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custom soil preparation? advice needed


Non Conformist


During the high transpiration rate in flower you want yer temps in the high 80's ( when yer useing co2 ) that's when the stomata ( the pores on the leaves ) are open at there widest jus -TO- take in co2 and expell water vapor. Co2 allows a plant ta process food faster and make biomass or plant material quicker. Somethin else ta think about, the more wet to dry cycles you have, the more air gets to yer roots and the microherd. Air is a key to big healthy plants, it's why hydro works so well, it's not the water, it's the air! It's a pain in the ass ta water more often, but the plants -love- it! and it will show in the end with bigger buds and heavier yeilds. Jus thought I'd throw it out there. later, BC
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cool thanks b.c. any advice is cool to know. i have heard that weed better utilizes Co2 when the temps creep up over 90. not exactly sure why, but i was hoping since i am unable to lower temps to where i need them (for now) that if its true i can at least benefit somehow from it.

oh yeah, i just added about a 1/4 lb of fresh cannabis leaf to my soil mixture too. i have read that earthworms love eating it (and i want to make them happy!!!) hehe