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Starting some AK-47 in a whole new way... NO MEDIUM?


Ok.... here goes.

Starting some AK-47 from seed but hate doing it the usual way so thought something else up. I did this once before and got some good feed back so thought I would take pics and post.

Been growing for a little over 20 years now but hate the whole seed thing. I don't like putting them into pellets or other medium where I can't see them develop. So I developed this way.

First, I only start with seeds from the best and Serious Seeds fit the bill. I have a pill bottle with some emery cloth inside that I shake the seeds in for 1-2 min. to scuff them up. The seeds pop a little better in my experience.

Then, I soak them in distilled water in a warm area like setting them on top of the water heater. Here is a pic of the seeds after 24 hours soaking.

Ok, so pretty much the same as most of you. Well next I put them in a clear plastic glass with moistened paper towels to allow the tails to grow. I am careful to keep the tails pointed down so they are easy to put in the Styrofoam.

I didn't upload a pic of the long tails but will include in the next post.

Once the tails are long enough--approximately 1-3 inches, I take Styrofoam plates or platter and punch small holes into it with the tip of a pen. Then I take the seeds very carefully and put the tails down through the holes.

The Styrofoam will then be floated on distilled water that has a couple of bubblers in it. I first paint the container black and then white to limit the amount of light. The light still penetrates the Styrofoam but doesn't seem to cause issues. Longer than a couple of weeks and algae will start but I transplant them before that. Here are a couple of pics on day 4 since placed in water to soak.

For some reason this method really promotes root growth. The tops lag behind a bit due to the concentration on the roots as you will see in these pics. Day 7

Day 7

Ok here is day 10 and ready to transplant.

Day 10 transplanted and in their new home until sexed and cloned.

Due to the increased development of roots the plants catch up on top very quickly. I will put up more to show the catch up.

Let me know what you think. Anyone else with some different ideas?

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wow this is amazing and new to me i must say!
i always just throw em in dirt then when theyre big enough i take cuts
i usually wait to sex first though



Bummer.... not too much interest????

Bummer.... not too much interest????

GrapePunched--Thanks for the input.

I will post more pics tomorrow. They progress very fast after being transplanted due to the advanced root growth this methods promote.

The pros for this method are:
--no use of organic medium like peat pellets, Rapid Rooters, etc. These can rot once transferred to the main reservoir. Whew!!! nasty.. and anything that smells affects taste.
--no rock wool to get rid of.... I don't use things that can't be recycled unless there is a substitute.
--easy... once in the Styrofoam.... just sit back and watch.. no worry about too wet or drying out.
--so far if they pop.... 100% finish to transplant as long as they pop...

Any thoughts out there?





They shocked a bit but are busting out now. At day 15 and have put on a new set of leaves in the last 2 days. The reservoir was filled too full so they are a little to wet but doing well.

Here is one from the top and the bottom. As you can see, they burst out on top really quickly due to the relatively large root system for such a small plant.

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New member
i like your method. like you've pointed out, it really doesn't matter how big the leaves/stalk get at first because they'll catch up to the size of the root system. they always do.
Looking like the start of a great thread going to tag along for this 1.( AK47-Serious seeds) Excellent choice my man am growing the same myself have done for over 2 years now all from the 1 pack still cloning them and the potency or yield hav'nt dropped at all.
mine are 4 weeks in flower now and looking great hoping for my biggest harvest so far.
I remember you had a crack at blueberry glad to see you have gone back to best plant of the lot (AK47).

Take it easy m8


Hello CannaSurvival....

Hello CannaSurvival....

Yeah, did the Blueberries for a few. Kept some AK-47 growing in the background. Been doing this a long time and get a bit bored some times so try different strains to mix it up a little. Always disappointed...... none come up to the standard of AK-47. Always end up going back.

Do you have a thread on your grow?


No i hav'nt done a thread on my last 2-3 grows as still doing exactly the same as before except i have just added 2 home made co2 generators so wont know if they help until am finished.I have pics that i took on week 3 and 4 that i just use for a reference guide as to how things should be looking i could post a few if you like.

Take it easy m8


Active member
Hey SacredBreh I guess great minds think alike! I tried this method a couple times in the past and it is interesting. Actually I think I first got the idea from joecrowe on OG. I seemed to have a hard time keeping the seedings stems above water level and that annoyed me. The best solution I found was to cut slits near the holes and gently push the seeding into the slit, making sure there is enough room.

I now use rapid rooters or coco. I personally think coco would be the perfect medium for seedlings before transplanting to hydro, but I've never tried it. This is a fun technique to play with though. :canabis:

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Hello Canna and ICough....

Hello Canna and ICough....

Canna--definitely throw those pics up. Always nice to see someone else's AK.

ICough--very cool. Nice to see others are trying new things too. I know it has been done before but don't see it around. I thought I saw that back on OG but honestly... the mind is getting old. LMAO ... I really like this method. I have been using Rapid Rooters too and like them very much. Way better than those Peat pellets. Found the Peat pellets can get pretty sour smelling sometimes when transferred over to the hydroton. The Rapid Rooter work great and never had any bad smells but have had a few seeds push up and out of them, then fall over.... I don't mean from the "wilt" either. I mean the damn things just sprang up and out. ;o) Was trying to figure something else out and then one day while throwing old meal trays away.... just came to the idea. Really cheap and easy method..... have never lost one this way. Even broke a couple of the tails off when putting into the Styrofoam but just left them and they started new tails. Other ways are a little faster but don't like to lose those beans when over $10 per.

I have a really good idea that I have not seen anyone do anything with anywhere besides some not so good uses of it. I am going to have a couple of extra ladies in the next month or two to experiment on. If it works out, I think it will be a big smash.... but don't want to let it out until I try a couple of things with it.

Thanks guys for stopping in and sharing. Will give you some Karma for your troubles. Need to spread it around...... ItsGrowTime and Green Force can't get any more. ;o)



Hello everyone...... and welcome Passion..

Hello everyone...... and welcome Passion..

Yeah, the roots do seem to take priority.... I am not sure what to attribute it to. I differ a little than ICough, I now poke a whole with a pen and then slide the tail down into it. It has "free float" .... the little seed leaves or keep them form slipping through. They can't grow any taller because any upward growth just slips down at least until the stem gets big enough to get traction in the whole.

Here are a couple of pics at Day 18.... I didn't get root porn because the lights are too low and don't have time today to put them up for pics... Tomorrow..

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Great technique!

Great technique!

I am new to indoor growing, but am planning my first indoor grow. Already have some rapid rooters, but may try this on a couple. The strain I have is Top 44 and got a few free Mazar. I have been reading on AK-47's genetics, you guys have backed up my research.


Welcome Nomad....

Welcome Nomad....

You won't regret your jump into the indoor arena..... Hard to go back once you have seen what you can accomplish. I do a little of both from time to time but being that close to your ladies is hard to beat. You see things you just don't have the time or the connectedness with plants out doors..... unless you are one of those extremely rare people that have that secure of a location.

Those are some nice genes you have with those strains. I am a bit biased and most who have ever grown Serious' AK-47 are..... for good reason. Simon has spent as long as some have been alive refining and maintaining his selected few. From seed most (99.9%) look like clones to each other and that is very rare in the culture where everyone is crossing everything with everything and throwing it out there unstabalized, hoping it will be the next pop hit of the day. I don't even attempt to speak for a master breeder like Simon of Serious but am just stating my opinion that has formed in over 20 year growing. Kali is another.... arguably the best pure Sativa out there. Things sort of come and go but if you been around awhile you begin to hear the same things year in and year out. Like Ozzy.... each generation just seems to find that same attraction.

Update tomorrow...





Sorry, the pic upload has been down last couple of days......

Here are a few pics for update. This is day 20 from putting the seeds in water to soak.

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Ok..... Thread done.......

Ok..... Thread done.......

This thread was to present a way I stumbled upon to germ and veg some seeds up through the small seedling stage. Mission accomplished. Now I will just be growing out looking for the best female out of the 30 to become a mother. There are 1000 threads on here with that so no need to be redundant.

Appreciate everyone stopping by and the input. Probably will put another thread back up with the clones going into flower as AK seems to always draw some attention and have a few tricks up my sleeve I would like to share with the IC crew. So see you all around .......... :eek:)



SacredBreh, this is the same method I use. I don't grow in medium so it works perfectly. Success rate is very high, I've lost 2 of about 35-40 seeds. I think this was because the taproots were not long enough when they went in (slow germ in paper towel).

I also learned this method back in the OG days. We should start a club! :canabis:

I transfer to my diy aero cloner after the bubbler, then to my mediumless nft/aero. (seedlings in front, clones in the back)


what temp do you keep your raft bubbler @ ? i think i killed mine or slowed them due to temp swings. also after looking at yours i put mine on the raft way to early. not yet an inch long.


I used a heating pad under the tote, with a folded towel between. Temps were a bit over 80F.

I still grow without medium but I've since moved on to rapid rooters, then coco and cloning those plants after sexing. Seems to work better with my hydro/room setup. Also, the seedlings are hard to remove from the styrofoam without breaking.