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Coco is killing me..

Hey guys!
For the last month I was trying to "go coco") I had 3 euforia fem. seeds from DutchPassion and a whole lot of enthusiasm.
However they all died in about a week after sprouting(
Here's what I tried:
1st seed - sprouted in a cotton ball, then was put into moist coco w/o any fertilizers. Watering everyday. Showed first two leaves then died.
2nd seed - sprouted in a rockwool tab, then was put into moist coco w/o any fertilizers. Watering everyday. On the forth day everything was fine and I added 10% of FloraSolutions. Stayed for about 2-3 days then died.
3rd seed (the most succesfull) - sprouted in a rockwool tab, then was put in a pre-fertilized (10% flora solution) coco. Watering everyday, every third day with 10%flora. Started showing the second pair of leaves - then DIED!!! :cuss: Wtf!?
Damn, I miss my seeds!

Okay, now a question to you guys - what was I doing wrong?
I'm 100% sure about the seeds - they showed great results on DWC.
I really want to start growing in coco, but occasions like theese kill all my enthusiasm.
I hope you'll be able to help me)

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Old Soul

Active member
what size containers were they in? any pics? what did they look like before they died? we need more information.


Active member
ICMag Donor
hello hermanshooltz,old soul's right need a bit info and pics but personally i would water new sprouts as the pots dry out just slightly for me every 2/3 days at the start, also what water ro/tap ../ph?pre flushed coco? just my thoughts.

stay safe
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watering every day killed em bro. let em almost dry out before watering, until they dry out daily and need water every day. you loved em to death :canabis:

Tony Danza

Maybe let them get established in the cube before putting them in the coco, once it has a couple sets of real leaves it should take to the coco quite readily. Also start with really well flushed coco to make sure you aren't salting the babies to death. And don't water so often.
Thanks a lot men!)
After reading your posts I suppose that my main problem was overwatering, plus I didn't flush the coco at all, just let it lie in water for about 2-3 hours before using.

The main reason why I was watering 'em so often is the size of the pot - 8L. The liquid just goes through it to the bottom leaving the top layer mildly wet.
This time I'll go Mazari with a smaller pot and pre-flushed substrate.

Btw, do you think it is a good idea to fertilize before putting the plant in?
And probably mix the coco with a bit of vermiculite for more 'moisture-holding'(I don't know an apropriate english equivalent for this word :p )
Thanks again!


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