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nute question

hello all. This is my first time growing and actually flowering. So wish me luck. Ok so saturday will be week 5 on an unknown strain in flowering. i have been nuting with peters untill week 4 of flowering i switched to a bloom booster from wally world. I have been mixing 1 and 1/2 teaspoons per gallon of the bloom booster(15-30-15 and has all the micronutes) and watering(with nutes) everyday about 500ml. The girls are in 4 gallon pots and are under a 1000w hps. temps are usually around 73 day and 66 at night. suprisingly they look very good. i will try and get some pictures up soon(paranoid partner).

Ok so down to my question. I purchased some big up and gravity from humbolt nutrients. I was interested in using them but didn't want to over nute my ladies. They are directed to be used 3 weeks before the end at a 1 tsp./gal ratio then at 2 weeks before the end at 2tsp./gal then the final week will be flush. My problem is i don't know how long my strain will take to flower and i want to make sure my girls will be ok after these extras are added. Should i cut my normal feeding back in half?third? and just assume its a 9 week strain to be safe or play it as an 8 week strain?
Any advice would be awesome. thanks for the help.



Active member
if you are in week 4 of flowering, i would stop giving the plants the Peters Bloom since it has Nitrogen in it......i would switch to the Humboldt nutrients "Big Up" product since it contains no nitrogen.....discontinue using the Peters Bloom product, which really is pretty strong stuff......since you are growing in 4-gallon soil pots, you probably haven't overdosed on nutrients yet, but your plants definately need no more Nitrogen.....

As far as the Gravity product goes, i have seen mixed reviews.....if you use it at all, i would use it 1/3 or 1/4 strength......be careful with the Big Up product as well (try a 1/3 or 1/4 strength at first)......another good idea would be to flush out your medium with a good amount of pure water, to try and leach out excess salt build-up from those daily waterings with Peters fertilizer.......that Peters is really strong stuff!!!!

I am interested to know which soil brand you are using......it always is a good idea to put lots of perlite in with your soil, for proper drainage, just for future reference......but i would like to know which brand of soil you are using and tell us what other ingredients are in your soil mixture (such as perlite, peat moss, coconut fiber, etc)....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
wow thanks for the speedy response gunieapig. Ha your right about that peters being strong stuff. we actually had a few ladies we had no room for so we did an experiment and just kept uping there dosage of peters just to see the threshold. Those plants are hearty but that stuff is way strong (topped off at about 1.5 table spoons a gallon during veg) Anyways i will def. end the nitrogen feedings and start a new line of nutrients. I also have some GH lucas formula ingredients for when i start hydro if those could be used with soil???

My soil mix is 1 bag of plain soil from wally world not top soil but potting mix with nothing added to it, 1 bag(8qt.) perlite, 1/2 bag peat moss(4qt), and 1/4 bag pulverized lime(2qt). it seems to work fine so far but i'm always looking to improve.thanks for the help

well as an update i flushed after using half strength big up and gravity powder. They seem to work pretty well but the only problem is we had an unknown strain. I began flushing around week 6 and yesterday was the week 14 mark. this strain will not quit flowering. i'm worried because we began flushing so early in the plants life and now most of the leaves are very yellow. I'm wondering if they can still perform proper photosynthesis wth no healthy leaves left and maybe if this is why they are taking forever. i will try to borrow a camera and get some pics for you all. oh and by the way they look awesome and smell amazing as well. crystal content is absurd. thanks


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