
9Lives said:
Hmm..i am a BIG fan of Fallout 1 and 2..

No fallout 3 yet..but it sure looks like they raped it! Fucking interplay..traitors!
But i wont make my mind up yet. I hope it still has the rawness and humor only Fallout has to offer.

Interplay was nearly bankrupt when they sold the right for Fallout3 (with options for 4 and 5) to Bethesda. They did what they had to do to pay the salaries/rents/bills. And they (interplay) kept the online rights, this is prolly why there's no multiplayer in FO3..?
Interplay had a FO3 in the works too, but judging by what i've seen.. This Bethesda thing is better. Takes the game to a whole new level..

I fear change too, but this was good. U gotta be a hardcore bonehead Fallout purist not to love this new shit.


I acknowledge some of the negative points but i agree with Bad Ticket, it's been taken to the point where it's just a great game. Dont view it with any preconceptions and allow it a fair go and you will be impressed. Any game this big though is not without it's faults but in this case i find them very acceptable.

Last night i was impressed when i stumbled upon a Supermutant outpost and got my arse handed to me on a plate. I was happily advancing on a Centaur thinking i had it in the bag and then 3 of the super mutes and a commander came up on the left flank and minigunned me. Managed to back up but fell into the water while going backwards and a combination of lead to the head and rads meant i lasted about 5 seconds.

On my way to rivet city at the moment, finished the nuka cola factory and am working toward the city but struggling to make it past the patrols. Stupid civilians keep getting in the way and then exploding! Got my first minigun too which is cool. Couldn't hit a barn door with it but it's great fun.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
^ hehe yea takes some 'big guns' skill to handle the minigun properly :smile:
But it's great for semi-close combat even with n00b skill :smile:
I had to run away from the SM outpost too :smile: Went back to Megaton to grab my 'fat man' nuke launcher and headed back out to the mutant OP but got distracted with something and ended up in the Oasis.. Quite a long way away from the SM-op, but it's kool how open and forgiving the game is like that. If you don't feel like doing something, then don't, u can always come back later.

DogBoy and others who play this.. I gotta ask you about Oasis..

Minor spoilers:

Did you pick the dude, the chick or the trees way?

Also: Republic of Dave.. I tried to get Dave of the president seat but it didn't work.. Anyone else got Dave dethroned?

Also: Andale.. These ppl are obviously cannibals or somekinda weird inbred corpse eaters.. I kinda felt a quest to kill em all but nothing..?
There was a old guy telling me to get out while i still can, but i f'd around the town and waited for darkness and.. Nothing.
I did find a bug in the city that will allow u to get endless experience points, but i'd rather play the game and get my exp there :smile:


I've not made it to Oasis yet as i was murdered enroute by Supermutes but Andale is getting nuked. I need to lower my Karma level as i'm too nice at the moment and i thought murdering the people there would serve me well. It's that or take out megaton??????? Not decided yet but someone's getting a nuke. I feel bad about Andale as i saved the bloodties guys but hey, it's not happy families really is it! :)

That mutey outpost is certainly a bitch, they caught me offguard as i was not paying attention but tonight will be their last supper. I need minigun ammo and i'm not playing well with others.....

I watched the Youtube vid of the Experimental Mirv last night and i'm thinking that i might pay a visit to there soon. I love the look of that weapon and it should be just what i need for some instant Karma reduction!!!


I just got finished a good 5 hour sesh on this game. Shit drags you in good. I accidently finished the game not knowing that once it's over, it's over. But my autosave was far back enough so now I'm just roaming the wastelands.

Just took out some slaver city, and freed some slaves, so I have karma shooting out my ass now. Maybe I'll look up that Experimental Mirv deal. Or destroy megaton. Yeah I think I'll destroy megaton. Those radioactive 'we love god' kooks really irk me.


Active member
Fallout !!! Oh YeA !!! I had 98 Windoze and used Litestep Shell instead of Explorer.exe and Fallout was my Desktop...oh yea !! Even Winamp was Skinned.

My Taskbar on the right all Highlighted tweak...My Desktop Shortcuts in under the Left box ShortCuts...click it and it pops out showing my Desktop.

Loved It..!! longest Shell I've Ran in LiteStep

We're BAck !!
Last edited:


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
DogBoy said:
I've not made it to Oasis yet as i was murdered enroute by Supermutes but Andale is getting nuked. I need to lower my Karma level as i'm too nice at the moment and i thought murdering the people there would serve me well. It's that or take out megaton??????? Not decided yet but someone's getting a nuke. I feel bad about Andale as i saved the bloodties guys but hey, it's not happy families really is it! :)

That mutey outpost is certainly a bitch, they caught me offguard as i was not paying attention but tonight will be their last supper. I need minigun ammo and i'm not playing well with others.....

I watched the Youtube vid of the Experimental Mirv last night and i'm thinking that i might pay a visit to there soon. I love the look of that weapon and it should be just what i need for some instant Karma reduction!!!

Go 2 Paradise Falls and start helping the slavers. I haven't yet but i think that's some serious bad karma, they'll give u a stun gun kinda thing and them slave collars for u to enslave ppl u choose. There are also VIP slaves taht they contract u to bring to em, but i don't wanna spoil too much for ya (=



Someone just added a map marker for Paradise Falls last night so it's on my list of places to go now. The neg K will come in handy. Spent last night torturing raiders in the nw corner of the map. Had me some fun in Germantowns police station too. Supermute HQ in there and they have trapped the place to hell. Ran in to take 3 mutes out and accidentally blew myself up on one of the traps. Was hilarious. three mutes all chatting to each other and this semi naked lass comes running in and blows herself up. They must have thought their christmas' had all come at once! I actually felt embarassed even though no-one real saw me.

Got Dogmeat now too, after what you said i thought i'd give him a go. He's a bit keen to get himself killed but dead handy for scrounging. Sent him to Vault 101 for the time being though so he doesn't fuck up my stealthing about.

Tonight i'm thinking i might go to Fort Bannister, been meaning to go there but keep getting distracted enroute. Talon combat mercs are hunting me with avengance now and while i'm grateful for their armour they really do hit hard and at the wrong time! Time to take it to them i think, save them hunting me down i'll turn up on their door with a few fat men and a wry smile. That should leave them something to think about.


Smokes, lets go
i am doing work for this bitch in megaton who is writing a book i wasted 1150 bottle caps on a rok-it launcher all it does is launch worthless crap at low speed it has no real effect i would start over but jeez it take 45 minutes to get to the damn exit of 101

anyway i love this shit but it is pretty hard i die a lot so i have about 700 saved games, i had a friend who has ps3 come over i run FO3 on max settings 1920x1080 he had to admit the PC is superoir graphics over the ps3 versoin it made me happy hahaaha

but i also love Farcry 2 is anyone playing that?
pc's are always a step ahead of consoles in the graphics department .it kinda sux cuz my pc isnt up to par anymore and graphic cards arent cheap.


The price you pay for that is platform instability though, i love my PC but i never buy games like this for it as there's always a bit of instability thanks to all systems being different. The bonus for consoles is that games are coded to run on the same kit universally. There's no real winner in my view. PC's are a set in front but the price you pay is some instability, consoles are lower down but you gain a higher level of stability. Difficult to say which is best in that case as it depends on what you want from it.

Found a dude last night in the tabernacle church. He had a great gun and the location of a place called oasis which bad ticket mentioned earlier so i'm on my way there tonight. I'm feeling evil today though so i think the hippies are going to meet a grizzly end at the hands of a flamer weilding lunatic. Mwah ha ha.....

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