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It passed


New member
as for the 12 plants/2.5oz of smoke able bud

thats really not hard, if you do a perpetual grow and actually smoke all your weed like your supposed to (not sell it) you shouldnt go much over 2.5 oz, and even if you did its not like they are gonna come check on you, just dont have like 5 pounds.


classy grass
jonezin said:
It's supposed to be enacted as law on December 4th. Then the DOCH has 120 days after December 4th to set up the card/registration system. It sounds to me like we have to wait until April to be totally legal? Patient and caregiver both. At least that's what it sounds like to me. I hope I'm wrong because I don't want to have to wait that long.

Here in CA, the counties are required to set up an ID card system. Patients are not required to have such card, but it's supposed to make it easier for leo. My doctors offer 24hr verification so a cop can easily find out the legitamacy of a patient.

My guess would be that Dec 4 would be the day to become legal. I'd find a compassionate doc beforehand and set up an appt for 12/4. Good luck!
Great day for Mi and Ma. Did any other states have anything?

And this, because I can't help myself:

2.5 I mean, who wrote the measure, Al Franken?
At the very least it had to be an advocate right?
Did they have a meeting to discuss the details?
"Look, I just don't think the people of Michigan are ready for three ounces..."

de Toke

Guest 18340

First Obama gets voted president, then Mass. passes there decrim laws, and now Michigan wins the medical MJ fight, I am so fuckin proud today to be an American!!!!


Get two birds stoned at once
2.5 oz of bubble is a lot IMO! And if you make 3 oz give the lower grade away lol.


Get two birds stoned at once
Peanutbutter does this mean anything for your situation? Hows that goin?


This is amazing guys. Im so extremely proud of michigan and my fellow states... truely a jistoric time to be alive... this is so amazing, might need to bump up a state. Congratulations to all, looking forward for my trip to michigan :)


Body Snatcher said:
I have already seen an article in the Detroit News about a man that is trying to open a dispensary in Ferndale.

Not going to happen. Michigan's law was written completely different from Cali's. We are not allowing dispensary's. There is no written provision to allow such a thing.

Which, I think is a good thing. This means that there wont be a bunch of bogus doctors writing out scripts for MMJ.


Deft said:
Peanutbutter does this mean anything for your situation? Hows that goin?
I have a meeting with representatives of the ACLU in the morning.

This is not a police state. The US constitution can not be turned on and off at the whim of local governments.

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