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Small dresser airflow question


Hey there I just started my first grow and just built the cabinet and I have a few questions. My grow space is 24 x 16 x 29 in inches. For lighting I am using a home depot vanity fixture that has four sockets. I have a little comp fan but it cannot handle the heat, which is 26 - 28 Celsius when lights are on, with four bulbs in and I was wondering what would be a good 4 inch fan to cool this area? I also have three 2 inch air intake holes and have a scruber at the end of the fan.


That temperature doesn't sound too bad 24.5 C is about optimal maybe you can just get a fan with more CFM. Do you have a fan in the dresser for circulation?
If you're in the US, try searching for the YsTech FD1238. It's one of the beefiest pc fans ever made. I think it's being phased out soon as you cannot get it anymore here in the UK, but i've seen it on sale in the states.


heres a pic. any suggestions or helpful pointers on overall theme would be appreciated

Um Totaln00b I had a small fan in there yesterday but it blew all the leaves down and my plants didnt seem to like it. I was going to use another of these free (unknown cfm it just doesnt have any on the label) fans at the side pointing to the out take fan. you think that would be enough? I want to add a few more cfls in there I was hoping to have around 6 or 7 cfls in there.


Wow I just got home and Damn my carbon filter is not working that great! smells strong in here. for this size of a cab can any one recomend a fan or what CFM I would need to push air through my carbon filter?
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New member
Here is a picture of 4'' inline fan, the brand is Manrose made in the UK. I wired it to a variable fan controller works great. It's about 30 Liters per second what ever that is in CFM.:rasta:

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Active member
Your gonna need to get a bigger fan to PUSH through your c-filter, or construct a SMALLER c-filter.....
in my NEW dorm cab i stared i am running 210 watts of cfl, and use a MUFFIN fan to vent and push trough my Home scrubber... Good luck Good Grow tjhidro


Where can you go in a large city to find comp fans or 4 inch fans with some good cfm rating? what amount of cfm do you think would be good for this small a cabinat?


Active member
Try ANY electronics store or radio shack (a little expensive) The best i have found is ebay....I have gotten GREAT deals with GREAT cfm from "DaBay" pax
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