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Tryin' for a Menage a trios

I still haven't figured out the proper way to spell the name, oh well... As long as the viewers get it.

Welcome to my first indoor grow. The story begins with four little plants in solo cups that arrived on my door in a tupperware container. They spent the first few weeks of their time with me hidden in above a closet. I only had four spiral florecents but the plants thrived, their beautifuly broad indica leaves filling all availaible space. And no matter how many times I was repremanded for the sweet, intoxicating smell that flooded the hall everytime my door opened I couldn't help but smile (my mother thought I was smoking pot in my room). Eventually she figured it out when I left for two days and the odor didn't leave with me. To my pleasant surprise she was very accepting and was happy they were doing so well, she just loves plants... I was however given a two day ultimatum before she called the cops on me. They were outgrowing the space anyway so they were driven to their new home in a friends garage. Finally I got a job out on a small island, and it was time for me to give them all the love they deserved. Of course, it's kind of hard to take a bunch of plants on the fary. I was forced to take them on a 30 minute voyage in a 13 foot skiff on 5 foot seas, and yet they survived. They had taken a few hits while they were at my friends, his mother is not as forgiving as mine and he didn't visit them much. Finally in their new home I desperately posted sick reports but was devoid of a camera so diagnosis was difficult. I finally got my hands on a camera but by this time my parents were on their way out, and as much as my mother was kind hearted before, these were different circumstances. I don't have any sort of credit so renting is hard, my mother has a lot of friends and many are real estate brokers. She found me a house and on her good word I got the place, nice place. Now she was on her way out and had invited the landlord for the weekend, the plants had to go. Through much advice on these wise pages I decided they could not go through another game of hide and seek, cloning was on. And so the story begins, with 58 clones, two 400w HPS, a 90 gallon DWC and a whole lot of hope.

These clones were all taken last thursday (10-9)

This is the future home of the setup

And these are the extras, the one in the bag wasn't supposed to make it, she fell in the toilet...

Let me know what you think, can't wait to start setting up, have to do a little rewiring first, old house.

Finally all the pieces are fitting together and it looks like I really do have an indoor grow to write about! :jump:

All the clones are showing roots, which far surpassed my 50% expected survival. The stems have even recovered slightly and are far less red than when they were cut, and the roots are exploding.

The clones are sitting on the three stacked rubbermaids that will soon seek refuge in their nuroushing waters.

I finally figured out the arrangements for the rubbermaids and the framing of the closet is more or less finished. I still have to organize the electrical but I've moved it out of the wall and everything grow related will get its own private box in the attic.

So now I just have to finish the table upon which the containers will sit, the door with an intake and the drain system for all 90 gallons. I just invested in a fan speed controller because I feared my VTX400 (4inch inline fan rated at 177 CFM) would clear the room too quickly and not provide adequate fresh air intake. The two Sun System reflectors came highly recommended and have excellent venting which works perfectly in my space. The electronic ballasts cost me an arm and a leg but I figured it was worth the investment over the conventional ballast (easier on lights, much quieter or so I'm told), tho the ballast keeping the clones warm sings me to sleep now that I'm used to it. I'm hoping the nutes will be here tomorrow or the next day, along with the teperature controller, fan controller, and thermometer/humiditor. My goal is to have the strongest 24 in hydroton and under the two new 400W HPS by sunday. It's in fed-ex's hands now.
So the system is up and going and I was pleasantly surprised with just how well the fan vents the heat from the lights. There's almost no heat a mere 6 inches from the glass! I'm still going to build a table to raise the reserviors off the ground, controlling the water temp should be a lot easier with a little room under there. I also have to figure out how I'm going to rig the drains for them, a little less room on the sides than originally anticipated. Nutes should be here soon and then it's into the system for 24 lucky girls, a few weeks of veg to let the roots grow strong and then we'll have some real action. Sorry there's nothing too exciting for the viewers :violin: but things on my end are heating up :jump: . Wish me luck.



The girls are looking good there. Congrats on your success rate. Was this your first time cloning? Only suggestion that I have to make is maybe get them out of those tubs and get a fan on they to help make those stalks nice and strong to support some big buds...Other than that, kudos!!!!
Hey Tactical Farmer, thanks for stopping in! The mums had to go, I felt terrible but there was just no other way. They were just too stinky and I did not have the carbon filter like I do now. Great strain tho, the guardian angel that dropped them off seemed to think they had potential anyway, and I'm just excited to try something new. Some of these clones will become mother plants, their room is next!

Thanks for the props jansjukebox! I do need to put a fan in there, just finished what you see there tonite, ran out of mo'. I did end up loosing two, they looked great till just the last few days but alas, no roots. I've given a few away so I'm not even exactly sure how many clones there are in there, somwhere around 48. This was my first cloning experience and sufficed to say I give a great deal of credit to luck and the help of all you kind folks at ICMag. Hope you check back again when there's a little more to see.


Well, glad they are all working out for you and you did a great job for a first time cloneing effort. Keep up the good work and I hope to see pics of buds real soon!!!

That Girl

Looking good TreeTopFlyer!

I think we got some of those seeds lurkin arounng somewhere.
You definatley got my eyes attached to this grow!

Good Looks,
That Girl
CMoon, That Girl- Thanks for the intrest you two, don't want to let you down.

I am afraid that things are not going quite as smoothly as hoped :cuss: , the plants seem to be showing signs of toxic buildup. I thought I mixed the last water soolution rather lean on nutes, about half a tablespoon to a gallon but it was still apparently too much. The leaves are drooping slightly and the top leaves have raised ridges. I've flushed them twice so far and while they haven't shown too much improvement they haven't depressed any further. As soon as the nutes arrive i'll be able to put them into the DWC and hopefully i can control the environment with a little more exactness.

Till then stay well. :joint:


Nice garden! I can't wait to see some juicy resin dripping Menage buds

Clean setup and construction

Instead of each reflector having its own ducting you could run them inline with each other so that both reflectors are being vented by one section of ducting. It should allow the system to vent more efficiently, the less duct work you have the more powerful the blower will be.

reflector > ducting > reflector > ducting that exits the room and connects to the blower


Running into problems eh don't beat yourself up it happens to everyone.

What kind of soil did you transplant into?. If its potting soil or compost then it already has some nutritional value, probably enough to keep the clones happy without feeding.

Stick to plain water then if the plants ask for a feed break out the nutes

Go ahead and shut one of the 400's off, one of them alone is enough to sustain life for the clones.

Dual 400's is high light intensity which speeds up photosynthesis. Clones at that age want to take their time and don't require much light or nutes. Nurse them

Maybe reduce the number of clones you have to tend to. Focus your energy to say 20-25 of the healthiest ones.


Way to build anticipation man your killing me. Where's the update brother !

I'm sure your busy dialing in the grow and what have you.

Hope all is well and things are safe.

Peace and Positive vibrations

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