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Chance To Shape Obama's Agenda

Obama's transition team has established a website - http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople - asking for "our ideas" and "help" to "solve the biggest challenges facing our country." Unfortunately, neither the 'war on drugs' nor 'marijuana' appears on the "the agenda."

It's up to us -- the cannabis community -- to make it part of the agenda.

Please contact the Office of President Elect Obama and demand that our next President engages in a national dialogue on marijuana policy. Below are three suggested ways Obama can take immediate, practical steps to reform America's antiquated and punitive pot laws:

1. President Obama must uphold his campaign promise to cease the federal arrest and prosecution of (state) law-abiding medical cannabis patients and dispensaries by appointing leaders at the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the US Department of Justice, and the US Attorney General's office who will respect the will of the voters in the thirteen states that have legalized the physician-supervised use of medicinal marijuana.

2. President Obama should use the power of the bully pulpit to reframe the drug policy debate from one of criminal policy to one of public health. Obama can stimulate this change by appointing directors to the Office of National Drug Control Policy who possess professional backgrounds in public health, addiction, and treatment rather than in law enforcement.

3. President Obama should follow up on statements he made earlier in his career in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana by adults by calling for the creation of a bi-partisan Presidential Commission to review the budgetary, social, and health costs associated with federal marijuana prohibition, and to make progressive recommendations for future policy changes.

On Election Day, voters in Massachusetts, Michigan, and throughout the country gave President Elect Obama and the incoming Congress a mandate to end the Bush drug war doctrine. Now let's get down to business to assure that our message is implemented.


The word "marijuana" needs to be entered in the space for "other issues."

Everyone needs to hit this place. Stuff the inbox with the word "marijuana."


Hey Luther thanks for posting this. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we could get our message across to President Elect? I agree with all of the above ideas and think we CAN make our voice heard but like much of the hungry (high) masses I need some direction to focus my efforts. Should we cut and paste these ideas to the Obama web site, is there a NORML effort or another organized moement directed at Obama.



I went ahead and put Marijuana Reform in the subject line and then in the ideas section I put in 1-3 from Luther



jws0007 said:
I went ahead and put Marijuana Reform in the subject line and then in the ideas section I put in 1-3 from Luther

Thank you. The words "marijuana reform" in that spot will alert the Obama folks that we have not forgotten.

Don't let him forget!!

In the election people voted 2 to 1 to change marijuana policy.

Don't let Obama forget!


New member
jws0007 said:
I went ahead and put Marijuana Reform in the subject line and then in the ideas section I put in 1-3 from Luther

I just did this as well. Thanks to Luther Budbank for the link. We must use this opportunity to let our voice be heard!
Pot Policy at The Federal Level
By Paul Armentano, NORML
Source: AlterNet

USA -- We've had our celebrations; now the real work begins.

In Massachusetts, where 65 percent of voters mandated an end to minor marijuana possession arrests, police and pundits are already calling on lawmakers to amend -- or even repeal -- the new law. Therefore, if you reside in Massachusetts, it is critical that you contact your state elected officials, as well as Democrat Gov. Deval Patrick and Attorney General Martha Coakley, and demand that they fully implement the will of 1,938,366 registered voters of the commonwealth of Massachusetts who voted "yes" on 2.

As for the rest of us, now is the time to make your voice heard federally. The election of Barack Obama, coupled with Democrat control of both the House and the Senate, presents a unique and critical opportunity for federal marijuana law reform. Voters on Election Day demonstrated overwhelmingly that they favor political reform in this country, and that reform includes new directions in marijuana policy.

Obama's transition team has established a website - http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople - asking for "our ideas" and "help" to "solve the biggest challenges facing our country." Unfortunately, neither the 'war on drugs' nor 'marijuana' appears on the "the agenda."

It's up to us -- the cannabis community -- to make it part of the agenda.

Please contact the Office of President Elect Obama and demand that our next President engages in a national dialogue on marijuana policy. Below are three suggested ways Obama can take immediate, practical steps to reform America's antiquated and punitive pot laws:

1. President Obama must uphold his campaign promise to cease the federal arrest and prosecution of (state) law-abiding medical cannabis patients and dispensaries by appointing leaders at the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the US Department of Justice, and the US Attorney General's office who will respect the will of the voters in the thirteen states that have legalized the physician-supervised use of medicinal marijuana.

2. President Obama should use the power of the bully pulpit to reframe the drug policy debate from one of criminal policy to one of public health. Obama can stimulate this change by appointing directors to the Office of National Drug Control Policy who possess professional backgrounds in public health, addiction, and treatment rather than in law enforcement.

3. President Obama should follow up on statements he made earlier in his career in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana by adults by calling for the creation of a bi-partisan Presidential Commission to review the budgetary, social, and health costs associated with federal marijuana prohibition, and to make progressive recommendations for future policy changes.

On Election Day, voters in Massachusetts, Michigan, and throughout the country gave President Elect Obama and the incoming Congress a mandate to end the Bush drug war doctrine. Now let's get down to business to assure that our message is implemented.

Paul Armentano is the senior policy analyst for the NORML Foundation in Washington, DC.


Another comment that I sent in:

It is shameful to see this attempt to control president elect Obama.

In every location that voters were allowed to choose, they voted 2 to 1 to change marijuana policy.

This web page has left the issue off the list. In doing so, this web page will tend to give president elect Obama the false impression that the issue isn't important to the public.

This is manipulation of information flow to the president.


stone fool
We could offer a free nugget to each of our friends who also post to the site. I will post this offer in my world.


Freedom Fighter
Haps said:
We could offer a free nugget to each of our friends who also post to the site. I will post this offer in my world.

Thanks bro!! That Sour D was BOMB!!!!! Let me know when I can help again!!

Storm Crow

Active member
I've bookmarked the page! I plan to write EVERY DAY for the next 70 days. Obama will be looking for POPULAR issues to make his "Obama bombshells". Let's "build" a "cannabis bombshell" by writing in often!

If we all just make the commitment and write in once a day, every day, it will eventually get some "bean counter's" attention. It doesn't really matter if you write an epic dissertation on "Why cannabis must be legalized", or just a tiny "Cannabis prohibition is a big waste of tax money." It will register as another "tick" on the issues scorecard! 60%+ of the public supports MMJ. Let let it be known that we are NOT apathetic potheads, we are politically involved citizens who use cannabis!




Another one sent out:

I know that your time is valuable. And there are many important issues that need to be taken care of.

But please, take just a few seconds and order the DEA to stop raiding medical marijuana people.

It would take just seconds. And it is the desire of the vast majority of voters.

Then order the the start of the reschedule process that is twelve years overdue. Again .. just seconds to get done. Again with the support of the majority of voters.

Storm Crow

Active member
Here's today's installment-

"I am a MMJ patient in California- one of the lucky 1/4 of the US that has sane laws on the medical use of cannabis.

When I was 3, another child tried to murder me with a hammer. I was left with migraines (and a few nasty nightmares). The migraines were frequent and debilitating. At age 19, after a childhood of pain, I discovered that cannabis would stop the migraines! It changed my life back to normal!

Without cannabis, I would be unable to work and be living on disability. For me, cannabis makes the difference between being a tax payer, or a tax liability.

I wonder how many there are in the US, living in pain on welfare of one form or another, because they do not have LEGAL access to cannabis. Cannabis can be an inexpensive, effective, non-toxic pain killer that the patient can grow for themselves!

It is not morally right to allow preventable pain to continue, just to satisfy the racial hatred of a long dead bigot, and the greed of a 1930s timber baron. It is wrong to ruin people's lives for using a safe herbal remedy for their illnesses. It is not alright for MY government to lie and then continue to "save face" by jailing innocent people for easing their pain, or seeking a little fun, by smoking cannabis.

Please keep your word and stop the raids on the LEGAL, by state law, dispensaries. Our constitution states that all powers not specifically granted to the federal government, belong to the states. Let us have our rights! Stop the war on medical marijuana! "

What did YOU post? Share your comments- you might inspire someone to write their own comment!

(And just so you don't have to go back to the beginning of the post)


Granny :joint: