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Sensi A-B soil question.

Just got all my grow equip, lights, fans, air filters, SEEDS :muahaha: , ect.

Any way, I've orderd Sensi A-B with Big Bud for for my first run,
seeds are Nirvana AK48 and Christal.

Lookin for what would be the best, simple soil mix.

And yes, I'm a noob so :spank: , LOL

Thanks, and as always, :smoweed:
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Active member
Hello FS,

At the top of the page is a sticky that addresses your questions above and any further question you may have.

Not to be rude but read this and you will have yoru answers.

Welcome to the show, we're so glad you could attend.



**AWD** Aficianado
If your using a liquid fertilizer you want a soil mix with no nutes but will help your plants along.

My call is

20% worm casting
20% perlite
60% peat/coco coir

to which you should add 1-2TBS of dolomite lime per gallon of soil mix.

Add you nutes as you generally would, try to use a humic acid source in there like Liquid Karma or make a compost tea every now and then.

Happy Reading :wave: