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Schwag gets harder to find - 90 pounds seized


Active member
Jack D Ripper said:
you guys win. Im done with this thread.

he deserved to get arrested. I hope he gets the chair. hahahaha funny, some guy is going to jail for a non-violent drug crime! and even funnier, hes mexicano! LOL!!


Forget about the whole weed issue. I don't know about you, but I'm glad that morons with no licenses are taken off of the road. That's a good enough reason to feel glad that the asshat got stopped. Or perhaps you're one of those people that don't think that there should be any laws at all ? Some laws and rules are good you know, even though weed being illegal is obviously not one of them.



Active member
greenhead said:
Forget about the whole weed issue. I don't know about you, but I'm glad that morons with no licenses are taken off of the road. That's a good enough reason to feel glad that the asshat got stopped. Or perhaps you're one of those people that don't think that there should be any laws at all ? Some laws and rules are good you know, even though weed being illegal is obviously not one of them.


i agree 1000%

lots of laws are good, and necessary. weed being illegal well thats an entire other thread.

they need to make it more difficult in my opinion to get a drivers liscense in the first place.

too many people out there have no business on the road.

driving is a privlidge, and headache at the same time.

... but if you don't drive then your at the mercy of public transportatin, mooching from friends/family, drive illegally, or your walking.

I can count almost 10 people i know right now just off the top of my head that drive illegally, and most of them drive with weed and drunk half the time too...and who knows if they have insurance :confused:

about once a month a van full of illegal mexicans plunges off the side of a mountain in colorado...im sure elsewhere too.

if you dont wanna get pulled over...don't break the laws of the road...thats rule #1 when transporting anything illegal.

I'd rather have safer roads and more of these peeps on the bus.


Well-known member
I dont see how 90lbs. of brick weed coming out of Memphis to NC would make the prices go up in Memphis. It obviously was not allocated for that market in the first place.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, sorry, I got my cities reversed :D

Although, someone in Memphis is out some money and some weed...


Well-known member
OK, it makes a little more sense now.

I-40 & I-10 are major East- West routes popular with runners and the cop's know this. And dont think their not profiling drivers on these Interstates. They started this shit back in the early 80's on I-95 from Florida to the North East. I will have to agree that alot of these Mexician runners have not caught on to the reality of this cop concept yet. You hear about car and truck loads being busted every day on these Inerstates and most of them are several states away from were there car tags are registerd. I would willing to bet that the car had AZ. or TX. tags with a mexican driver. Get with the game amigo's and play smart.


Active member
NiteTiger said:
Yeah, sorry, I got my cities reversed :D

Although, someone in Memphis is out some money and some weed...

...BUT u know the "GROWER" got paid...thats the "bottom line"

...all these other thugs are taking the stupid chances runnin the shit around while "joe grower" is sittin at home tonight PAID (the grower is the smart guy in this scenario) :headbange


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Oh yeah, growers are cash and carry :D

"In God We Trust, but all others pay cash" :biglaugh:


Resident pissy old man
Nite Tiger,where I come from, if God wants weed, He damn well better have cash too, or some friggen big miracle to trade.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Like pulling a loaves and fishes on your crops?

Or just guaranteed bumper harvest for the next twenty years, and never getting caught?

:D :biglaugh:


that was my deal with him all he can smoke for just what nate tiger posted


i wonder...

wtf is the dealer doing hiring a sore thumb like this to run his 90lbs to NC? i mean you're getting $77k according to that police estimate reported, or rather the buyer is paying $77k, why not pay the price to get someone who can ****in drive in the first place? a lot can go wrong in 600+ miles (k+ wmass). i could probably pull it off with no problem tho! lol.


harder to find for sure. reggie (reg/schwag/whatever) is becoming elusive, even in the south believe it or not. dank is good, i mean, the best. but i gotta have a little schwag too. SAVE THE REGGIE. haha.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
imo it had to be brick weed/schwag as 90lbs of dank won't fit in the bumpers and dashboard as this supposedly was. If it was good green then wholesale it would've been worth 270K @ $3K per lb. There ain't NO WAY I'd be trusting anyone to drive that kind of $$$$ of my smoke.......


Active member
Pirate138 said:
Yes there is a big drought in the south east my friends tell me heh.

there is no drought, and if there is its on shwag.

I can get beasters and headies all day long